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    I checked again today (in 2011), and my post above (in 2009) is still good advice. Any Hosa part number that starts OPT-1** will latch tight with the H8000FW (while OPM-3** will not work). So today I checked http://www.hosatech.com, where I downloaded their most recent catalog / retail price list (in a 4.6 MB PDF file they dated January 2010), and I still see the OPT-100 series in that PDF file. So from my post above (2009) to my post today (2011), the Hosa catalog dropped the OPT-601, which was a set of six one-foot cables with color-coded ends (my favorite, for style points!!), but Hosa continues to makes the OPT-100 series as their most basic optical cable (and you could still get the OPT-601 from distributors online if you want, for style points).  Long story short:

    The Hosa OPT-100 series is still in-stock at Sweetwater:


    The Hosa OPT-100 series is still in-stock at B&H Photo Video:


    Which is all to say, you can continue to expect to find the Hosa OPT-100 series in your area too.  And they latch with the H8000FW.