H9 confusion

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 confusion

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    • #114312

      Hello all, I am new to this forum and have joined specifically to find out some info on the H9 with a view to purchasing one and then having the back up of this place to get the most out of it.

      My first question is that I am a little confused about the H9 pedal, they are advertised as H9max, H9 harmoniser, H9 core, and sometimes just H9 can I ask what the difference between these are please. Please help as I have money burning an hole in my pocket for one but dont know which one to get or in fact if they are all the same?

      Cheer for now Martyn

    • #146983

        I think that this link would be the most useful to you.  Scroll down to ‘Compare H9 Models’ at the bottom.


        The H9 FAQ section will flesh out some of the further questions that’ll come up.


      • #146987

          They all CAN be the same.. the difference is in the software. But just get a Max. You won’t be mad.

        • #146995

          Thanks very much for your help on this 🙂

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