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Here are a number of things to seriously consider:

-The 7600 audio quality has nothing comparable to it. The sound is just……

-the future s multicore DSPs. No need for 8. A couple of tri_core chips have tons of power.

-An H8000 can already do what you describe. You can have two full independent rigs (MVRacks) at the same time, using two stereo amps setups. Easily.

-7.1 isn't really much used. Good 5.1 is what is requested.

-Having MIDI Virtual Racks means no MIDI latency, particularly on the H8000, as one could use the 2 DSPs switching audio from one to the other, while changing preset in the abandoned one. DSP power has nothing to do with presets changing times, anyway.

-Computers have a lot of power these days. Unfortunately the way OSs and audio platforms are designed limit that power a lot. DSPs can still do much more…and sound much better.

all the best