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Home Forums Products Rackmount H8000FW, Windows 7 64-bit, Pro Tools 9 (not HD)…how do you set up the Firewire? Reply To: H8000FW, Windows 7 64-bit, Pro Tools 9 (not HD)…how do you set up the Firewire?


Here's where I'm at:

I have my H8000FW in "FireWire 8 Track AB" routing mode.  Basically FireWire in, FireWire out, using both processors.

I can get audio into my H8000FW via Firewire.  Using the Pro Tools 9 setup dialog, I can map audio into any of the 8 Inputs of the H8000FW.  This seems to be working fine.

If I change the H8000FW meters to monitor the output, I can see audio on the outputs of the unit.  I also get audio on the [always connected] analog XLR outputs.  So it seems to me I should have audio returning to the computer via the FireWire connection.

Unfortunately, I cannot get audio out of my H8000FW, via FireWire, back into Pro Tools 9.  I've played around with the Pro Tools 'mapping' screen, tried every return path listed, but nothing makes it back into Pro Tools.

Is there anyone else out there using Pro Tools 9 and the H8000FW?  Also, is there a simple utility I can use to test FireWire in and out of my H8000FW with my computer?
