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Home Forums Products Rackmount H8000fw Out 3 and 4 NON FUNCTIONNING Reply To: H8000fw Out 3 and 4 NON FUNCTIONNING

E.M Pulinx

one exemple of preset: dspA  :black hole W/D 42%   dspB  :chorustaps W/D 25%

routings :User1

in:analog in1–IN1  ; analog in2–IN2

out:   dspa out1+dspa out1–ANA 1

          dspa out 2 +dspa out 2 —ANA2

         dspb out 3+ dspb out 3—ANA3

         dspb out 4 +dspb out4–ANA 4

I got the same results (=no out's from 3 &4 )with factory routing 22  :parallel A B

cheers EMP