- Eventide Audio

Home Forums Products Rackmount dsp 4000 software upgrade Reply To: dsp 4000 software upgrade

Eventide Staff

I am very sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the support that you are receiving from our company. Please be so kind as to give us full information including the dates and information when you contacted us, and explain in what way we failed to suitably respond. Given this, we can try and see what happened, and give you the support that you deserve.

I am obliged to say that supporting 20 year old equipment is difficult – most of the designers are no longer with us, and are indeed playing with sound elsewhere. Very few of our present staff know anything about these units. In addition, acquiring replacements for obsolete parts is difficult, many of the only being available through dubious sources on the "gray market."

Update are also difficult – these are only available on unobtainable eproms, using obsolete programmers to produce them. Given the tiny demand, it is not feasible for us to set in place the infrastructure needed to produce them. Also, the price we would have to charge for this service would render it unattractive. Products from Orville and after use use downloadable software, and do not have these issues.

As a comparison, imagine what free support you would receive from an auto manufacturer for a 20 year old model that you bought used 8 years ago. Obviously none, and little even if you were prepared to pay for it. I hope that TC-Helicon gives you better service than us when their unit is 20 years old, but am not hopeful.

So, on balance, I think we do fairly well. If you have any specific support issues where we have failed you, please send an email to support@eventide.com, marked  for my attention. Any complaints you have about the unit itself or its manuals should be referred to your vendor.