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Home Forums Products Rackmount Please help with the H9000 Pro Tools ExpCard with Avid Pro Toold HDX Rig Reply To: Please help with the H9000 Pro Tools ExpCard with Avid Pro Toold HDX Rig

Eventide Staff

You’re welcome.

This all depends on what devices you are using and how they are configured. All of your devices and I/O can be viewed in the Pro Tools “Hardware Setup” page.

If you are connecting 2 daisy chained devices to the 1st port of your HDX card, then the first device’s channel will be “A 1-16” and the 2nd device’s channels will be “B 1-16”. Examples of this can be seen here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/content/expansions/protools.html#integration