Delay patches on dsp 4000

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    • #106656


      I'm the owner of a DSP 4000 unit and I have a couple of questions about its delay capabilities (please note that I use this in a guitar rack consisting of a Mesa Boogie Triaxis preamp and 50:50 power amp, the unit is wired between these two).

      First, I have issues with some delay patches on this unit (bank 2 Delay effects). Whenever I try to set up a delay sound, there's a lapse time (maybe 1 second or so) between the the note I hit on my guitar and the first repeat that's being heard. Normally I should hear the dry sound first and then the repeated signal…here I hit a note, the signal is going to the Eventide at the same time (the green lights on the input meters flash) but I get a sound a second later. This is true for the majority of the presets in the delays bank apart from a few of them like the Clearmtn delays where the sound is being heard right away. I'm pretty disappointed since I wanted to use the great Eventide delays to their full extent for my work…what seems to be the problem to you in this case?

      Second, I'd like to know if it's possible to set up some circular delay sounds on this unit ala Lexicon PCM 70 (that means a 3 tap delay with one tap panned left, one tap panned right – leveled twice as loud- and one tap panned in the center). I already tried to do it with the Multitap delay and Circles patches but it's not working as I don't have the right settings for it. The Circles preset is pretty close to what I'm looking for but it features 3 taps per side each time and I need only one tap on the left side, one tap on the right and one tap in the center. Could you help me to set up a sound like that? Using which algorithm, settings?

      Thank you very much for your help on this.



    • #119532


      -if you hear only delay sound and no dry sound, it means your system dry/wet balance is incorrectly set. Please adjust it.

      -I doubt there is anything available for the Circular Delay on the 4000. You may try using Vsigfile.

      I'll see if I can get the patch for you…but you must use Vsigfile to upload it to the unit.



    • #119533


      Thanks for your help. I'll try to adjust the wet/dry balance accordingly.

      Concerning the circular delay sound, I do have Vsigfile installed on my computer. It would be great if you could get the patch, it's such a nice sound…

      All the best


    • #130661


      here's a decent replica of the Pcm70 Circular Dlys; at least for what I remember of it.

      I have the Lexi docs for OS V3.x, but this patch was removed after OS 2. So, in order to make it better, I'd need a few important details on it, if you are able to help:

      -which algorithm was it built on (in the PCM70)?

      -do you happen to have the exact parameters settings?

      I have searched the web for more details but things seem pretty scattered. A classic in Lexi delays sounds is diffusion. This creates some kind of "ambience" in each dly repeat. I've also added an hicut filter i the feedback path…so repeats darken out. You'll need to tweak it to your liking.

      Please let me know how does it work. I've used DSP4000 OS 2.158 modules database and should work on any 4000/4500 unit.

      have a nice weekend


    • #130665


      I adjusted the wet/dry balance for the delay effects, it's working good now…thanks for the tip. The delays and reverbs contained in the dsp 4000 sound huge…

      As for the circular delay sound, I wanted to thank you for sending me the file, it is now on my dsp 4000. This preset in its current configuration is well made (especially the diffusion parameter that's included) but I wanted to tell you a little bit more about the PCM 70 circular delay settings as I could find some decent and pretty accurate information on them. Here's the link:

      From this link it seems that the circular delay is actually a 3 tap delay and not a 3 delay patch. Here are some clips of the Lexicon PCM 70 circular delay sound:

      So my question is this: is it possible to modify the preset you sent me or create one from scratch that would include 3 taps instead of 3 delays (tap 1, tap 2, tap 3)? The rest of the preset parameters could work to me since it has feedback, level and diffusion controls…

      Thanks again

      Have a nice weekend too


    • #130670

      Hi Sylvain

      yep…the PCM70 uses delay taps, that is 2 groups of 3 delays, with a common feedback path in each group. I have a PCM80 where things are very similar.

      I have just worked on 2 versions of the algorithm, one for the 4000 and the other for the 7600/8000 platform, where it sounds even better, owing to a DELAY_FX module that works as a modular delay taps.

      I hope to post your version tomorrow. The bigger one will be in the next OS (7600/8000).



      P.S. Thanks for all those links! Interesting how people are still going nuts for all that old stuff.

    • #130673

      Hi Italo

      As for the links you're welcome. That was pretty much all that I could find about circular delays but obviously you already knew about it… That sound isn't new at all but it's so nice to hear it and play with it (I'm a fan of Andy Summers who used it quite a lot so that explains my request).

      Anyway thanks for taking the time to work on this preset, I'm sure it will sound great. Now, I'll just have to save up for an 8000 in the future!



    • #130675


      this one should make it!

      6 delays taps with feedback on delay 1 and 4. In this way you have 2 groups of 3 delays each… that is a multitap delays array. Feedback is recirculated thru each group of delays…and has diffusion and hicut in its path. So you can create highly diffused ("smeared") and filtered delays like in the PCM70.

      Input mode can be selected between mono (input 1) and stereo (inputs 1&2), so if you feed a stereo signal to your 4000, like a chorus or something similar, it will keep the stereo field coherent thru I/O.

      Be careful with feedback settings!!! As each single feedback goes thru 3 delays, it can build up and run away. No need for hi settings really.

      Hicut is bypassed when set at 20000 Hz. You'll find plenty of info in the preset anyway.

      I have tweaked it to the Circular Delays settings in your links and used my ears. You may adjust it further.

      I hope it loads on the 4000. Shouldn't be too big. If it doesn't, let me know and I'll cut something out.

      Let me know!

      Have fun in gtr land!


    • #130679

      Hi Italo

      First of all I want to thank you for all your efforts to make the preset, when I saw your post yesterday I couldn't believe it…I wanted to know what it sounded like but it was too late at night to fire up my guitar rig. However this morning I did. I didn't have any problems loading your preset into my Eventide, in two seconds it was done. Then I played a few notes on my guitar and bam, the sound was there…a huge sound coming out of my speakers. It's really really good, I think you nailed the sound of the PCM 70 on that one! I couldn't believe how good it sounded…I chose to run the preset in stereo because my whole rig is wired in stereo and it sounds marvelous…

      Anyway thanks a million for designing the patch, now I can play with an amazing sound in my set up. All I can say is that Eventide rules!



    • #130680

      Hi Sylvain

      excellent news! Happy you like the sound of the Circular Delays preset.

      Time to spread the news on the web forums, if you like. The next OS for the H-series Ultra Harmonizers will include both Circular Delays and Pan Delays from the glorious Pcm70, in the Vintage Gear bank.



    • #130683

      Quick hint…

      if you replace the 2 diffusors with 2 diffchorus modules, a very nice chorusing can be added to the delays or removed if necessary (just keep depth/rate/span/gliderate at 0).

      Just a variation on a theme to make things nicer.


    • #130688

      Hi Italo

      Thanks for the tip, it's true that a chorus can make delays sound huge especially if set lightly…Anyway I appreciate your help on this. Oh one more question if you will: is it possible to tweak the circular delay preset you sent me to do panned delays as well (pcm 70)? It seems to be a classic too…


    • #130689


      Just use the settngs from the link you sent me….and use your ears.



    • #146091

      Hello everyone,

      I know that i am a few years late to the cicular delays party, but i am trying to make a patch on the dsp 4000.

      I have made a patch myself but i am not at all sure i did it the right way ( i have read all about the way it is done on the Huge guitar rack forums guys )

      If anyone has a patch and would like to share it or help me in any way i would really appreciate it. (This was my first attempt to make a patch myself so any help would be lovely.)

      Thank you all in advance

    • #146111



      I would have attached the VSig file for the “Circular Delays” patch but it’s not possible. Maybe Eventide should allow for patch exchange here?




      • #146113
        ThreeFingersOfLove wrote:



        I would have attached the VSig file for the “Circular Delays” patch but it’s not possible. Maybe Eventide should allow for patch exchange here?




        Hey Yanni ,

        Thanx for your answer. I can provide you with an email address if it is ok with the moderators. No idea though


    • #146117

      So my email is:

      If the file is still available

      Thank you 


    • #146130


      I have sent you some VSig files in your email.



      • #146151

        Thank you for the patches.

        They are much more complex than what i have done so i tried to load them directly to DSP 4000, but i have failed. IS ti possible that are written for some other devise like dsp 7000 for example?

        I get some error messages like ERROR Output file is too big inside PERCENTKNOB.

        Line 62

        My unit revision is 2.0 if that was something to do about it



    • #146159

      These patches are for the H8000 platform – they won’t load directly to older units unless modified. Just open them in VSig to see how they are constructed and go from there.

      • #146166
        Eventide Staff
        ThreeFingersOfLove wrote:

        These patches are for the H8000 platform – they won't load directly to older units unless modified. Just open them in VSig to see how they are constructed and go from there.

        To open them in Vsig you may need the H8000 database –


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