i know holophonics is a certain technique but i saw a very interesting post where someone was using this description below for an effect he created .
The effect created a very interesting 3d effect ( holphonic kind and not hass widening etc.
I sent a track to 6 sends (3 left, 3 right). These sends have an automated static flange, phaser, (shelf, notch, peaking, or bandpass) filter on them, and a parametric EQ on the high frequency bandsplits .These 6 bandsplits are then sent to 6 more splits with delay on them (<30msec). . The 12 total bandsplits are then sent to 2 submasters, mixed with early reflection+reverb, then sent to a master out
later on interpolated delays are mentioned to replace the flangers and modulating the delays so the sound i guess is shifting in a subtle way continuously ?
i WAS wondering if there is a preset or anyone has tried this kind of thing with the H8000 ? Seems the H8000 was made for this complex yet subtle shifting of bands / pans and delays to create a 3d effect ?
anyone got any recommendations for their favourite h8000 presets for creating 3d dimensonal quality to sounds ?
I am looking into developing more seperation and space between tracks in a mix and also psychoacoustics .I see alot of funky widener / srs / hass effects in the h8000 ? any particular good ones people like ?