Can’t find the Ultra Pitch Shifter algorithms in the H9000 manual’s list

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    • #114710


      I was looking through the list of algorithms in the H9000 manual and could not find the Ultra Shifters. I know that the H9000 is supposed to contain everything from the H8000. Are these missing or did I just not find them in the list. Or maybe they’re stil to come? The list in the H9000 manual skips from #5530 to #5709, which is where these are located in the H8000 preset list manual.


    • #149070
      Eventide Staff

      Currently the H9000 does not support Ultrashifter, Big Sampler or Custom Scales. There are various technical and operational reasons for this. We may add them at a later date.


      • #149074
        nickrose wrote:

        Currently the H9000 does not support Ultrashifter, Big Sampler or Custom Scales. There are various technical and operational reasons for this. We may add them at a later date.

        Thanks Nick for the clarification. I knew about the lack of Custom Scales and Sampler from previous posts, so it’s at least good to know what not to expect initially. Hoping to see the Ultra Shifters added back to the flagship unit, as well as the important ability to do tap tempo from a footswitch, which is critical for live use.


    • #149071

      Thanks Nick for the clarification. I knew about the sampler and the custom scales from previous posts, but I’ll look forward to the Ultra Shifters being added back to the flagship line up, as well as the capability of tap tempo from a foot switch, which is critical to have for live use.

      • #149122
        Eventide Staff
        brysava wrote:

        as well as the capability of tap tempo from a foot switch, which is critical to have for live use.

        I happen to know that they are working on the tap tempo switch …


      • #149123
        nickrose wrote:

        brysava wrote:

        as well as the capability of tap tempo from a foot switch, which is critical to have for live use.

        I happen to know that they are working on the tap tempo switch …


        Thanks Nick for the update!

    • #151863

      Rather than start a new thread, I’m piggybacking on this similar one.


      Any update on UltraShifters?  Also – what is the plan for the PitchTime algorithms?

      There’s an EZSqueeze, but I was looking for all the stuff in the 36xx block.



    • #156246

      Here’s another humble request for porting the Ultrashifter algorithms to the H9000. It’s faintly ironic that I had an H8000FW for about ten years but to my recollection I almost never used these algorithms. I sold the H8000 after buying the H9000. Tonight I was reading through the presets in the old H8000 manual (because they’re cough cough easier to find in that manual if you’re browsing) and several of the Ultrashifter-based algorithms sound like they’d be useful for a piece I’m working on. But alas…

      I’ll put in a vote for the restoration of custom scales, although I realize that there are probably even fewer people who use those than the Ultrashifter.


      • #156250
        Eventide Staff
        studionebula wrote:

        Here’s another humble request for porting the Ultrashifter algorithms to the H9000. It’s faintly ironic that I had an H8000FW for about ten years but to my recollection I almost never used these algorithms. I sold the H8000 after buying the H9000. Tonight I was reading through the presets in the old H8000 manual (because they’re cough cough easier to find in that manual if you’re browsing) and several of the Ultrashifter-based algorithms sound like they’d be useful for a piece I’m working on. But alas…

        I’ll put in a vote for the restoration of custom scales, although I realize that there are probably even fewer people who use those than the Ultrashifter.


        Duly noted. We hear you. Re: UltraShifter – I didn’t want to do a direct port of the original Ultrashifter b/c it was designed for 2 tandem 24 Mhz fixed point processors and had at least a 50 msec latency, not super real-time for a formant preserving/manipulating pitchshifter. So we’re starting over for the new ARM processors. Good news is there’s a lot more research out there as a starting point compared to almost 20 years ago! I don’t have a timeline unfortunately, but it’s on the list.

        Customshift for custom scales will most likely come first. It’s also on the updates list.

      • #156251
        wedelich wrote:

         We hear you. Re: UltraShifter – I didn’t want to do a direct port of the original Ultrashifter b/c it was designed for 2 tandem 24 Mhz fixed point processors and had at least a 50 msec latency, not super real-time for a formant preserving/manipulating pitchshifter. So we’re starting over for the new ARM processors. Good news is there’s a lot more research out there as a starting point compared to almost 20 years ago! I don’t have a timeline unfortunately, but it’s on the list.

        Understood, thanks. No timeline necessary. I just happened to stumble into a situation wherein a formant-shifting effect could be put to good use and wanted to express my interest here.

        wedelich wrote:
        Customshift for custom scales will most likely come first. It’s also on the updates list.

        That will actually be more useful to me on the whole, so that’s good news!

      • #157868
        John Baylies
        studionebula wrote:
        Tonight I was reading through the presets in the old H8000 manual (because they’re cough cough easier to find in that manual if you’re browsing)

        The manual’s been updated:

        You can use the search bar on that page to find anything in the manual, which includes every algorithm’s description. For example:

      • #157869

        Oh, many thanks to you and/or whomever worked on that. It looks great, and I’m sure that it was quite a job. Thank you!


      • #157870
        John Baylies wrote:
        studionebula wrote:
        Tonight I was reading through the presets in the old H8000 manual (because they’re cough cough easier to find in that manual if you’re browsing)

        The manual’s been updated:

        You can use the search bar on that page to find anything in the manual, which includes every algorithm’s description. For example:


        For those of us that don’t always have a computer booted up and/or don’t always have Emote, is there like you know, an old school PDF version or something that we can print out on our 9-pin dot matrix printers?

        Even though there’s a computer in the studio, the last thing I want to do is to turn away from the H9000 front panel just to look something up part-way across the room and move the mouse and keyboard back onto the mixing board.


        (I actually love tearing off the edge feed holes on them).

    • #156264

      I will also Hijack this thread instead of creating a new one…

      Plate and spring doesn’t seem to work when using 96kHz. Will this be fixed or is there something I’m missing? 

    • #157091

      Any updates on the Ultrashifter (and friends) re-code?

      I know 3 months seems like a long time to folks, but I also happen to write software for a living and in programmer time, 3 months can seem like a few weeks.


    • #157509

      I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

      • #157524
        Eventide Staff
        jamandibles wrote:

        I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

        It doesn’t seem like 1518 Digital Flyby was ever an H9000 algorithm looking at the algorithm list, it is not included on the H8000’s list of algorithms either. I’m not sure which product this algorithm is from, but the H9000 does have 3315 Fly-by, 5814 Jet Fly By, and 5832 5.1 Jet Flyby

      • #157525
        tbskoglund wrote:
        jamandibles wrote:

        I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

        It doesn’t seem like 1518 Digital Flyby was ever an H9000 algorithm looking at the algorithm list, it is not included on the H8000’s list of algorithms either. I’m not sure which product this algorithm is from, but the H9000 does have 3315 Fly-by, 5814 Jet Fly By, and 5832 5.1 Jet Flyby

        Oh, that’s odd because it appears here:

        Thanks for your reply!

      • #157526
        Eventide Staff
        jamandibles wrote:
        tbskoglund wrote:
        jamandibles wrote:

        I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

        It doesn’t seem like 1518 Digital Flyby was ever an H9000 algorithm looking at the algorithm list, it is not included on the H8000’s list of algorithms either. I’m not sure which product this algorithm is from, but the H9000 does have 3315 Fly-by, 5814 Jet Fly By, and 5832 5.1 Jet Flyby

        Oh, that’s odd because it appears here:

        Thanks for your reply!

        Oh that explains it. He’s scrolling through and loading FX Chain presets in that part of the video, not algorithms. Digital Flyby is an FX chain preset 🙂

      • #157527
        tbskoglund wrote:
        jamandibles wrote:
        tbskoglund wrote:
        jamandibles wrote:

        I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

        It doesn’t seem like 1518 Digital Flyby was ever an H9000 algorithm looking at the algorithm list, it is not included on the H8000’s list of algorithms either. I’m not sure which product this algorithm is from, but the H9000 does have 3315 Fly-by, 5814 Jet Fly By, and 5832 5.1 Jet Flyby

        Oh, that’s odd because it appears here:

        Thanks for your reply!

        Oh that explains it. He’s scrolling through and loading FX Chain presets in that part of the video, not algorithms. Digital Flyby is an FX chain preset 🙂

        right on, thanks!


      • #157938
        jamandibles wrote:
        tbskoglund wrote:
        jamandibles wrote:

        I’m also wondering what happened to 1518 “Digital Flyby” and other algorithms? some were featured in some youtube demos and sounded amazing, but now they’re… gone?

        It doesn’t seem like 1518 Digital Flyby was ever an H9000 algorithm looking at the algorithm list, it is not included on the H8000’s list of algorithms either. I’m not sure which product this algorithm is from, but the H9000 does have 3315 Fly-by, 5814 Jet Fly By, and 5832 5.1 Jet Flyby

        Oh, that’s odd because it appears here: employee monitoring

        Thanks for your reply!

        Now everything is clear, it turns out that he scrolls and loads the FX Chain presets in this part of the video, and not in the algorithms. Digital Flyby is an effect chain preset, funny)

    • #157552

      I’m following along here and hoping for good news on the Ultra Shifters getting ported to the H9000.

    • #157862

      any updates on the ultra pitch shifter development?


      • #157867
        Eventide Staff
        jamandibles wrote:

        any updates on the ultra pitch shifter development?


        Sorry, nothing at the moment. We’ll be sure to bump this thread when there are updates. Thanks for your patience.

    • #157876

      I see the PDF is up now in the Documentation section, thanks.

    • #164708

      just a yearly check-in to see if there’s been any progress on those missing 8000 algorithms (UltraShifters, Samplers, Pitch/Time Squeeze, and all the other ones listed in that section of the H9000 algorithm manual).


      Yes, I know that life hasn’t exactly been normal the past couple years and there was an update pushed out in February, but from the outside looking in, it seems that Eventide has been spending time and energy on plugins and stompboxes and the promise of what the H9000 can do has been lagging very much behind.

      Nothing new and mindblowing has really come out so far.  For me, the 9000 is a cleaner, more precise version of the 8000 with better UI/connectivity and slightly less functionality.

      Again, we don’t have insights into company internals, but having made substantial investments in a product released at the end of 2018, the maturation has seemed very sporadic.  It doesn’t feel like the company is all-in on the H9000.


    • #164736
      Eventide Staff

      I’m sorry, but there are no updates I can provide you with at this time. Please understand that we are a small company with limited resources, but we are still working on H9000 development among other projects.

      One new and notable feature that you may find interesting is the ability to run gen~ patches built in Max on the H9000. More information about this can be found here:


    • #164737

      Apologies for this being more of a rant than an informative post.   Personally, I could care less about the H9/max stuff.

      I know Eventide is a for profit company and has to follow the money.   I fully understand they want to stay in business and be profitable.   I just remember when I bought an H910, Omnipressor, SP2016, H3000, and H8000.

      Each time,  I was amazed and awed with all the wonderful things that could be done in the land of audio processing.

      It felt like the Eventide staff was a bunch of audio folks that happened to be working in the digital domain to create these amazing units.  The mind blowing and actually useful effects that these boxes were capable of generating were astounding.

      I haven’t heard/seen that same level of deep audio knowledge and passion in the 9000 so far.   Right now,  it’s mostly just more cleaner stuff than before.   I had more when I had a pair of H8000’s and an SP2016 with all the ROMs.

      I’m sure there’s a full office of dedicated,  committed audio folks still there at Eventide,  but I haven’t really seen any of that personality shining through yet with new H9000 algorithms.

      That’s all I’m asking for here – let the crazy wonderful amazing aspects start coming through again.

    • #164738

      I’m sure a few of you are power users light years ahead of my needs, but there is more in this box than I’ll ever be able to use.

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