7600 external pedal control messing up other effects

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    • #113960

      I have the 7600 and on 2 of my effects I am using a external expression pedal pluged into the eventide rear panel pedal 1 I set it up so on just 2 of the effects it is linked to feedback so I can basically freeze a sound It works and sounds great. My problem it is messing with my other effects and throwing the values off when I use the pedal. So what did I do wrong I only want just two effects to be controlled by the pedal and no others.

    • #145491
      Eventide Staff

      You don't say which effects have this problem. A number of effects will have a default external modulator connection ("assign") which may default to the pedal – you should probably check this, and if necessary use a different "assign" for your feedback input.

      Look in the UM under "The Concept Behind "Redirection" – External Assigns 1-8 and Trigs 1 & 2" for more info on "assigns."

    • #145610

      I renamed the effect but it is a Delay with LFO’s     On the mixer page first info dispay highlighted area and set up pedal modulation the parameter is dely repeat.   and it is screwing up all my effects I can set the parameters correctly update them then it goes haywire for some reason the highlighted area is what gets thron off and it is the first row usually delay time or repeat

    • #145612
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry- don't understand.


    • #145623

      I have a delay effect that when I attached the pedal modulation to control delay repeat and it works but it is screwing up all my other effects the first highlighted area that is the selection box on the screen. Seems to be what is thrown off so badly for some reason it seems that the pedal modulation is global not just attached only to the effects I want. I can and will take pictures of the screen and further illustrate what I am trying to state that is the issue

    • #145626
      Eventide Staff

      The pedal modulation is global via the "Assigns", so it will control whatever effects that use that "assign." If I understand you, one approach to consider would be to use one of the higher numbered assigns, which are unlikely to be used by any preset, for the pedal, and make sure it is not configured for any of the other ones.


    • #145672

      Here are the pics I do not know to do delete this then start over using a assign

    • #145673

      more pics

    • #145674

      more pics

    • #145675

      more pics

    • #145677

      This pic show how it is messing up alot of my other effects

    • #145679
      Eventide Staff

      There is nothing more I can add. The 7600  is a complex and sophisticated unit, and you will need to study the User Manual to understand it.

    • #145682

      How about how to undo this pedal mod so I can start new with a assign # pedal mod ?

    • #145709

      I have owned my 7600 for a very long time Then used the GTR 4000 before that I am a touring guitarist in a Led Zeppelin cover band and I love the unit. I am in a jam on how to fix this issue and just need some step by step instructions to fix this issue. Should I try support ?

    • #145711
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – we don't have step by step instructions for this sort of thing, and in particular, without having your machine in front of me, it is hard to tell what the issues really are.

      A few things to try (in order, as necessary):

      1) READ THE MANUAL. If there is any specific thing that you don't understand, please ask.

      2) Clear setup. UM p.77.

      3) Go to the <external> page (UM p.49) and step through all the "assigns", and set "mode" to OFF.

      4) See if the problem occurs (my guess is it won't).

      5) Set one of the higher numbered assigns to your pedal. (UM p.49-50)

      6) see what happens.


    • #145716

      I am sorry but my manual and the one posted online does not show anything on pg 49 or 50 as well as 77 like you stated Where can I get access to the manual you are talking about and refrencing too.              

    • #145717
      Eventide Staff

      Apologies – my mistake. I was looking at an outdated version of the manual. When I said 49-50, this translates to 80-81 in the manual on the Web Site, and 77 translates to 132.


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