Error Message (E12) 6900A99A on H80000FW

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    • #114552

      Hello – I have been repeatedly getting the above error message when I try to switch from A to B machines.

      It happens with preset 5226 loaded in Machine A (with loaded sample). When I try to switch to Machine B page it bombs,

      I am running the newest system software 5.61


      Any help greatly appreciated!

    • #148179
      Eventide Staff

      Apologies for lack of reply. I am looking into it, and trying to duplicate your problem. What preset did you have in B ?



    • #148181

      I had 241 Preset in B –  but even when I Bypassed B 5226 still crashed.It also crashed with only the H8000 running (no Octatrack).

      Somehow I got it (5226) working again – by starting with custom Preset of 5226 I had saved a week earlier. I also started a new Project in my Octatrack. I am using lots of Midi CC’s to control the 5226 parameters with my Octatrack.

      Now before trying to sample something new with my guitar I turn off Midi and Bypass Machine B on the H8000 and clear the sample that I had saved earlier. Then when I finished recording I turned on Midi with all the CC’s running and it has been working without a glitch ever since I started with that custom Preset of 5226. 

      Still a mystery to me . . .

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