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Home Forums Products Rackmount H8000FW, Pitchshift, How to use WHOLE DSP via only Stereo Outputs? Reply To: H8000FW, Pitchshift, How to use WHOLE DSP via only Stereo Outputs?



you have several choices for multivoice pitch shifting in stereo I/O:

5424 10v ArpeggThick

5430 4 IntervalShifts

5432 Ether Harp (4 voice shifter + reverb)

5438 MultiShift_8mod

5439 Organizer

5440 Polytonal Rhythm

5450 CC Shifter 4 v

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there is info about it.

I wouldn't use Virtual Pc actually. Installing Windows on an Intel Mac will give you the exact same setup Vsig uses on native PCs.
