H8000 FireWire Setup issue

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    • #109247
      Jack Weaver


      18 pt
      18 pt



      New here, Got a new H8000FW today.
      Trying to install it via FireWire .

      OSX  10.6.8

      Hooked up FW cable
      between H8000 & computer.

      D/L’ed Eventide Dice and
      installed it (along with EventideRoutingUtility). Restarted computer. 
      Don’t see the H8000 icon in System Preferences/Other pane. Opened up Eventide
      Dice via ‘Applications’ and the Global Settings within Dice see the unit and I
      was able to set proper sample rate and internal sync source. These also look
      fine on the lights on the unit itself. The unit display also shows ‘FIREWIRE 1’
      as (OK).

      Clicked on ‘Sound’
      within the System Preferences and was able to choose ‘Eventide Dice’ as output
      – there was no ‘Eventide H8000’ as a choice on which to click. Not able to get
      alert sounds through ‘Eventide Dice’ out of my system.

      Logic Pro 9.1.8 does
      indeed see ‘Eventide Dice’ as a device driver.  The manual’s instructions say,
      will now be prompted to restart your computer for the new setting to take
      effect.’ But I believe that all you have to do these days is click ‘Apply’ for
      this to occur.

      I haven’t yet bothered to setup the Aggregate Device
      since I don’t have the proscribed driver showing in the Apple System Preference

      What have I done wrong? Perhaps you can set me straight.



    • #123957
      Eventide Staff

      It sound like you have the drivers installed, so it's unclear why you can't make the Aggregate Device.

      Presumably Eventide Dice is the same as Eventide H8000. The names seem to change with every new version of the driver – don't know why,

      You'll have to make routing changes to get FireWire sound through the unit – are you sure this is set up OK ?

      It's always a mystery to me that sometimes you have to restart and sometimes you don't.

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