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Ive had a DSP4000 since about 2001, and I had never really worked out how to do particular things with it, being mainly a guitar player. I saw a post by Italo DeAngelos a few days ago and curried up the circular ones to write him..he actually rtesponded and has helped me do stuff Id given up on a few years ago. I am about to purchase some virtualising software he suggested I get and so I can use VSIG, which has always been a pain as im a Mac user..But from about Friday this week I will finally be able to dig into this old and beautiful dinasour haha.

I brought a Fractal AXE recently, an FX-2XL and I love its power to reproduce amps and cab/amps etc, but I still havnt found anything that has the rich and deep wavy beautiful reverbs and spatialising effects that my 4000 does. Ive owned a H3000 and an Orville, and my dream is to one day own an Orville again.

Yes there are some support issues but you cannot expect companies to have crystal balls and see the age of digital and facebook and USB and all the other stuff that has happened since it was built as an unparaleled machine for the racks of the worlds great studios to produce hits with.

Was there once an era when programmers were the lifeblood of companies and the companies thought they would be around forever…?