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Eventide Staff
iVardensphere wrote:

I should add… while my H9000 did connect to the internet and successfully updated, I am not reading an IP address from it. It is in DHCP mode (I'm not sure how to do manual IP manipulation) and I suspect that might be at the root of things. 


Thanks again for all the help. You're amazing!

Hi iVardensphere,

I am the aforementioned colleague with a Windows system. I was able to reproduce your issue, and found that after installing Bonjour Print Services from that link, I then had to restart my computer to see the H9000 in Emote. This may not work for you, but it is worth a shot in case it is that simple.

Additionally, you mentioned that you couldn't read an IP from your H9K. If the above idea doesn't work, you could trying reading the IP from the network page on the H9000 – the H9000 IP address should be listed with the details of your wireless network. You could then connect through Emote by manually adding your H9K with the plus sign at the bottom of the left panel in Emote.

Regarless, the H9K should just show up in Emote. If restarting your computer doesn't work, we'll keep looking into why that is.

Let me know how this all goes,
