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Home Forums Products Rackmount 4000 analog I/O question Reply To: 4000 analog I/O question


Thanks for the reply Nick. I recently purchased a working 4000 B (not + like I listed above, my bad) for stupid cheap. I also have a line on a 4000 that is throwing an analog I/O test failure 1000 message, so I am trying to see if it might be worth getting the unit and using my B unit as a donor for troubleshooting. I like the 4000B but I really don't have a use for all of the radio geared presets and feel the 4000 would better suit my mix needs. If there is a way to turn my B into a straight 4000, that would work too but I am guessing with the age of these units, that is not feasable. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge on these animals.