Eclipse SPDIF Usage

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    • #116262


      I’m a new Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 owner I’m trying to use my Eventide Eclipse as an external effects unit via SPDIF. 


      I have the correct cables and routing as follows


      Scarlett SPDIF IN –> Eclipse SPDIF OUT

      Scarlett SPDIF OUT —-> Eclipse SPDIF IN

      These connections cause a buzz in my speakers by the way, but not in the tracks into my DAW (I figure thats another issue to deal with later)


      My Eclipse settings:

      DigIn set to RCA

      Clock set to 48 kHz

      DigIn Status say unlocked.


      The SPDIF Outs on the Scarlett (via the Focusrite Control software) are set to Playback 1/2 (which is my daw) and the clock source is set to internal. Sample rate is also 48


      Maybe i don’t understand how SPDIF is supposed to work. If thats the case, please school me. I want to send audio out of my daw to the eclipse and back into the daw. 


      I’ve read page 24-25 of the user manual many times and I’m too stupid to understand what the issue is. My EXT light is flashing which tells me that there is no signal or its corrupt. I dont understand why theres no signal. I hear sound coming out of my speakers. Ive also set the meters to read Digital In. 


      Ive tested my cables and they are cool. I sent the same question to the focusrite folks as well… I’m not sure who to ask…


      Thanks for any help!

    • #156685
      Eventide Staff

      You need to set SETUP DIG-IN (CLOCK) to DigIn. See UM p.8 and p.22.

      This will allow the Eclipse to sync to the incoming S/PDIF signal. Otherwise it will be unlocked and will mute.


    • #156686

      Thanks for the quick response… I did that. Now both the EXT and 48 are blinking.

    • #156691
      Eventide Staff

      p.23 says "Note: If there is no signal at the digital input or if the signal is absent or corrupt, the EXT LED and rate LED will blink and the Eclipse will switch to the internal rate closest to the last valid external rate."

      Can you confirm that CLOCK is set to DIGIN, and that "Dig-In" is set to RCA ? If so, it suggests that there is a problem with the digital input signal. 

      You imply that you are running at 48kHz – note that S/PDIF is not always reliable at higher sample rates.



    • #156694
      Thanks NickRose. 


      I noticed that too on p. 23 and am not sure whats wrong with the digital input signal. I’ll see what the Focusrite folks have to say. 


      I can confirm that Clock is set to DigIn and DigIn is set to RCA. I do note that the Clock is says “DigIn…….. kHz”. I’m assuming that the Eclipse is expecting a particular sample rate? Is that what the periods mean?  


      Yes thats correct I set everything to 48kHz, only because I thought that was best for SPDIF. But I can try it at 44.1. Do I have the concept correct? I can use SPDIF to send audio out form the DAW and back?


      Thanks again for the help!

    • #156714

      I just got off the phone with the Focusrite folks. We did a feedback loop test to confirm the interface was sending audio out of the SPDIF and it passed. THey said I should come back to Eventide and see about possible next steps. I’m not sure what to do next.


    • #156715
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – without being there there is nothing more I can tell you. I would suggest you find another way to do what you need, or hire a local technician to take a look.

      If your Eclipse is still under warranty you should send it in to be checked, otherwise

      My guess is that the Eclipse is fine, and there is something in your setup that is causing the problem. But, I could easily be wrong.

      One thought – can you use AES instead – this is usually more reliable.


    • #156716

      Thats a bummer… I appreciate your quick responses. 

      AES is Optical cables? My interface only has SPDIF RCA in/out. Are there cables available that are RCA to Optical?

    • #156717
      Eventide Staff

      AES is a 3 pin XLR connector – like you would use with a microphone.


    • #156722

      DO you know of an RCA to 3pin XLR digital cable? Ive seen them as audio cables but not digital

    • #156727
      Eventide Staff

      To connect from S/PDIF to AES you need to connect pin 3 of the AES to S/PDIF ground and pin 2 of the AES to S/PDIF signal.(Or vice-versa). Pin 1 of the AES should be left unconnected.

      Because this is a pretty simple cable, people usually make them themselves, so there are not many commercial ones available.

      But be aware that this is not a guaranteed fix, although it may be helpful.

      If you can generate an optical S/PDIF, this would be worth trying.




    • #156696
      Eventide Staff
      gregsinibaldi wrote:

      I noticed that too on p. 23 and am not sure whats wrong with the digital input signal. I'll see what the Focusrite folks have to say. 


      Try different (not long) cables. If possible, try a loopback (bypassing the Eclipse) using the original send cable and see if you get a return signal.

      gregsinibaldi wrote:

      I can confirm that Clock is set to DigIn and DigIn is set to RCA. I do note that the Clock is says "DigIn…….. kHz". I'm assuming that the Eclipse is expecting a particular sample rate? Is that what the periods mean?  


      Not so – the periods mean that it is not seeing an input signal so can't measure the sample rate.
      gregsinibaldi wrote:

      Yes that's correct I set everything to 48kHz, only because I thought that was best for SPDIF. But I can try it at 44.1. Do I have the concept correct? I can use SPDIF to send audio out form the DAW and back?

      You have the concept and you can. 48K should be OK – the higher rates can be marginal with S/PDIF.


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