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Home Forums Products Rackmount USB drive and general organisation of sessions Reply To: USB drive and general organisation of sessions

Eventide Staff


Just to add a bit of info to the comments above:

  • You can only save user data to a USB drive using the front panel, this is not yet possible using Emote. Information about backing up and updating your H9000 via USB can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/appendix/startup_seq.html#usb-dump-data
  • You can save your data to your computer from Emote using “Save” or “Save As”, or you can save it directly to the H9000 using “Save to H9000”. It’s up to you how you’d like to organize this data, I prefer saving everything to the H9000 to keep it all in one place, it is also easier to locate via Emote this way. There is plenty of storage space on the H9000 for this, I only save to the computer if I need to share a session or create a backup.