Error loading Algorithm #0!

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    • #105611

      I get the following error message when I try to load one particular algorithm:

      "Error loading Algorithm #0!"

      I've been using my unit for over 3 years now and never had this problem.

      Any idea why I'm getting this message?
      (I'm using version 3)


    • #117441

       Hi Gerry

      you should try reinitializing the unit to factory defaults, using the full erase/reinit method. It will erase your presets, if you have creted/stored any.

      Power the unit on w/the 8 key pressed & held. Follow the instructions on the display.

      You may also want to upgrade your unit as it must be on a very old OS version. Shortly we'll be releasing V3.5. You need to register your unit and creat an account on our website to get the new OS.

      all the best

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