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Sonic Nomad

I don't think it is true that a lot of people will sell their H8000FW because there's no support for E-Control on the VST/AU platforms.

To sell an Eventide hardware unit and try replace it with plugins at this stage is absurd. There simply are no plug-ins available that come even close. 

Personally I've been making a move toward Logic on a Quadcore and so in leaving Pro Tools behind with it's RTAS format I to will loose out on the E-Control. But I will not let this steal from me – as I am really blessed to be one of the fortuinate people who own such a brilliant unit.  There are so many who wish thehy owned one of these. 

There was a time I was bitching on these forums for the release of the updates OS with drivers for OS X 10.5 – That was because I needed to use the H8000 as my sound card.
The point is I can continue using the H8000 with E-Control on a daily basis.

Don't let lack of contentment steal from your creative process & purpose .

