H9 Wish List

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    • #111041

      I wanted to restart the 'H9 Wish List' thread with the original post from coirbidh_99.  Now that the H9 is out and some of you have one, what would you like to see next for it in terms of algorithms or features?  Some people have been asking for Android support for instance.  The original post from coirbidh_99 follows below.

    • #124682

      Now that we've seen the basic specs of the H9, let's talk about what we might like to see emerging from Eventide to expand it after release.  Given that the existing Factor pedal algorithms will all (yes?) be available for download, what else would you like to see coming to the H9?

      Some initial thoughts on my end:

      -More/expanded looping algorithms.  I've said it before, but it bears repeating: the TimeFactor looping algorithm is already one of the best feature sets available in a pedal looper.  Having said that, I think there are things that would improve it: Reverse loop.  More looping time.  A Multiply feature, so that short initial loops can be overdubbed with longer phrases.  Undo/redo.  REVERSE.  Implementing these features, given the H9's form factor and interface design, would probably require MIDI controls, but I think that's OK: one of the beauties of the H9 model is that players who aren't interested in the algorithm or don't have the right extra gear to use it can simply pass on buying it.

      There are also other looping implementations that could work with the existing controls that would provide very interesting results.  Take a look at the Hexe Revolver demo videos and imagine an algorithm for the H9 that could implement those controls.

      -Expanded real-time interface.  I understand why you'd lead with an iOS interface that mimics the Factor pedals: it's familiar to players, it puts everything up-front for easy manipulation, and it's easy to write.  But why stop there?  One of the great things about having an app is that you can deploy multiple interfaces at the user's discretion.  What about expanding the ribbon control into an X/Y pad that would permit Kaoss Pad-style manipulation of two parameters simultaneously?  Maybe a sketching surface to draw modulation waveforms?  Or a soft version of the new EHX 8 Step Process to allow a preset to sequence expression pedal values using onscreen faders?  We're already outside the pedal box – let's think while we're out there!

    • #124694
      Don Grosh

      I've been using the H9 for the last two weeks, very cool pedal!! My only complaint is I wish it would have the option on the mix knob to be pre effect instead of post effect. This way when using an expression pedal the delays and reverbs trails would not be cut off when backing off the mix.


    • #124695
      Don Grosh

      I've been using the H9 for the last two weeks, very cool pedal!! My only complaint is I wish it would have the option on the mix knob to be pre effect instead of post effect. This way when using an expression pedal the delays and reverbs trails would not be cut off when backing off the mix.


    • #135538

      I don't know if it's possible with the current model but running two fx in parallel has been on my wish list in a pedal for a long time. Say take the h9 and run a delay and reverb in parallel. I'd even pony up for a more expensive model with 2x the power, say a h18, that could run two full fx in series or in parallel but have the series/parallel be a preset selection.

      Another item I'd like to see is a studio style compressor. selectable between single and multiband with parallel blend options.

    • #124731

      Bundle pricing for algorithms would be cool, say you wanted all the TimeFactor algorithms or artist bundle promos …say get Vernon Reid bundle of his favourite algorithms as a promo.

    • #124733

      I've filed a couple of requests with support (thanks Jerome!) but here are a few things for the iOS app:

      1) Manual entry of Tempo.  The tap doesn't work so well for me on the iDevice.

      2) On the iPhone, disable grab and drag (or whatever the Apple name is) and only switch between the pages using the little arrows.

      3) Larger bounds for the knob controls on the iPhone to make it easier to grab the control.  Or double tap to lock in just that knob for adjustment.

      The latter two are probably only iPhone issues, but as good as the H9 is, I'm not buying an iPad just for that!

      For algorithms, I would like to see some Plex based ones.  Maybe just the high level controls for the multiple delay/pitch lines like the Eclipse.

      Finally, let me design my own algos with an updated iOS version of vSig (I will buy an iPad for that)!  The DSP in the pedal is more powerful than the DSP7000, so it would be nice to have access a bit more of its power.

      Thanks for being open to suggetiosn

    • #124734


      For algorithms, I would like to see some Plex based ones.  Maybe just the high level controls for the multiple delay/pitch lines like the Eclipse.

      Finally, let me design my own algos with an updated iOS version of vSig (I will buy an iPad for that)!  The DSP in the pedal is more powerful than the DSP7000, so it would be nice to have access a bit more of its power.

      Thanks for being open to suggetiosn

      Agree, some Eclipse algorithms in the H9 would be cool… Even if the interface has to be dumbed down for the H9

      designing own algorithms is a great idea, but I think it would have to be simpler than vsig IMHO.

    • #135556
      Eventide Staff

      Letting people create their own algs for the H9 is a tough one. Obviously we'd like to do it, but the restrictions necessary to fit complex algs into a fixed stomp box format means that it is considerably more difficult than programming our rack boxes. And, many of our users find those too difficult.

      Beyond this, many algs need a UI written for the various iOS apps. Not a simple thing either. There are reasons why these algs cost $20 rather than $2. Did I mention they also have to sound good ?

      So, something we'd like to do, but may take a while.

    • #135557


      sounds like a fair amount of work

    • #135558

      Yes, it's definitely a big ask and not a trivial application to create.  It does seem like the direction Eventide is heading in though.

    • #124738

      My H9 wishlist:
      1) Pre/post feature like the Mobius, assignable per preset. With the stereo i/o it seems like this may be possible with a firmware update.
      2) Android (and windows) app & algo store just like the app
      3) Make it easier to change the name of the presets in the control software. I figured it out once by accident on the iOs amp, but forget how and should not be nearly a hidden feature. Simply double-clicking the name would nice.
      4). Click-drag rearranging of presets. Maybe there is a way that I'm missing, but curently I have to locate the preset from al list and drop it in, which is much more inconvenient that just being able to rearranging them with the mouse.
      5) Keep new algorithms AND presets coming.
      6) Online preset sharing community and archive

    • #124741

      Thanks for the suggestions.  

      2) We are working on the Windows algo store at the moment.

      3) Changing the name of the presets is under the More menu when a particular preset is selected, but I like your suggestion of double clicking on a preset to rename it.

      4) We did intend to make that a feature but it hasn't made it in yet.  It certainly would make reordering presets easier.

      5 & 6) We're working on it… 

    • #135560

      Thank you for the reply.  I do believe Eventides willingness to listen to the needs of the customer as well as continuing to support and develople their exhisting products (not just resting on your laurels) are key factors that set you apart from other companies in your industry.   These are also reasons I no longer use Line 6 products.

      Oh, and one more for the wish list:

      7) The ability to set the A & B delays as serial or parallel.  I may be wrong, but I believe they currently only run parallel.  I also own a Strymon Timeline, and this feature alone on makes it a necessity for me as certain rhymic delay patterns only work the way they do in serial.

      Thanks again!

    • #135561

      I'd like to request for the H9 Slicer effect algorithms. Possible?Wink


      Best regards


    • #135562

      Doug Wimbish, the bassist for Living Colour, was also talking up the idea of a slicer algorithm to us. He showed us some examples about how particularly when used in conjuction with other effects you can get a lot of awesome sounds that are fun to tweak with a slicer.

    • #135563

      I really really wish Eventide will create and release ur own Slicer algorithm aptly to complement the unique Ultratap for the H9. Please! 🙂


    • #135564

      Btw, this is my Solo Live Looping rig i call "OOpah Loopah" with the H9. In the home studio i'm experimenting with 2 x H9 units with initial tots to replace one the Eventide stomps but ongoing experiments are revealing this to be difficult to do so. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151552990976604&set=a.457848951603.250582.551811603&type=3&theater

      Regards from Singapore


    • #135565

      The Coupers Partnership Ltd


      18 pt
      18 pt



      Just some quick suggestions but nothing revolutionary:
      1. First a question, now with the new system with buying new
      future effects, I assume that there is no limit on parameters, or is there
      still limits, for example could you create an effect with 20 parameters?
      The reason I ask is I would like a 15 band graphic EQ or a
      parametric EQ plus a delay.
      2.Also separate mix controls in the modechoverb algorithm for
      each effect.
      3. LFO to control ribbon controller, I know there are lots
      of modulation options but it would be cool if when you select the parameters
      for the ribbon control if then ribbon control would move itself, and set the
      speed (not sure if it can do this).
      4. More combination effects 

      Already mentioned:
      Pre/post option

      Also, when changing a user preset on the ipod it doesn't
      give an option to either overwrite or save under a new name, when I last did it
      it just overwrote the existing preset.

      I haven’t had my H9 for very long but I’m very impressed with
      it and looking forward to the new effects you have planned, and I really like
      the iOS integration, makes it very easy to control it and experiment with


    • #135566

      Count my vote for a large graphic EQ.

      Also, a kind of ADSR for guitar with a tweakable autoswell for attack + a compressor and/or freeze for the sustained sound would be so much help for guitar pads.

    • #135567

      This preset will give you auto swells

      Algo: TremoloPan


      Type: Opto

      Depth: 100%

      Speed: or sensitivity start at 50% then adjust according to your playing dynamics

      Shape: Envelope (works best when guitar is plugged straight in)

      Xnob and the rest n/a or 0%

    • #135569

      I'd like to mention as well that TremoloPan also does some slicing effects since that came up earlier in this thread.  Maybe not with all the rhythmic variations that one might want, but it does chop up the input signal when the shape is set to square as it is in H9 factory presets like "I walk alone" and "Square chopper".

    • #135571
      I'd like to mention as well that TremoloPan also does some slicing effects since that came up earlier in this thread.

      As does the PitchFactor's HarPeggiator.

      What about expanding the ribbon control into an X/Y pad that would permit Kaoss Pad-style manipulation of two parameters simultaneously?  Maybe a sketching surface to draw modulation waveforms?  Or a soft version of the new EHX 8 Step Process to allow a preset to sequence expression pedal values using onscreen faders?

      Yes, yes, and oh-hell-yes.


      I could go crazy here with my own suggestions, but let's start fairly simply.  Some kind of true Doppler / pitch shift for the UltraTap.  It wouldn't have to be a great deal of shift, although octaves could be crazy.  That is, if there's any room left in the algo after all of those memory taps.

    • #135576

      A big second on the slicer, however this will only be effective when the H9 is able to receive PLAY, CONTINUE, and STOP MIDI commands.  But I know you guys are working on that.  This will turn the Harpeggiator and Tremolo into real weapons.

      Also, A BIT CRUSHER!!  I know VintageDelay can do a very limited bit crush, but I'm talking something full featured like a WMD Geiger Counter or a Hexe Bitcrusher.  Not only would this be cool for guitar (my focus) but would be great on keys, drum machine, etc.

      If the MIDI command issue is fixed and a slicer and bitcrusher added, I will DEFINITELY buy another H9.  That's the cool thing with the H9, the software expandability makes it possible for the H9 to eventually replace a lot of other pedals on our boards.  I'd rather have 3 H9's on my board than a few other type of pedals.  Can you imagine the versatility???

    • #135577

      A slicer would be fantastic!  Controls for duty, attack and mix.  Preset rhythms would be okay (like the
      SL-20), doing something like the AdrenaLinn 3 and being able to program 2
      measures of slice would be great!  The same program-ability added to
      the Harpeggiator would be amazing also.  As was stated earlier, the H9
      isn't limited by hardware controls.  However a slicer, the Harpeggiator
      and hard tremolo will only be really effective in a live situation after the H9 is able to
      recognize MIDI PLAY CONTINUE and STOP commands.  But I know you guys are
      working on that.

      Also, a BIT CRUSHER please!  I know
      VintageDelay has a very limited bit crush, but something full featured
      like a WMD Geiger Counter or a Hexe Bitcrusher.  Controls for sample
      frequency (down to 260Hz), bit depth (down to 1 bit), telephone (band pass) filter, LFO for sample
      frequency (or assignable) and additional overdrive to really make it nasty.  It would be a real
      winner and really set the H9 apart from anything else!

    • #135580
      … a slicer, the Harpeggiator and hard tremolo will only be really effective in a live situation after the H9 is able to recognize MIDI PLAY CONTINUE and STOP commands.

      I couldn't agree more.  XMT wouldn't hurt, either, for those using it as a MIDI master.  The RESTART function in the PitchFactor never really made sense to me.  It felt partially done.

      If you're sync'ing a MIDI chain together – and a phrase has a distinct beginning & end – it should have the ability to tie in to anything else in the system.

    • #135584

      I'd also like to request for H9 to offer an algorithm that's perhaps related to the Pitch Factor range that does the PolyTune function similar or better than the Boss OC3 where it creates polyphonic Octave down effects to certain pitch range on the Low E, A and D Strings on the guitar and include a filter control to the octave tone. Possible please? 🙂



    • #135588

      I would like, if possible, to wish overdrive/distortion algorithm with a simple delay or reverb. Sometimes I'm lazy to carry a lot of gear to the sessions. I would also like some kind of Tube Delay, Space Delay and Synth Sounds, but not monophonic. Drive on Rotary algorithmPlease do not sacrifice quality for quantity. Greetings from Croatia.

    • #135589

      I suggested a bit crusher of some sort earlier. I have the WMD Geiger Counter but given that none of the parameters can be recalled I have to take a picture of it to "save" the settings. If there was an algorithm modeled after it's parameters I would buy the H9 in a heart-beat. What's special about this pedal that it has a pre-amp/ tone and master Level making it a normal distortion pedal. but then you also get a sampler/resolution reduction PLUS the ability to run your signal through different harmonic curves. Honestly the Creativity is endless yet simple.

    • #124763

      Must say, credit where credit is due…. The H9 Control App is really very good and I bet a lot of other manufacturers are watching! LOL

      A few things I noticed that would be useful to have added…

      Import of presets, I can't see a way of importing presets.

      export of presets, I can only see email as an option on the iOS app, not in the mac (might have missed it)

      entering the value rather than virtual knobs only.. Virtual knobs are great, but have found it difficult to enter exact values for say Delay Time… Trying to enter 374 would often give me 376 or 373 etc.



    • #124764

      Thanks for the feedback.  There's no easy way to import  or export presets currently in the desktop builds of H9 Control, but it's on the todo list.  When you export a preset though from an iOS device, its exported with the extension h9z;  it's really just a zip file, and if you rename the h9z extension to zip and unzip the file, you can just drop the preset into the area where H9 Control manages its presets, which on Mac is ~/Library/H9 Control/Presets.  Like I said though, we're going to make this easier.

      With the regards to entering values with the keyboard, people were asking for this on thegearpage too.  We don't want to parse all of the possible text inputs to all of the fields, but parsing numbers is easy enough and from what I gather what people want is to be able to type in numeric values like delay times. So, I think what we're going to do is support typing in input values for the controls with numeric values.

    • #124765

      Excellant suggestions.  I would also like to be able to enter exact values, it would make a few things faster for me, but I might have  a trick to help.  If you hold (I believe) the ALT key while adjusting the virtual knob, it should let you adjust in fine increments.  Hope that helps!

    • #135598


      If you hold (I believe) the ALT key while adjusting the virtual knob, it should let you adjust in fine increments.  Hope that helps!

      PERFECT!!!!! works like a charm!

      thanks for thatBeer

    • #135599


      Thanks for the feedback.  There's no easy way to import  or export presets currently in the desktop builds of H9 Control, but it's on the todo list.  When you export a preset though from an iOS device, its exported with the extension h9z;  it's really just a zip file, and if you rename the h9z extension to zip and unzip the file, you can just drop the preset into the area where H9 Control manages its presets, which on Mac is ~/Library/H9 Control/Presets.  Like I said though, we're going to make this easier.

      With the regards to entering values with the keyboard, people were asking for this on thegearpage too.  We don't want to parse all of the possible text inputs to all of the fields, but parsing numbers is easy enough and from what I gather what people want is to be able to type in numeric values like delay times. So, I think what we're going to do is support typing in input values for the controls with numeric values.

      thanks, much appreciated.

    • #124773

      String Modeler or sympathetic resonance reverb…

    • #124774

      I would love more in the way of synths.  The Synth String model on the line 6 m-series is the ONE thing I used and have not been able to replace adequately yet.

    • #124775

      When talking about slicers I'd love something towards Livecut.


      Also anything granular/granulation.

      How about a convolution algorithm with the ability to load user IR's?

    • #124790

      Hi, I received my H9 yesterday, I would like to buy some pitch shifter algos but only have android phone and tablet. No windows or ios device here. So could me +1 for the android port…


    • #124837

      And why not an in-app on the Eventide Website ? With transferable Algo.

      Seriously, I really don't care about Apple or Windows. They take 30% of each algo buyed. We cannot sell our H9 full of algo if one day we want to sell them (and of course we will, you know, technology…).

      I'm working on a H9 Midi controller, (10knobs, 4switch) to have a H9 user friendly, and not this "connected" thing. When you are on stage, you are not with an iPad !

      I don't understand the eventide decision around this product. It could be so cool but it's not handy and connected with iOs.

    • #135678

      Well, we didn't think that the majority of users would want to use an iOS device on stage to control the H9.  Our thinking was more that it would be really useful while writing or rehearsing to be able to use an iOS device to be able to quickly try out different presets, to be able to see what all their parameters were set to on the UI, and to tweak them as needed.  For use on stage, we though most users would assign the parameters they want to tweak to one of the X, Y, Z, switches or the expression pedal patch or control things via MIDI.

      Here's a general question to all H9 users though who also have a factor pedal.  How does working with the X, Y, Z, and HotKnob switches mapped to an encoder compare to your experience of using the 10 knob interface of the factor pedals?

    • #135679


      Well, we didn't think that the majority of users would want to use an iOS device on stage to control the H9.  Our thinking was more that it would be really useful while writing or rehearsing to be able to use an iOS device to be able to quickly try out different presets, to be able to see what all their parameters were set to on the UI, and to tweak them as needed.  For use on stage, we though most users would assign the parameters they want to tweak to one of the X, Y, Z, switches or the expression pedal patch or control things via MIDI.

      Here's a general question to all H9 users though who also have a factor pedal.  How does working with the X, Y, Z, and HotKnob switches mapped to an encoder compare to your experience of using the 10 knob interface of the factor pedals?

      I understand and the H9 control app is cool for what you said 🙂 but not really for the in-app. I think, the H9 could have been designed like a Factor pedal with knobs and footswitch (and you already produce this kind of box, so you may have a good price on it ;)).

      Another thing is that in US the H9 is findable at 400$, an that's ok for that price but in France it's at 770 $ !  (http://www.thomann.de/fr/eventide_h9_harmonizer.htm). 770$ is very expensive if you think that the player need a Midi controler + buy some algo (20$ each). I have bought my H9 in US.

      For me, Foot pedals are not like rake effects, they must be accessible very quick on stage to play with it, For example i loved to play with the knobs on my TimeFactor for the crazy delay effects. With the X Y Z + rotary encoder H9, it's not as cool but some players may like it… that's why i'm making an H9 Midi controler with 10 knobs  

    • #135706

      I'd like the H9 presets added to the Eclipse 😉

    • #135708

      +1 on the Slicer or Adrenalinn type rythmic effects.

    • #135718

      I have a time factor and space in adition to my new H9. I think the Hotswitch, XYZ set-up is a very good compromise. In live situations I usually only needed to perform 1 or 2 parameters. I like the iOS editor and look forward to using it for my older pedals.

    • #135719

      The H9 is really a great device! And I find eventide very responsive on this forum, which is great!!.
      I do regret only one thing about the H9. I'm missing some controler.
      I find it difficult to switch the presets in a song. It would be great if we could program preset sequences within a preset. as a kind of scene:

      An example, when I switch the preset 10, the right switch go to 18, then to 21, then back to 10. The left switch or 2 sec on right switch allow to get out the scene mode.

      For algorithms, I look for a good uni-vibe-like.

      And thanks again for this wonderful thing!!


    • #135720

      How about eventide compressor? Would be super awesome to have a quality comp in H9.

    • #135721

      There is the dynaverb algo from space which provides a compressor/limiter, the omnipressor, which is itself usable in a complete standalone way by setting decay knob down to zero.

    • #135729

      First post!

      Don't even have a H9 as yet but it's just a matter of time. Wishing hard for a slicer/sequencer algo. Particularly in use with filters, trems and pitches. Pretty much what my Adrenalinns do. Cool! Would be so good to edit sequences with an iPad using onscreen faders too.

      Looking forward to seeing the H9 develop.

    • #135739

      Freeze effect. The idea would be to make a sustain pedal that works like a piano sustain pedal. There are some pedals on the market with freeze effect, but the problem with all of them is frozen signal doesnt sound like aa guitar – it is effected, chorused etc. I would like a freeze effect that really sounds like a guitar and not some cheesy synth.

    • #124901

      I just purchased the phaser algorithm for my H9 and a mix knob would be fantastic and is much needed. The effect is too strong when trying to duplicate the Van Halen 1 album sound. I was hoping to replace my EVH MXR Phaser on my pedalboard but I cant even get close to that sound without the mix control. I am open to any advice from you but I have messed with all the parameters and cant duplicate that effect. Also please create a distortion parameter. Your distortions in the Eclipse are amazing, some of the best and purest I have ever heard and would be great for the H9. 

      Also I would like to request to become a Beta tester for the H9 firmware and algorhithms. I was previously a beta tester for Line 6 on their Variax, Line 6 Edit software and HD500 models and gave them lots of feedback on bugs and possible improvements in which they actually used a few of mine.

    • #124902

      Have you tried adjusting the depth?  Most phasers (analog included) don't use a mix knob, the "mix" is instead often controlled by the depth of the effect. Hope that helps! Smile

    • #124917

      I read you plan an android version of H9 control. What about windows phone?

    • #124920


      I read you plan an android version of H9 control. What about windows phone?

      Windows phone hasn't really been on our radar.  I believe you're the first person who's asked us to support it.  It's still early for that platform, and I'm user it will pick up users as Nokia rolls out more devices running it.  If so, we'll probably do an evaluation of how hard it would be for us to support it, but at the moment we don't have any immediate plans to do so.

    • #124932

      Hi I just got myself the H9 and am really looking forward to using it live. A couple of suggestions for the wish list. 

      1) It would be great to be able to select the tuner option in the RCV midi map settings in addition to the OFF BYP ACT and TOG options. 

      2) If there was a option to have each effect either as stereo in/out or dual mono in/out that would be great for enabling different positioning of the H9 in the pedal chain. I think this has been mentioned before but would be brilliant in a mono set up. 

      Love your work Eventide, keep it up!


    • #124944

      Congrats on the H9, its a great sounding unit. Inclusions: A looper (ala Time Factor) would be great. A univibe, and a sequenced tremolo like a lightfootlabs goatkeeper would be cool, also someone else mentioned a Addrenlynn styled sequencer which would be cool too. I previously owed the 4 factor pedals, and this is a great addition. Diggin' the software control, tho I do miss that tactile surface of the factor pedal knobs. Keep the alogarythms coming!

    • #135753

      Looper +10000

      univibe +1000000

      and envelop filter?

      I do not know if it's my incompetence, but I have not found an easy way to rearrange the preset in H9 control. A simple copy and paste function to move a preset from one slot to another would be nice<

      anyway: thanks for this fantastic stompbox!!!!!

    • #135765

      Just wanted to say! This pedal Made me a convert. I never, EVER, thought I would get rid of my M9 but here I am with 2 H9s and no line 6 M9. 

      what I think would be awesome is a way to toggle per patch whether the hot switch is latching or momentary. 

      Also if the delays were able to have the hot switch rather than the hold feature if I wanted. Cause then I could effectively have 2 settings per patch all controlled by one midi button press

      great job guys! I am obsessed with this pedal!

    • #124967

      I would also love to beta test

      i use this pedal every day and I would love to be on the cutting edge!


      I just purchased the phaser algorithm for my H9 and a mix knob would be fantastic and is much needed. The effect is too strong when trying to duplicate the Van Halen 1 album sound. I was hoping to replace my EVH MXR Phaser on my pedalboard but I cant even get close to that sound without the mix control. I am open to any advice from you but I have messed with all the parameters and cant duplicate that effect. Also please create a distortion parameter. Your distortions in the Eclipse are amazing, some of the best and purest I have ever heard and would be great for the H9. 

      Also I would like to request to become a Beta tester for the H9 firmware and algorhithms. I was previously a beta tester for Line 6 on their Variax, Line 6 Edit software and HD500 models and gave them lots of feedback on bugs and possible improvements in which they actually used a few of mine.

    • #135767

      Also some nitpick things.

      It would be amazing in the H9 control software if when you are in preset list mode you can see the Tempos of each patch. I have to load 3 different sets into 2 H9s every week! and it would be a huge help to see tempo on that screen.

      Also ability to affect multiple H9s at once. It would be nice to be able to load both of my H9s at once with presets.

      And again. Ability to have the hot switch option on every pedal, Even the delays and Reverbs. It would be nice if you could assign what that middle switch did in the software, so you could make it a hold pedal or a hot switch or a fast/slow switch.

      also a way to have the tap tempo show even if you aren't in the tap mode. Its nice when I can see the tempo of the song wight the tap LED but I use that switch to go up and down with patches. Is there a way to make the tempo still show up even if you are not inputting tap?

      thanks again! Love your product!!

    • #135768

      Thanks for your feedback.


      It would be amazing in the H9 control software if when you are in preset list mode you can see the Tempos of each patch. 

      I assume you mean you'd like to see the tempo value in the 3×3 grid of the preset list overview, no?  This is because, you are changing the tempo a lot for particular presets depending on what song you are using it in, but otherwise keeping the preset the same?

    • #135769
      Yes in the 3×3 window. I sometimes use the same preset for different songs and it would be nice to differentiate by bpm. Also Sometimes I have patches set for certain songs but different versions of said song and it makes it easier to tell which ones which when I can see the tempo. 

      Again. LOVE the H9. First time since the m9 came out that I've ever wanted a different pedal to sculpt my sound around. It knocked the m9 off the board after listening to the H9 for 30 seconds!!

      I also love the idea of having the algos you get attached to you forever for further expansion if you guys ever offer an H13 or something where you can run 2 algos at once!

      It'll be a long process for me to purchase all the algos but I'm excited to someday have a fully loaded H9. 

      Also are you guys looking for beta testers for the H9? I literally use it every day in sessions and 4 times a week playing at out at church

    • #124982

      would like to be able to store preset from both my h9 pedals to one preset slot on ipad like effects chain so do not have to switch between pedals


    • #124985

      If it hasn't been mentioned before, I need a more precise way to dial in the miliseconds on patches with delay settings.  It's pretty hard to dial in 463ms sometimes.

    • #135790

      In the most recent build of H9 Control, you can double tap on parameter values to type in their values. On the H9 itself pressing the encoder while you are adjusting a value puts you in fine tune mode.

    • #135798

      A line level capable H9 please?  And I will re-purchase one.

    • #135801

      I'm using the H9 at line level without much issue, but the cable runs are maybe 10 feet to and from the patchbay.  The H9 is actually less touchy than my DSP4000 with input signals.

      A 1U half rack mount version would be nice!

    • #135802


      don't know why the half-rack units all but faded out to pedal format. I think they are best for home recording and desktop use.

    • #135803

      We'll I can't explain why that is.  It clipped at the lowest setting in both my SLO and Shiva loops.  It's definitely not a line level loop, as Eventide has admitted, it's an instrument loop allegedly capable of high level signals.  But I can attest that is not entirely true.

      Worked just fine in my other amp's loops that are instrument level.

    • #135804

      Btw the cable runs from my loop to the H9 was just 3 feet

    • #125012

      I would buy the H9 just for a good Uni-Vibe algo alone.  Well, that and Rotary without having to buy the whole MF (sorry, that's the only sound I like from that one).  Distortion emulations would be an absolute blast!  Think Tube Drivers, RATs, DOD 250s and Blues Drivers.

      That said, (and I know it's only been a couple months this thread has been around) any status update on any of these new algo requests?

    • #125016


      That said, (and I know it's only been a couple months this thread has been around) any status update on any of these new algo requests?

      Well, as has been mentioned elsewhere on the forums, we're working on bringing the looper to H9: http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/t/8558.aspx  We also have something new being worked on that was requested in this thread, but it's too early to start talking about it what it is or when it's coming out though…

    • #135819

      How's the work on syncing to MIDI clock coming?  I've been emailing Pete about it and says you guys are looking into it as well as the play/stop/continue MIDI commands.  Simply being rock solid on this feature would immediately improve so many existing effects (Harpeggiator, Tremolo, and now looper).  Still hoping for a slicer too.  Cool job on the resonator!  Similar to the Adrenalinn, but a little different and more simple, which does lead to easier noodling.  FYI, I'm telling family that I only want iTunes gift cards for X-mas, so keep those algorithms coming!!  🙂

    • #125027

      Hi there

      Could we have midi via usb and midi 5 pin at the same time ?

      Kind Regards

    • #135823

      spillover, please?

    • #125030
      Eventide Staff


      Could we have midi via usb and midi 5 pin at the same tim

      Sorry – no. The hardware can only do one or the other.  You can use bluetooth at the same time as either USB or DIN5.

    • #135825

      Thanks, gkellum.  As a TF owner, I can attest the looper will be a welcomed addition to the H9.


      We also have something new being worked on that was requested in this thread, but it's too early to start talking about it what it is or when it's coming out though…

      When you guys get done slicing Julienne fries and crushing dem bits, please keep us Hendrix freaks in mind with a killer Shin-ei Uni-Vibe reproduction.  Wink

    • #125071


      Distortion emulations would be an absolute blast!  Think Tube Drivers, RATs, DOD 250s and Blues Drivers.

      Please disregard as incoherent ramblings from a momentary lapse of reason.

      How on God's Green Earth I could forget Dynamic Distortion is beyond me (and I have regular access to a couple H3000s but have never used them for dirt).  Surely the H9 would be powerful enough to run either the original DD algo or the DD2 from the Eclipse.

      I know the TF looper, slicers, bit crushers, a "real deal" Uni-Vibe and whatever other secrets percolating are already in line, but please add porting DD2 in its entirety to the Wish List.

    • #135862

      My simple wish:

      I want to be able to rename the stock presets. I don't wanna have to save a new user preset if I just wanna rename or even slightly adjust the mix for a given preset. Let me edit the stock stuff! And just have an option to recall factory presets for any given algo.

      I would also like to be asked if I wanna overwrite or rename when I'm editing user presets. Sometimes I start tweaking user presets and if I accidentally hit save, I overwrite it right away and my old preset is lost 🙁 I know the workaround would be to copy and then save/rename but I would like to be asked(couldn't you just have an option in the menu for this? "always ask before overwrite" etc)

      Any just some simple stuff that would make the already great user interface even better imo!

    • #135864


      I want to be able to rename the stock presets. I don't wanna have to save a new user preset if I just wanna rename or even slightly adjust the mix for a given preset. Let me edit the stock stuff! And just have an option to recall factory presets for any given algo.

      Well, the thing with the factory presets is that they are bundled in with the app, and because of where they are stored, you would need administrator rights to overwrite them.  Copying a preset puts it into a location where it's writable by the user…


      I would also like to be asked if I wanna overwrite or rename when I'm editing user presets.

      You're the second person that's mentioned that.  It should be easy enough to add…

    • #135865

      The ability to store your user presets in alphabetical order would be great. 

      Also (and I know it's probably not possible) it would be awesome when running stereo to be able to have 2 different algos come out of the left and right outputs. 


    • #135866

      Is there a Noise Gate, and Compressor algo available for the H9? 

    • #125079


      Please add the hot knob to the already existing 10 knobs controllable via aux switch.


    • #135872


      Is there a Noise Gate, and Compressor algo available for the H9? 

      Check out the DynaVerb algorithm. If you set the decay to 0, it's just a compressor.  Here is the algorithm description from its help file (which is bundled into H9 Control).

      Eventide Eclipse reverb with a model of the Eventide Omnipressor® to create an adaptable dynamics reverb.  The Omnipressor is capable of all types of dynamics processing from gating, expansion, compression, limiting, and even its signature &quot;dynamic reversal,&quot; where loud signals are squashed, but quiet signals are amplified.  In DynaVerb, the Omnipressor can dynamically control the output of a reverberator based on, either the input signal for maximum control, the reverb output for incredible chaos, or any mixture of the two.  As an added bonus DynaVerb can also be used as a standalone Omnipressor by setting [DECAY] to zero. 

    • #135873


    • #135876

      I think the biggest thing on my list would be the option to manually put in numbers via the app. It is really hard especially on some of the knobs with huge numbers like shimmer to get the exact number you want. 

      Along with the looper which I really really hope is coming out soon!!!!

    • #135877

      There's also compression in the Timefactor Ducked Delay algo.  I messed around with it last night and was impressed.  Combining it with a slapback setting on Delay B yielded a pretty good chicken pickin' tone.  I've never been able to keep a compressor on my board for long because I just don't use it that much live.  Having it available in the H9 for those few occasions that I do use it is a nice bonus.

    • #135878

      You can do that now.  Just clicking or tapping on the number puts it in edit mode and allows you to type an exact value.

    • #135879

      In the  latest version of the app you can click or tap on the values to enter exact numbers

    • #135885

      One simple wish:

      Stop making me go to preset one in Ultratap everytime a demo finishes! Let me stay where I am! Sometimes when I try algo's I dont spend the full 5 min with it, and when I'm already deep into something else, it takes me to the Ultratap as soon as the demo in the background finishes! Super annoying. I'm glad I haven't showed my buddies any demo algos 3-4 min before a gig.

      Minor bug:

      Resonator algo has a lot of repeated presets.

    • #135886


      Minor bug:

      Resonator algo has a lot of repeated presets.

      What do you mean that Resonator has a lot of repeated presets? You mean you are seeing multiple copies of presets with the same name, or you mean that some of the presets that are named differently sound the same?

    • #135887

      I don't have my H9 in front of me now but yeah it's multiple copies of the same preset.

      Like Thor's Bells was like number 21 and 23 (Just from memory, I might have the numbers wrong)

    • #135889

      I'll just echo what's been written all over the other big guitar forums, TheGearPage and HugeRacksInc

      1. Open it up to users and third party designers. I'm not massively bothered if the UI isn't the same for user made sounds, perhaps an Advanced tab?. TC's Toneprint Editor is a good compromise for users that don't necessarily want to get so deep. I mean the potential for this thing is insane. 

      2. Multifx. The power is there. Give me a H3000 on the floor. 90% of editing is going to happen on a computer or ipad anyway with switching as part of a midi rig. Yes it's a pedal but it's not going to be used like one given the UI. It'll be something people "program" rather than twist knobs like on a traditional FX pedal.

      3. Way more bread and butter MultiAlgs in the meantime, essentials that'll get us through gigs over the crazy FX!

    • #135890

      I'd pay $60 for a full Mod Factory 1+2.

    • #135891

      Because it makes total sense for Eventide to undercut their market for $2k+ rackmount processors with a $499 stompbox….

    • #135892

      Multi-FX is hardly a $2000 feature especially given the sounds working guitarists actually need and use. If they could do it 20yrs ago they can definitely do it now.. Using the whole DSP on one out-there sound isn't very useful to most musicians.

      Besides the main thing undercutting the $2000+ racks is the old units themselves, which the H9 could easily replace.

      The really high end market will always be there.

      It's only a matter of time until Strymon (in particular) or TC do it.

    • #125104

      I'd like to be able to have the encoder assigned to the hotswitch.

    • #125158

      Wish — Forced Feedback

      The 'distortion preamp' algo in the Eclipse has this feature.  Is it possible to have a feedbacker as a stand alone algo in the H9?

    • #135952

      It would be awesome if somewhere down the line you put the platform of the H9 in factor pedal format. I'm a huge fan of the style of the factor pedals but I can't imagine making changes on-the-fly with just one knob… and I'm allergic to Apples.

      I would l love to have a recreation of these:

      Bit/ Sampler reduction effect  (WMD Geiger Counter)

      Glitch and Stutter Effect (Hexe Revolver)

    • #135970

      I was really supprised and bummed out that the MIDI Program Change Transmit Map does not work/transmit when receiving program changes as well.  I love that you can map the program changes asynchronously so that I don't have to make a copy of a preset for every corresponding program change I recieve, but I also would like (need! :)) the H9 to also transmit mapped program changes as well.  Midi transmit mapping is there, but unless I am missing something it seems like this only actually functions if the program changes are loaded using the left footswitch? I use an OC-10 for my loop and midi program changes, so the left footswitch method is an extra and useless step for me.  I think you get the idea, but just to be sure, if I send a midi program change of lets say 42 to the H9, I want to be able to have it load up say preset 17 (this it can do with the mapping) but I also want to be able to map a program change that it will transmit to the other midi units I have down the line.  This would be also stellar to add to the control app like the recieve map that is already present.

      Wish #2) EHX Microsynth type algorithm.  I thought the synthonizer might be able to get me there but is quite different it seems.

      Wish #3) Pre-Post switching similar to the Mobius.

      Wish #4) Please fix the tap tempo synch issues when loading a patch.

      And keep up the good work!

    • #135972

      What Tap-Tempo issues are you having? I haven't ever had a problem. Have you turned global tap-tempo on?

    • #135974

      The issue is with tap tempo synching across devices.  The H9 will only synch and transmit properly if tapping in the tempo, but not

      when a program is loaded.  I also noticed that it will only synch if set to transmit, which is very frustrating as it will then not

      pass midi on.  If set to midi thru it will pass and accept program changes correctly, but will not transmit any clock info or other

      midi info. I collected my midi "wish list" together so it is hopefully a little easier to follow. Smile

      1) Transmit midi clock/tap tempo to other devices to synch from
      2) Transmit midi clock/tempo upon loading a patch. This should be a feature that could be enabled/disabled, ideally per program.
      3) Transmit program changes and midi CC generated by the H9 while still passing midi information and program changes recieved from other devices.
      4) Add Midi program change transmit mapping to the H9 control software.  I believe it currently only allows you to map program recieve info from the software though you can map program change transmitting from the unit itself.
      5) Transmit midi program changes that have been mapped on the H9 when the unit recieve a program change.

    • #135975

      The H9's MIDI can be improved on a number of fronts.  For me the issue is MIDI clock.  While the H9 will accept incoming tempo, it doesn't really lock onto the clock signal, so with effects like tremolo and the Harpeggiator there will be noticeable drift after a minute or two.  I had been emailing support about it and even sent the MIDI clock information from my Boss RC-505 to help.  I haven't heard back for a while, so I'm not sure if they're still working on it or have given up.  There are a couple inconvenient workarounds, but I just don't understand how units like the Roger Linn Adrenalinn, Boss SL-20 and EHX 8 Step Program can keep such a rock solid tempo yet it cannot be done in the H9.

      The Harpeggiator in particular could be SUCH an amazing effect, but without being able to lock on solidly to MIDI clock, it's just a novelty effect.

    • #135977

      The interface using an iPod touch is clunky-you have to swipe "just right" to get the knob to respond. Having it set so tapping on the knob then swiping up or down would clearly reset that knob would be very helpful. Right now I find it easier to assign some knobs to x,y,z to adjust and then reassign back… 

    • #135978

      I can imagine it's hard to control with a small ipod but with the ipad it's pretty much perfect. I definitely wouldn't vote for a fix that would compromise the ipad controlling.

      You can always tap it and set a number/value manually too.

    • #135979

      I've found the IOS interface clunky-hard to get the knobs to turn easily. You can assign them to x,y,z but it would be easier if tapping on any knob temporarily assigned it to the big knob! 

    • #135982


      I've found the IOS interface clunky-hard to get the knobs to turn easily. You can assign them to x,y,z but it would be easier if tapping on any knob temporarily assigned it to the big knob! 

      That's not a bad idea.  In the next release we'll probably just make the active area for the controls bigger though so they're easier to hit…  Incidentally, you do know that when you press one of the rotary knobs you drag up and down to increase or decrease the value, right?  Some people try to  drag around the knob (or left / right), but that's not how those controls are configured to respond to user gestures…

    • #135987

      Glad I'm not the only one wishing for Dynamic Distortion 2 with Forced Feedback via expression pedal ported from the Eclipse.

      And don't forget that be-all-end-all Shin-ei Uni-Vibe algo to get our Hendrix/Trower freak on!  Wink

    • #135991

      I'm not an owner yet, but I am very interested in the H9 (or H10 😉 )

      I would love to see something like a 4 cable method (maybe using the stereo in- and outputs) to be able to place some effects before and behind the preamp.

      Moreover 2 FX at the same time would be great. At least to set a reverb and/or delay behind every algorithm would make me buy the stomp box immediately.

      An univibe algorythm is highly appreciated as well. 

    • #135992

      Is there a way to order presets by name rather than patch number in the iOS program? It would be so much easier to navigate presets if they were alphabetical

    • #135993

      At the top of the screen in H9 Control, there are header bars showing how the presets are being sorted.  You can click on the header bar above the list of presets to cycle through the different sort options.

    • #135994

      My biggest want it to somehow have an external LED screen so I can see the full algorithm name. I have similar delay algorithms such as 'dotted 8th short tail, long tail, subtle, etc.'

      I would love to be able to not have to come up with some sort of short hand to fit everything on the screen.

    • #125199

      I'd like to add another vote for bit reduction, glitch and other Geiger Counter type things.

      Also, would it be possible to add EQ – perhaps a three band parametric – not as a separate algorithm, but as as an extra level of editing to all the existing algos?  (I'm not sure how much DSP power that would require, or how close to the limit the existing algo get, so it may not be possible).



    • #125200

      A few things currently on my H9 wish list:

      1. H9 Control User Guides (perhaps it's already available?) – On iPhone, how do I select parameters to be controlled by the hotknob and define the upper and lower values? Can this be defined per preset? I want this to be controlled via my midi expression pedal which I know works with my H9

      2. Spillover

      3. Pre/Post routing options

      4. Concerning iPhone H9 control – I used a preset list within the "Lists" section which I uploaded to the pedal. I'd like to be able to edit the user presets that make up this list from within the "presets" section and for this to automatically update the preset list within "Lists" ready to be uploaded to the pedal. At the moment, the only way to update the pedal is to edit these presets from within the "Lists" section.

    • #135995


      1. On iPhone, how do I select parameters to be controlled by the hotknob and define the upper and lower values? Can this be defined per preset? I want this to be controlled via my midi expression pedal which I know works with my H9

      There are two buttons surrounding the ribbon controller on the bottom of the algorithm control screen. Press either of those and move the parameter across the range you want to be mapped to the expression. Press anywhere in the ribbon controller area to turn off mapping. To erase a mapping and start over, you can press one of those buttons and pull the end points of the range together so that it looks like no range is mapped to the expression pedal; that will cause that parameter to be removed from the expression pedal mapping. You can also double click on the parameter and then a popup will appear which will give you the option to remove the parameter from the expression pedal mapping.

      These mappings are saved with each preset, and yes, the expression pedal patch can also be controlled via MIDI.


      4. Concerning iPhone H9 control – I used a preset list within the "Lists" section which I uploaded to the pedal. I'd like to be able to edit the user presets that make up this list from within the "presets" section and for this to automatically update the preset list within "Lists" ready to be uploaded to the pedal. At the moment, the only way to update the pedal is to edit these presets from within the "Lists" section.

      Yeah, we considered doing things the way you suggest, but ultimately, we thought it was better to give each preset list its own local copy of a preset that would remain unchanged by changes to the source user preset, because we knew there would be cases where people would update their user preset and not want their preset lists to be affected.  We'll have to think about whether we could add some sort of additional mechanism for optionally syncing changes to a user preset.

    • #136001

      How about a vocoder ?

    • #136004

      Happy New Year everyone! +1 for the Dynamic Distortion and Forced Feedback Algos for H9. I previously have also mentioned the need for Splicer type Algos.

    • #136028

      When I freeze a patch how come my signal becomes completely dry? Reduces the usefulness of freeze by a bunch. I use freeze function to create a pad underneath while phrasing. Sounds pretty bad to have a beautiful ambient wash underneath and then solo on top with a completely dry signal.

      I think I mentioned this before but I can't find it here. Please make it a possibility to change the bypass switch to something else. I'm using the H9 with a three button footswitch which is set to increment and decrement and….hot switch…because I can't change the function of the bypass switch on the H9. Sure I could set the footswtich to bypass as well but then I would lose the hotswitch. It's very inconvenient to bank up and down on the footswitch but having to engage it with the H9 itself. Being able to have the hot switch and the tap tempo on the H9 unit would make so much more sense on my board.

      I'm not been able to try out new algos I've demoed before. It's been over a week for me now.

    • #136029


      1. H9 Control User Guides (perhaps it's already available?)

      I second that!

      Been wishing for an in depth manual explaining the algo's in more detail. The info in the algo manual and the info tab within the app is so vague…or inextensive is maybe a better word.

      I would really welcome a more detailed algo manual elaborating on each parameter and function, explaining it's setting and use.

    • #136032

      It's maybe not as convenient as you'd like, but since the H9 algorithms are fundamentally the same as the Factor algorithms, the relevant info can be found by simply consulting the online manuals for those pedals.  That's not helpful for UltraTap and Resonator, obviously, but the others should all be covered.

    • #136034

      I checked out the pdf's for the Space pedal and couldn't find anything like it? Perhaps you were referring to the Space Preset Guide? If so, it doesn't provide any specific info. Merely a preset overview.

    • #125240

      Would it be possible to have an option to make pressing the Big Knob go to the tuner?  I know pressing both footswitches does it, but I find it really fiddly trying to do that in a hurry on a dark stage.

      (I know I could plug in an external footswitch to do it, but I have an expression pedal plugged in to that socket).


    • #136040


      I checked out the pdf's for the Space pedal and couldn't find anything like it? Perhaps you were referring to the Space Preset Guide? If so, it doesn't provide any specific info. Merely a preset overview.

      In the Space owner's guide available at http://www.eventide.com/AudioDivision/Support/Stompboxes/Space.aspx, description of the algorithms starts on p. 17.  Every preset uses a specific algorithm, so you're looking for the algorithm's detailed info.

    • #136045

      Thanks man but that's exactly the same inextensive info in the H9 algo guide. Short one liners to explain each parameter is not exactly what I would call an in-depth manual.

      Think Boogie's Mark V manual for an example of what I'm talking about.

    • #136048

      Hi Harry,

      It is possible to use an expression pedal and an AUX footswitch at the same time with the H9.

      This isn't well documented but it works.

      You need a 'stereo – Y cable' where the TRS goes from the EXP in on the H9  to a TS and an RS connector. Connect the TS to the EXP PDL and the RS to the momentary Footswitch. The footswitch can activate the TUNER. You just need to go into the SYSTEM mode or use H9 control to set this up. ie. UTILS>EXPTIP>BOTH and AUXSW>TUN.RNG.

      We will make a video demo in the next week or so to make users aware of this feature.

      hope this helps.


    • #136051

      That's fantastic, thanks!  Will try to wire that up soon…


    • #136058

      Any news on an Android app?

    • #136064

      Hello, here are my requests:

      1. A good uni-vibe algorithm (if the Eventide guys come up with a really good one I'm buying a second h9).

      2. On iPhone app – slide between two sections of preset window instead of navigating through the arrows. (you can add 2 circles to show that there is more – like in the iPhone main app screen).

      After removing the arrows you can add better menu for save/edit/etc.

    • #136065


      1. A good uni-vibe algorithm.

      That also finds its way to the Modfactor you mean, right? Wink

    • #136066


      2. On iPhone app – slide between two sections of preset window instead of navigating through the arrows. (you can add 2 circles to show that there is more – like in the iPhone main app screen).

      After removing the arrows you can add better menu for save/edit/etc.

      Do you mean on this screen? http://ftp.eventide.com/ljdl/H9/screenshots/iphone_algorithm_control.png

      This screen used to respond to swipe gestures to move between the two sections of the screen, but people complained that when they were adjusting the knobs the screen was sometimes sliding instead of the knob moving.  So, we added those navigation buttons instead.  Doing that also freed up some room to make the knobs bigger;  in the next release they're going to be 15-20% bigger depending on whether you have an iPhone 4 or 5.

    • #136067


      Any news on an Android app?

      No, news on the Android app.  There are things happening on the Android front, but we don't have any big, exciting announcements to make about that at this time.

    • #136068


      Are there any news about the Factors new firmware and the H9 control compatibility?

    • #136071

      Hi Harry –

      We just found a bug running the EXP PDL and AUX SW in BOTH mode on the EXP input.

      – AUX SW only works when the EXP PDL is in the TOE position.

      – This EXPTIP > BOTH System setting doesn't get saved on power down.

      We should have an H9 SW release out in about a month that fixes this.



    • #136075

      Tuner Access

      Access to the tuner is not comfortable.

      Is there any chance to change it by pressing on the big knob?

      I know there is a use for it in some cases, but whenever it is free from use it will be awesome if it triggered the tuner.

      Pressing and holding the 2 switches is very uncomfortable especially in a live show.


    • #136076

      You can dedicate a small momentary footswitch connected to the EXP jack and patched to the TUNER for instant tuner access.

    • #136077

      Thanks, but the idea is to reduce the number of pedals on my board.

      I already have a tuner pedal I can use, but if there's already a tuner in the H9 is'll be great to have an easy access too.

    • #136094


      I love this pedal, I really get awesome good sounds. All my desir  have already been mentioned by me and others: a good Univibe algorithm, a good delay + reverb. Distortion first surprised me, I think the best distortions are analog. But you could do some interesting things. Do you know the plugin Ohmicide? I suggest you take a look: it's a multiband distortion!

      In fact, I am very satisfied and do not really have a vital need for other effects. By cons, there is a big disappointment about the foot control !!!! grrrrr!. I do not know how to manage it. Live, it's a disaster. You should try to find a solution with control configuration. I play for a few months, a dozen concerts, and it's still epic! I 'd like a simple configuration with a double footswitch:

      up/down (without confirmation of preset), tuning and tap tempo.

      IOS control is a good idea but I use my hands to play. Do you plan to make a midi control footswitch (someone here has made ??one presented here and there a few months)

    • #125278

      Definitely Android support.  I refuse to buy anything Apple.

    • #125284

      +1 for Android support! Or the ability to purchase algos from Windows or some other way without using Aple.
      P.S. Thank you Eventide! Looks like H9 is really great pedal. Mine H9 is on the way to me, I am 99% shure that I will love it with first minute! Eventide is one of the best effects I've ever heard!

    • #136099
      Eventide Staff

      Download H9 control for mac or windows and you can buy algorithms.

    • #136100

      Great news! I was scared that I will have to buy Aple, as in F.A.Q. to H9 is:

      "Can I buy algorithms for the H9 if I do not have an iOS device?

      Currently no. We are working on a solution, however, that will allow people to purchase algorithms from the desktop version of H9 Control."

      P.S. I hope mine H9 will be soon, thanks for reply!

    • #136101

      yes the desktop app with ability to buy algorithms came out later than the iOS app.

      They must have forgotten to go back and update the FAQ.

    • #125290

      Hi –

      I sent a few of these suggestions in via e-mail and just found this thread:

      1. Expression control of DSP Input mix.  This would allow cutting of the DSP input while letting an effect ring out.  Same as VolumePedal -> H9, but works in a serial effects loop.
      2. Ducker -> Reverb (preferably, Ducked Delay -> Reverb).  Duck the input to a reverb (the DynaVerb ducks the reverb output).
      3. Cloud sync of presets and preset lists between devices (my iPhone, iPad and Mac are littered with out of sync presets – and that is just after two days!)

      If any of these can be done already, please let me know!

    • #125296

      More Headroom.

    • #125312

      I want  Pre/Post routing options.

      And I want EQ(Graphic , Parametric and Shelving) algorithm.

      I think that Wah is like a very characteristic EQ,so H9 can do it!!

    • #125313

      i want Pre/Ppst options.

      and i want EQ(graphic , parametric and shelving) Algorithm.

      i think WAH is like a very characteristic EQ,so H9 can do it!!

    • #125314

      A few more ideas:

      – Option to have the end of the expression pedal range bypass / activate the preset (pedal @ 0 = bypass and/or pedal @ 100 = bypass)

      This will help eliminate phasing issues when running in a parallel effects loop on some effects.

      – Kill Dry setting per input

      I'm trying to run two amps into the unit, but one has a parallel effects loop and the other serial.  So, the two inputs require different settings for kill dry

      – Per-preset input select (AKA "twice as nice" mode)

      Not quite EventideRoutingUtility, but close 😉  What if I want some presets before my amp and others after?  Why not route:  guitar -> input1 -> output1 -> amp input -> amp FX send -> input2 -> output2 -> amp FX return

      I'm not thinking of running each input at the same time, but more of an either or in cases where some effects are better before or after the preamp.

      For a parallel effects loop, I'd want KillDry for input 2 but not input 1.  You may say "buy an H9 core" and you may be right, but this seems like something that would be doable in a single unit.

      It would be nice to have a global setting that helped as a failsafe against a feedback loop – basically put the pedal into "twice as nice" mode so it knows how it is wired, set a global kill dry for each input and then the preset just needs to know which input it should be reading from (unless you can think of an effect that would be OK to run both pre and post pre-amp?).


    • #136253

      Eventide – Can we expect spillover on H9 soon? My Timefactor has it so don't understand why this wasn't included in the first release?

      When using my timefactor in a midi setup (audio loop on or off plus timefactor output into line mixer as parallel loop killdry enabled) i toggle between 2 different audio loop presets (rhythm TF loop off & lead with TF loop on) both of which are selecting the same TF delay patch – when switching between lead and dry rhythm the delay trails off smoothly and sounds great. If I try and emulate this with the H9 it doesn't sound smooth at all, not sure what the difference is here but could you advise what the issue is here and if I can fix it with the current firmware? If not can I expect a fix in the next firmware update? Hope this makes sense? Tongue Tied

    • #136257
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – no plans for spill for H9 at this point – H9 and TF are too different, even though the algorithms are similar.

    • #136265


      Sorry – no plans for spill for H9 at this point – H9 and TF are too different, even though the algorithms are similar.

      I understand that spillover when switching between different presets might be tricky and different to implement. but what about spillover only for DSP bypass for time based effects? or is there no difference? just asking

    • #125543

      regarding H9 Control-  i wish that while in "playlists" one could simply drag presets into  the order in which they want them to show up in.

    • #125544


      regarding H9 Control-  i wish that while in "playlists" one could simply drag presets into  the order in which they want them to show up in.

      I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but on iPad, MacOSX, and Windows you can do this by pressing the "edit list" button and using the drag n drop functionality in that screen.

    • #136272

      for simplicity's sake, let's say i want to switch my #2 preset w/my #3 preset- if i try to simply drag the #3 preset in front of the #2 preset, it will not let me do this.  is there some other way? 

    • #136273


      for simplicity's sake, let's say i want to switch my #2 preset w/my #3 preset- if i try to simply drag the #3 preset in front of the #2 preset, it will not let me do this.  is there some other way? 

      oh, well, you can select preset #2, hit the copy button which is under the more options button in the upper right hand corner of the screen, select preset #3, and hit the swap button which is under the more options button as well.  but no, you're right in that you can't just drag preset #2 to position #3…

    • #136280

      i'll give that a try, thanks.

    • #136292

      Just taken delivery of an H9 core and the registration and syncing of purchased algorithms from the main H9 could not have been more simple….. Seriously well done on making it so painless and easy.

      I started to control them connected to my mac via USB and am finding that switching back and fore between multiple H9's is a little clunky in the interface, in that you have to perform a lot of clicks and it does not seem to remember the algorithm that the particular H9 is running.

      Am I missing something?.. I seem to have to click onto "algorithms"…select the H9… Then select "presets" but the interface seems to shoe the algorithm that the previously selected H9 was running, even though the H9 does not actually change preset.

      It would be useful to have something like browser "tabs" to be able to switch between the h9's .. Or failing tabs… You have the H9 number on the top bar… If you could click that to swap back and fore it would be useful.

      It may be just me getting used to it, but it seemed a little clunky compared to the reset of the interface when running a single H9, which really is fantastic and really intuitive.

    • #125564

      here's my H9 wish-  regarding the direction in which the unit scrolls through the presets, how about having a visual confirmation as to the direction that the unit is currently set?  in other words if the unit is set to scroll UP, have the Z button continually flashing.  if the unit is set to scroll DOWN, have the X button do the same.  the achilles heel of the H9 is all the scrolling, let's face it.  this would make things a little easier. 

      sometimes mid-performance i'll tap the encoder switch with my foot to prep for a preset change and i'm never 100% sure if i hit it hard enough to register the change as i'm afraid to hit it too hard and break it.  my above suggestion would offer immediate visual confirmation.

    • #125569

      A glitching effect that randomizes the duration and repeats of effects similar to this Radiohead patch.

    • #136295

      +1, encoder seems not so strong as a regular footswitch, and I'm always trying to push it very gently with foot, and sometimes it's not hard enough to change scrolling direction. Some kind of announcement on led dispay or with X Y Z buttons would be great!

    • #125599

      how about a global 'tap tempo on'? it seems you have to do this with each individual preset… if there is a global setting, I'm not seeing it.

    • #125600
      Eventide Staff

      Global tempo is supported on all of our stompboxes. You can turn it on or off in system mode. For example see Page 22 of H9 user guide.

    • #125621

      I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, But I would like to have the ability to make my preset lists without having to be connected to the H9. It would help a lot to just be able to arrange my presets for an upcoming show and not have to be stuck next to my pedalboard. Then when I am ready I can just load that preset bundle.

    • #136344

      I would like to have the ability to arrange a preset list without having to be connected to the H9. Then whenever I am ready I just have to load that bundle and I am ready to go. That way I don't have to be next to my pedalboard the whole time I am planning out my presets for a gig

    • #136350


      I would like to have the ability to arrange a preset list without having to be connected to the H9. Then whenever I am ready I just have to load that bundle and I am ready to go. That way I don't have to be next to my pedalboard the whole time I am planning out my presets for a gig

      You can do that now. You press the icon representing your ios device or computer and look under the more menu for the new list option and you can create a list thats saved on your ios device or computer that you can work on without being connected to an H9.

    • #125739
      Mat Conboy

      1. Use a standard 'Boss' style power plug. I hate carting lots of power supplies. Possible battery? Playing busking gigs with the H9 is limited unless you have thought it through. Just let me use a battery for 3-4hrs. How about LiPo…and charge it from USB???

      2. The crazy amount of algorithms makes for hours of playing and searching. Sometimes all I wanna do is put an 'astrix' on it. Not have to scroll and 'save' to a location. I just wanna click a 'star' logo perhaps. When I then go back to the 200 bloody algorithms I can easily see which sounds I liked and want to work with. Kinda like 'flagging' an email before you file it.

      3. Saving presets via the Control to locations on the H9 and having to scroll down the '0-99' wheel is a PITA. Is there a better way?

      4. Can't remember.

    • #125740
      Mat Conboy

      4. The possible 'looper' algorithm…perhaps similar to the Ditto x2: left button – record, overdub, double stop clear (big black knob is loop volume in this mode). Right button – turn FX on/off (when on you have the option of using the wheel to scroll all presets as normal). Keep it simple.  That's what I like about the H9, it's simple.

    • #125741

      Mat Conboy:

      2. The crazy amount of algorithms makes for hours of playing and searching. Sometimes all I wanna do is put an 'astrix' on it. Not have to scroll and 'save' to a location. I just wanna click a 'star' logo perhaps. When I then go back to the 200 bloody algorithms I can easily see which sounds I liked and want to work with. Kinda like 'flagging' an email before you file it.

      I like this idea. I use this function a lot in the Songsterr app.

      Mat Conboy:

      3. Saving presets via the Control to locations on the H9 and having to scroll down the '0-99' wheel is a PITA. Is there a better way?

      Well, you can always limit the preset range if you're not using all 99 presets. 

    • #136488
      Mat Conboy

      Yes I understand you can limit them. But if I'm playing a new algorithm and I want to save it to the H9, I hit 'save to H9' then have to remember what's the next available spot I'm up to, use the scroll feature (that's a lot to 'scroll' through) and hit 'save'. I've done this a few times and without knowing what the last preset I saved to I have no idea what I'm up to!

      5. Put the time at the top of the screen on the Control App. It would really help me in some situations.

    • #136504

      I guess this is a bug: If I adjust the output level in any given preset and play a little, then try to adjust it again, it won't make the changes the second time unless I deactivate the effect/pedal and activate it again.

    • #136573

      Ok, next wish from me… There needs to be a setting that sets the initial state of the expression pedal per the preset. The expression pedal should not affect the preset until you move it. 

    • #136584

      Absolutely love my H9!

      My wish is a AU, RTAS H9 control plugin to recall automatically presets in a session and record midi parameters inside the daw… Using it as an hardware insert would really speed up things in the studio.

      And you already know how to work out plugins 😉



    • #136593

      My current wishlist:

      1.  Ability to make pressing the hotknob switch to the Tuner.  (I have it currently using an external pedal, but that takes up more space on my board).

      2.  Manifold Beta from the Eclispse!

      3.  Chorus->Delay->Reverb combo algorithm (with controls for say: chorus speed, chorus depth, chorus mix, delay time, delay feedback, delay mix, reverb size, reverb predelay and reverb mix).

      4.  Some glitch / bitcrusher / distortion algorithms 🙂

    • #136609

      H9 is such a great product.
      Something I always thought about was a general noise gate selectable from the pedal settings. Since you put a noise gate in the latest   EQ Comp Algo I thought it could be possibile to add this feature in the future!
      With a general noise gate it would became a perfect pedal for any board 

      (and also this would be nice, especially or midi users: 1.  Ability to make pressing the hotknob switch to the Tuner)

    • #136628

      Any news on an Android app?

    • #125922

      Global level boost controlled by a MIDI CC.

      H9 control would allow you to set the boost level and the CC #.

      Engaging it would boost the level of the current preset by the global boost level, while disengaging it would go back to the preset's output level.  

    • #125925

      Access to the tuner via a midi preset ….

    • #125928


      Access to the tuner via a midi preset ….

      Just set the tuner to correspond with the correct CC channel. I use my midi controller to access my tuner. 

    • #136644

      I am too much of a programmer newbie to pick up on the tip — care to elaborate?

    • #136645

      In H9 control, select "Pedal" in the bottom menu.

      select MIDI Settings > "Assign MIDI CC messages to Pedal functions" > select "Toggle Tuner"

      Then set the MIDI CC of your choice… The one from your controller that you wish to enable the tuner

    • #136661

      Is there a good reason that the patches in a user list are copies of the patch that got added to the list, and not references to the original patch? I find this unnecessarily confusing. It engenders a bunch of list maintenance work, keeping the list and the user patch in sync as patches get edited.

    • #136662


      Is there a good reason that the patches in a user list are copies of the patch that got added to the list, and not references to the original patch? I find this unnecessarily confusing. It engenders a bunch of list maintenance work, keeping the list and the user patch in sync as patches get edited.

      Well, this is something we might have gone either way on. There were two reasons in favor of making them copies. One, you might make changes to specific presets in a preset list to sound better in a particular room for a particular show, but not those changes to affect all instances of the preset. Two, any list you download from an H9 to your local hard drive is going to necessarily contain copies of presets, because there's no guaranteeing that the source presets are even available on the device you're downloading to; so, it seemed to make things more consistent and hopefully therefore less confusing to always have lists have copies of presets. We have been paying attention to people's feedback about this though on our forum and the gearpage and have been thinking about making some changes in a future release to reduce the confusion and inconvenience that the different preset types have been causing.

    • #136734

      would it be possible to add following features to H9 Control?

      – media playback + something like midi preset change/tempo map – so you can program your whole set with backing track, tempos and preset changes, ribbon controller..

      I plan to do the similar thing via DAW on my laptop, but I think it would be handy to have this functionality available on iPad/iPhone or Android devices (in the future) so you don't have to bring your laptop to the show to control your rig during performance (lot of people use laptops and DAW solution to control rigs via MIDI nowadays.)

    • #136769

      +1 on Spillover. Can be very abrupt moving from one ambient sound to another when the effect cuts. It doesn't have to be long (a couple seconds is sufficient to start getting sounds from the new algorithm).

      Also, MIDI clock sync. I posted this on TGP, thought I'd post it here too:

      "I want MIDI clock sync to work like the Strymon Timeline. If clock is present, it always syncs to it. You can tap in a tempo change and the pedal will settle back to the clock over a couple beats (handy for warping delay effects). If no clock is present, you can tap a tempo and the pedal will use the taps without mucking about in the settings to disable clock sync. This is especially handy if a) one of your songs doesn't use a click, but others do or b) your band tends to get off click and you have to kill it mid-song, leaving either no delay or out-of-time delay.

      I know, the answer is "get the band to stay on click", but that's not always workable and the Timeline's MIDI implementation is really good in this regard."

    • #126044

      Another idea that might be usable would be for the presets to have a pop-up list of available slots for middi mapping — this would avoid having to remember which preset belongs to which map position as you go back and forth between the imbedded pages, etc. and the Presets list.

    • #126045

      +another 1 of the spill over. Another awesome (and most likely wishful thinking) is adding the Noisegate on the new EQ algorithms as a menu option to have on with all algorithms that can be turned on and off via an aux pedal, or an option for each algorithm.

    • #136773

      Please change the pitch shift parameter addressed as a ratio to cents (H910 H949 algorithm)

      Other than that I wish you had a H9 control app for the H8000 😉

      Thanks for a great product. Long live creativity.

    • #136834

      That tempo functionality would be amazing!

    • #126126

      I am not sure if anyone else had suggested this, but,as a guitarist, it would be very cool to have global multi-band EQ with say, a "contour" — this way you can fine tune your rig itself and, then, use the contour to adjust to the room …. 

    • #126148


      I am not sure if anyone else had suggested this, but,as a guitarist, it would be very cool to have global multi-band EQ with say, a "contour" — this way you can fine tune your rig itself and, then, use the contour to adjust to the room …. 

      This is very similar to what EQ Compressor offers, no?  Except it's not global.  Is EQ Compressor's custom UI for adjusting the EQ on iPad, WIndows, and MacOSX similar to what you're describing for contour?  


    • #136846

      I am not sure without sitting with it a minute, but it looks interesting —  thank you …

      To be clear, however, the idea is to have the EQ in addition to presets so that you can tune your rig (then add pre-effects) — most guitar tone shaping occurs in the midrange and its a deep place to tweak — the contour allows yo to keep your tone shaping settings and then adjust for the differences in the various rooms of your performances by a turn of an (encoder) knob.

      The other thing would be to make an option that the tuner is available by pc as well as midi cc messages

    • #126164

      This algorithm is getting some attention in the modular synth world. I've requested something like The VST plugin called Live Cut before. Perhaps this one would be pretty easy to implement.


    • #126185
      Lonny Jarrett

      Well, I might be jumping the gun here because mine doesn't come till wed……But I love the Lexicon PRIME BLUE preset from the PCM 90. Could that be approximated…….? It was killer and I keep the thing in my studio rack for that one preset. Would love it in a pedal……

    • #136881

      First post in this forum, so hopefully it works fine! Sorry if this has been addressed, I didn't read all the posts.

      I love my H9 and have a T1m aux switcher which gives me three more switches. It works like a charm, I have it programmed to; decrease preset, tuner tap. With the two buttons on the H9 this covers all my live functional use. One problem, I have to switch presets with one button then press the "activate" button to activate it. It auto loads when in preset mode using the encoder wheel but if using switches the activate button is used to engage the new preset. I wish there was a toggle to change switch preset changes to auto load as soon as you stop scrolling. It's too clunky in the middle of a tune to push two buttons to change presets. 

    • #136882


      I love my H9 and have a T1m aux switcher which gives me three more switches. It works like a charm, I have it programmed to; decrease preset, tuner tap. With the two buttons on the H9 this covers all my live functional use. One problem, I have to switch presets with one button then press the "activate" button to activate it. It auto loads when in preset mode using the encoder wheel but if using switches the activate button is used to engage the new preset. I wish there was a toggle to change switch preset changes to auto load as soon as you stop scrolling. It's too clunky in the middle of a tune to push two buttons to change presets. 

      In the next release of H9 software, we are going to add Load Next and Load Previous functions that can be used to go to the next (or previous) preset and load it automatically.  This is slightly different than what you described, but hopefully, it will be an improvement for you nonetheless.

    • #126222

      I want "Pre/Post" option like a Strymon Mobius.

    • #126238

      +1 on pre/post option

    • #136943

      I would like badly to have CC controllable Global Input volume and Global Output volume..First to do smooth swell effect with nice delay/reverb tail ,and second to setup gain boost/drop if needed all via CC massages..

    • #126259

      +1 for spillover ! Aslo I would like badly to have CC controllable Global Input volume and Global Output volume..First to do smooth swell effect with nice delay/reverb tail ,and second to setup gain boost/drop if needed all via CC massages..

    • #126260

      Of course spillover is a MUST ! (at least one second ! )

      I would aslo like badly to have CC controllable Global Input volume and Global Output volume..First to do smooth swell effect with nice delay/reverb tail ,and second to setup gain boost/drop if needed all via CC massages..

    • #126261

      I second that emotion ….

    • #136946

      I second this wish.  Maybe im spoiled by using AXE FX, but there should be a way to control delay input level so you could fade delays in and out smoothly with exp pedal. 

      Please add input level to delay effect, or change mix to input level. It would do the same thing only better when fading out delays .

    • #136947
      Lonny Jarrett

      Enjoying the H9 so far. This has been mentioned but an excellent Univibe would be my priority. None of the Mod patches come close. 

    • #136973

      I completely agree 🙂

    • #137001
      Lonny Jarrett

      The new Electroharmonic B9 looks AWESOME! How GREAT would it be to have that functionality in the H9! I'm guessing Eventide could achieve better fidelity. I'd love to avoid having to buy another pedal for a functionality I'd use in 2-3 songs in an evening. But what a great function!

    • #137060

      I know that the development team  don't like making promise about futur update but a nice idea would be to write a list of the futur features seriously cconsidered with a priority order. For example:  features A and B : next release, features C, D, E: futur release, 

      On of the reason is I doon't follow the list anymore, and I don't know what wish have been considered.

      Here is some idea:

      very important: we need a maximal user control of configuration of the switches (included the three switches on the pedal.

      some combo-algorithms for whose use the H9 as the solely spatial fx (delay, reverb, modulation)

      and the already mentionned:

      The looper, the loopr, the looper, the looper, the looper, the looper, the looper !!!! (and when?)


    • #126388

      #1 priority for me remains looper!  I just purchased a used timefactor and was disappointed to realize it has such short looping capabilities.  Priority upgrade would be looper for H9, with length improvement.  Undo/redo would be cool at some point.  Question while I'm on the thread.  My H9 and core are not connecting together with my ipad?  They will individually, but whatever one I connect first becomes my only option?  On the ipad itself, it shows that they are both connected in my settings, but the Bluetooth icon only engages on one pedal?

    • #126392


      Question while I'm on the thread.  My H9 and core are not connecting together with my ipad?  They will individually, but whatever one I connect first becomes my only option?  On the ipad itself, it shows that they are both connected in my settings, but the Bluetooth icon only engages on one pedal?

      I posted a follow-up to your question on a new thread as I'd like to keep this thread dedicated to H9 wish list thoughts: http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/p/9474/43082.aspx#43082

    • #126393

      I haven't read all the 200+ posts so forgive me if this has been mentioned but it would be great given the power requirements of the H9, to see, at least one, midi port provide phantom power.

    • #126406

      is it possible to make H9 Control app to recognize H9 pedal connected via MIDI to audio interface which is connected to computer?

    • #137084


      is it possible to make H9 Control app to recognize H9 pedal connected via MIDI to audio interface which is connected to computer?

      Yes, when the "Device not found" dialog pops up when you launch H9 Control, there is an option labeled "Manually select a device".  That will let you select a MIDI port which an H9 pedal (or Factor pedal) is connected to.  There's a bug in the current release where it's not remembering the selected connection and automatically reconnecting the next time H9 Control is launched but that will be fixed in the next release which should be out (for desktop) later this week.

    • #137087

      am I right when I say that it requires connections in both directions (In/Out) ? currently I have connected audio interface midi out to H9 midi in and H9 Control doesn't seem to recognize H9 pedal. (it seems I have to solder another midi cable)

    • #137088
      Eventide Staff

      You are right – it does.

    • #137089


      am I right when I say that it requires connections in both directions (In/Out) ? 

      Yes, it requires connections in both directions.

    • #137091

      added another midi cable, works fine. thanks.

      and I'm looking forward for the "remember midi connections" feature in h9 control 🙂

    • #126414

      H9 Control App

      Would love a forward and a back button up the top left similar to a web browser to navigate the H9 control app on all pages would make it so much easier to get around rather than having to go to the bottom of the page.

    • #126426

      ^ I was referring to the Desktop version in the last post.  

      I used the iOS version over the weekend and it seems more natural to get around.   I guess there's not many programs on Mac or Windows where navigation buttons are at the bottom of the page.

    • #137126

      Vibe algo please! It is such a cool efect when done right. Phaser algo has a hint of vibe, but it is not an ideal vibe sound.

    • #137150

      Possibility to map MIDI CC values and not just numbers, any intention to do so ?

    • #137151


      Possibility to map MIDI CC values and not just numbers, any intention to do so ?

      What do you mean by this exactly?

    • #137152

      Do any of the algorithms have or come with an adjustable click track or metronome feature. 

    • #137153

      Any chance of Bluetooth control on the desktop? I use my computer for playback during rehearsals so leaving it near the amp won't work

    • #137154


      Any chance of Bluetooth control on the desktop? I use my computer for playback during rehearsals so leaving it near the amp won't work

      We added that in the latest build. ;-). Check the release notes for instructions on how to set things up.

    • #137155


      Do any of the algorithms have or come with an adjustable click track or metronome feature. 

      No. None of the algorithms have that feature at the moment.

    • #137156

      It'd be nice if it can have a sitar algoithm

    • #137182

      Well, the tuner for example – its toggle only responds to CC with values over 63, no ?

      I've seen some confusion about this from various users and also, some controllers send 127 when on and 0 when off, so you can't properly use them for the tuner.

    • #137183
      Eventide Staff


      you can't properly use them for the tune

      Not entirely sure why not – the 127 will toggle it and the 0 will be ignored, which sounds like the behavior one would want.

    • #137184



      you can't properly use them for the tune

      Not entirely sure why not – the 127 will toggle it and the 0 will be ignored, which sounds like the behavior one would want.

      First press – 127 – tuner on.

      Second press to toggle off – 0 – ignored.

      you'll need to hit it third time to toggle off, and next you'll want to
      toggle on, twice again (since the first would be 0, and just then 127)

    • #137185
      Eventide Staff

      Your problem here is that your switch is acting as a toggle, not a momentary, so you have a toggle driving a toggle. Is there any way you can program it otherwise ? Our products usually expect a momentary-type switch action.

    • #137188

      string6, change your IA type from Stomp to Momentary in the LF editor and it should work as you expect.

    • #137189

      Opps… string6 you're not the other Liquid Foot guy. Sorry! carry on.

    • #126512

      Here's an off-the-wall algorithm idea: a pitch shifter that duplicates Arvo Part's tintinnabulation technique.  The basic idea is that you harmonize a melody note with a tone from a specified triad, with no unisons or octaves.  The available "positions" for the harmony voice are one or two triad notes above or below the melody note.  For example, if you specified your triad as E minor and the voice as -1, then playing a D or E would generate a B note in the harmony, while playing an F# or G would generate an E.  Ideally, you'd be able to select not only the position for the harmony voice, but also whether it was voiced "close" (the nearest specified note to the melody note) or "spread" (an octave up or down from the "close" note).  Controls could be:

      -Wet/dry mix

      -Voice 1/2 mix

      -Triad root note

      -Triad type (maj or minor at least, with diminished and augmented if you're feeling saucy)

      -Harmony 1 position (-2, -1, off, +1, +2)

      -Harmony 1 close/spread

      -Harmony 2 position

      -Harmony 2 close/spread

      …with maybe some filtering controls or independent pre-delay for each voice to use the remaining spots.  It would also work as a single-voice harmonizer with delay and modulation controls.  I've been messing around with this technique manually, and I think it could be the next killer app for ambient players.

    • #126518
      I've been messing around with this technique manually, and I think it could be the next killer app for ambient players.Esoteric, for sure, but nice!  I've been racking my brain on a workaround using common pedals & existing algorithms.  Maybe resonant delay 'drone' through a H910 / H949 or HarModulator.  Dry signal split off and mixed in parallel.  Foot control over Pitch Mix between static triad intervals.  Perhaps an H9 providing the opposite-side inversions.  How are you going about it manually?

      I've seen that variable 'capture' /Quantize-type of feature in the Eclipse documentation.  And you can see the results of a fixed pitch quantize in some of the PitchFactor Diatonic / QuadraVox scales.  Check out Whole Tone at 100% wet for a prime example.  So your proposed features are certainly possible.  Intriguing take on an algorithm.

    • #137209


      I've been messing around with this technique manually, and I think it could be the next killer app for ambient players.

      Esoteric, for sure, but nice!  I've been racking my brain on a workaround using common pedals & existing algorithms.  Maybe resonant delay 'drone' through a H910 / H949 or HarModulator.  Dry signal split off and mixed in parallel.  Foot control over Pitch Mix between static triad intervals.  Perhaps an H9 providing the opposite-side inversions.  How are you going about it manually?

      I've seen that variable 'capture' /Quantize-type of feature in the Eclipse documentation.  And you can see the results of a fixed pitch quantize in some of the PitchFactor Diatonic / QuadraVox scales.  Check out Whole Tone at 100% wet for a prime example.  So your proposed features are certainly possible.  Intriguing take on an algorithm.

      I'm doing it manually in the most old-fashioned way possible: playing the melody and the harmony note as doublestops.  That gets tricky with some of the minor/major second fingerings, though, and it'll take quite a bit of practice to be able to improvise with it.  It looks as though the diatonicshift 2 algorithm in the Eclipse could pull it off, if I'm reading the manual correctly, but you'd basically have to set up a preset with a unique user scale for each individual triad and harmony position, which would be pretty tedious.  I'd much rather have someone else code it as a flexible algorithm. =)

    • #137210


      I've been messing around with this technique manually, and I think it could be the next killer app for ambient players.

      Esoteric, for sure, but nice!  I've been racking my brain on a workaround using common pedals & existing algorithms.  Maybe resonant delay 'drone' through a H910 / H949 or HarModulator.  Dry signal split off and mixed in parallel.  Foot control over Pitch Mix between static triad intervals.  Perhaps an H9 providing the opposite-side inversions.  How are you going about it manually?

      I've seen that variable 'capture' /Quantize-type of feature in the Eclipse documentation.  And you can see the results of a fixed pitch quantize in some of the PitchFactor Diatonic / QuadraVox scales.  Check out Whole Tone at 100% wet for a prime example.  So your proposed features are certainly possible.  Intriguing take on an algorithm.

      I'm doing it manually in the most old-fashioned way possible: playing the melody and the harmony note as doublestops.  That gets tricky with some of the minor/major second fingerings, though, and it'll take quite a bit of practice to be able to improvise with it.  It looks as though the diatonicshift 2 algorithm in the Eclipse could pull it off, if I'm reading the manual correctly, but you'd basically have to set up a preset with a unique user scale for each individual triad and harmony position, which would be pretty tedious.  I'd much rather have someone else code it as a flexible algorithm. =)

    • #137211

      Eventide, please consider putting Mix control BEFORE the effect input on Space ant TF algorythms. This way would allow to keep delay and reverb trails when backing off mix via expression pedal. Or at least make this an option if someone wants to keep existing behavour. In other words change Mix control to Input gain.

    • #126535

      Here's an early Arvo Part piano piece that illustrates the technique I'm talking about (with score for reference): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYXkunzWeSM

    • #137216

      A request for the wish list; Distortion and overdrive models.

    • #126539

      My first wish is more for the H9 control, I would like the ability to import multiple presets at one time instead of hunting for each one. I would also like the ability to designate a folder that the H9 control immediately jumps too whenever you save a preset.

      I also would like the ability to swap between a pre and post location of the H9 within my signal chain.


    • #126540


      I would like the ability to import multiple presets at one time instead of hunting for each one. 

      Is this different from what you can do in the preset lists screen where you can save all of the presets off of a connected device by clicking the "Save to…" button?

    • #126559

      Is it possible to add the functionality of being able to record audio through H9 connected through the USB cable?

      This would be cool digital recording directly into a DAW and using the features of the pedal as a plugin.

    • #126560
      Eventide Staff

      That would be cool but not possible given the usb chip in the H9. Sorry to disappoint but thanks for the suggestion.

    • #137269


      A request for the wish list; Distortion and overdrive models.

      I second that! Different distortion algorithms are a great idea!

    • #137274
      Eventide Staff

      You mean FuzzFactor ? Or DirtFactor. We're thinking about it. But, digital distortion is tough, and distortion in general is very subjective. So, not a small thing.

    • #137275

      I'd use the OD style as a base for one configuration — include three bands EQ, presence and an option for the gain before and after the "tone stack" and include three trim pots for tuning the OD — Dumble style amps everywhere …

      Klon type OD is also very favored as well

    • #137276

      It be the only addition that made me consider to buy a second box for,

      As is the H9 is excellent (in stereo sounds even better then a lot of rack gear), but much of the algos have a kind of special fx character, that I dont feel the need to stack 2 or 3 off.

      Its probably a huge task to make a dirtfactor but a very rewarding one, Adding distortions and overdrives would likely make the h9 much more populair and practical for a lot of folks,

    • #137292

      I'd think about some different kinds of distortion.. such as Rob Papen distortion or Propellerheads Reason's scream.. like tape, tube, foldback, tube, bitcrush, etc.. 

    • #137293

      The world does *not* need another distortion box.  There are so many more interesting things you could be doing with all that in-house expertise.

    • #137294

      I am the only one to NOT agree here! I'll second Eventides stance. TC Electronic tried, but all that tube distortion is elusive at best. All modellers (software plug ins) today tends to have a "sameness" to them. I e regardless how vast and many variations there are, "Fender Twin" or "High Gain", after a while when initial honeymoon has passed, you're left with an underwhelming sense.

      I think even tube-screamers today, and all real analog pedals is a kind of one trick pony. No one I've heard are as long lasting as a good tube amps distortion in the long run. I've played with high end boutiqe pedals, and while they are very good, there's something to them that makes you press the footswitch, and de-activate them and go "aaaaahhhhh…." again. A sigh of relief so to speak.

      HOWEVER! This is only a live thing, and when playing through them for real. Just listening to them, they all sound good, when someone else plays through them. Even Kemper profiling amp, and Ultra Axe FX tries to nail it, and it is always closer, and closer but no real cigar.

      See, distortion, at least tube amp distortion, as opposed to time based effects, has an immediacy and real response and feeling to it, that it is really NOT AN EFFECT AS SUCH, but a part of the instrument. All time based effects later on, ModFactor, PitchFactor, Space, TimeFactor, are time based effects that are USUALLY laid on on the decaying end of the note. And as an effect (as with all effects) should be used more sparingly, than the un-effected sound (i e tube amps saturation and "natural" distortion"). It is very ambiguos rant, but I can run an amp longer, for two hours, on full blast, than ANY preset on any FX-pedal out there. And boost/distortion pedal too. After a while, you get the listening fatigue.

      And it is the same with tube-equipped pedals. There's always a gnarl in there, something that is "same same" sounding.

    • #137295


      The world does *not* need another distortion box.  There are so many more interesting things you could be doing with all that in-house expertise.

      Agree! Totally. Would be nice to see LIKE buttons underneath each posts, so we don't have to post "WORD!!" posts one after another. My stance too. There's 16 to the dozen of'em, each claiming this and that Klon Centaur killer application/sounds…

    • #137296

      I very strongly disagree! 

      It's true that the world does not need models of typical analog distortion pedals: there's no point in trying to be a RAT or a tubescreamer when those are cheap and easily available.  However, there are all sorts of interesting things that can be done with distortion: bit-crushing, wave-table lookups (like the WMD GeigerCounter) , PLL tricks (like the Schumann), glitching, stuttering and so forth.

      As long as Eventide do something out of the ordinary, I'm all for it!

    • #137297

      My thing with distortion pedals COMBINED with timebased effects, and special "out there" phsychedelic, "dry ice" effects, it's that they work badly together. I mostly want a totally clean and clear signal when sent into the H9 or othewise. The gnarls, and unlinearities becomes too much for the H9 to track properly ending up in an ugly signal. The only thing that I (in IMHO) think works, is a tiny bit of regular delay, and a tiny bit of spring reverb. That's it. If I want to go atmospheric, soundscapes, and all these "dry ice moments" I prefer to "print" the input with as clean signal as possible. Maybe – at a stretch – a clean boost or compressor before it. For example, I loathe phase shifters, choruses with distorted signals. A big huge no no in my book. These 80's thing. Sounds out of phase, out of tune, and just plain… bad. But that's a more personal taste than anything else. Each to their own. And with pitch shifting techinqies, there's not any pedal that can track a distorted signal properly. Not even ..tide. But as fast as the signal's clean, I am all game.

    • #137298

      Enough of my rants and back to wish list:

      I want a STEP PHASER algo.

      Way back, on the BOSS SE-70 and VF-1 half rack fx of the 90's, it was possible to make a sort of random and hold in the phaser presets of those units. However, when setting everything the same, they did not sound the same at all. The SE-70 won hands down, because the step phaser added some mallet-marimba transients to the step phaser (which the VF-1 didn't), when resonance was set high, and gave it a certain rhythmic groove or flavor that suited the chords you were playing into it. Combined with delays and a good hall reverb it sounded HUGE, and beautiful. Would LOVE to see that one. I don't know if it fits within the algos of H9 or ModFactor anyway. I saved the SE-70 unit and sold the VF-1 one. Just because of this.

      Would also see MORE combined algos. Like combine the chorus(mod)-delay(time)-reverb(space) things into one algo. Not the most outrageous effects, but the more common one combinations.

    • #137299

      Honch, it seems to me that you might be able to do that in the Phaser algo now.  I don't have that algorithm yet, but perhaps using the sample & hold waveform with one of the deeper phaser types.

      I did something similar with filters in the PitchFactor's HarPeggiator algo, and it's one of my favorite presets.  I still have my SE-50 here [sadly, no MIDI sync rate].  I'll need to compare that with the H9 offerings to refresh my memory.  I remember a Stereo Flanger effect with Gate on the SE-50, but not the Step Phaser.

    • #137300

      Good to know, Brock! Thanks for replying. I will have to probe deep into the sample and hold. The rate is crucial and the "pace" of the reverb and delays afterwards. The rythmic "marimba-mallets" that dance over the frequency spectrum is addicitve.

      That was what I was wondering over. The 2 units from same companies using the same algorithms for this spacey and psyecedelic effect. But it sounds totally different on the SE-70 and the VF-1. Boss that is. I've done numerous A/B side by side tests, but no. The VF-1 where softer and more lame. That's why I wonder about Eventides algos.

    • #137301


      … I still have my SE-50 here [sadly, no MIDI sync rate].  I'll need to compare that with the H9 offerings to refresh my memory.  I remember a Stereo Flanger effect with Gate on the SE-50, but not the Step Phaser.

      Note, the SE-70 is what I use, and own, and was talking about. The SE-50 is the one that preceeded the SE-70.  The SE-50 had analog distortion unit, they hadn't solved the digital yet, back then. But the digital COSM and other things on VF-1, SE-70 were bad too, already when they came around. They were critized as too noisy, way too noisy in any distorted settings, high-gain or not. But most of the FX still holds up today, say, if you use all of the units DSP as a reverb, and not all these multi-fx just for the sake of that you can.

      MIDI sync rate is also something I wish, on everything, that is remotely oscillated in any way.

    • #137302

      A couple things come to mind, Honch.  You alluded to the resonance.  Some designs 'cap' feedback well before runaway oscillation.  But sometimes that sweet spot is teetering right on the edge.  Another thing is the 'attack'.  I added some fast attack/short decay to my RandomFilters preset, and it makes all of the difference.  You may be able to do the same thing with a ramp (inverse sawtooth) LFO over the amplitude.

      All in theory right now, but I'm thinking primary modulation speed & secondary LFO rate set the same.  Primary modulation waveform shape at Sample & Hold; secondary mod source at Ramp.  High resonance and just the right Phaser variation can't hurt.  (I'll have to try some of this when I get home.)

      Now, back to the great "dirt debate" …

    • #137303


      A couple things come to mind, Honch.  You alluded to the resonance.  Some designs 'cap' feedback well before runaway oscillation.  But sometimes that sweet spot is teetering right on the edge.  Another thing is the 'attack'.  I added some fast attack/short decay to my RandomFilters preset, and it makes all of the difference.  You may be able to do the same thing with a ramp (inverse sawtooth) LFO over the amplitude.

      All in theory right now, but I'm thinking primary modulation speed & secondary LFO rate set the same.  Primary modulation waveform shape at Sample & Hold; secondary mod source at Ramp.  High resonance and just the right Phaser variation can't hurt.  (I'll have to try some of this when I get home.)

      OK, I'll try that, thanks again for tip and fast reply.

    • #137304

      Ok here's a wishlist:

      1) Enable to power it from USB cable. Only. An USB Power adapter as used for cell phones.

      2) Sitar emulator algo. Can't find it on other "factor" pedals. Korg Pandoras PX5D, Electro Harmonix has these. Or any other Indian "drone" strings technique. I e a drone should be heard just when you hit a certain note or key. Sympathetic strings vibrating at certain notes.

      3) The MIX as many people have already complained about. Post/pre mix, either through exp pedal or otherwise

      4) MultiFX algoritms, as someone said earlier. including me.

      5) STRUM TEMPO – instead of tap tempo. Hold any switch -> which mutes the signal -> whack the strings 2-3 times in a row even tempo. This tracks and mails exact tempo MUCH better than any tap switch. Trust me on this.

      6) As another one said, MIDI tempo clock, some algos drift way out after a minute or two. Seems that it reads the first two BPMs only and then goes freewheeling…sort of.

    • #137357

      Two requests relating to MIDI PC:

      1) Include an option to have presets automatically activate in response to MIDI PC.

      I just received my H9 (loving it so far) so there could be some user error here, but using my Disaster Area DPC-8 controller, changing presets on the controller (which fires PC messages) causes the assigned preset name/number to show up on the H9's screen (all good), however the preset is not activated and does not become active when stepping on the Activate button. What's confusing me is the activate button on the H9 won't activate the new preset. The activate led is on from the previous preset, but neither the new preset nor previous preset is effecting the signal (I'm getting a completely dry signal at this point), and the H9 can only be re-activated by selecting and activating a new preset directly from the H9 itself. Regardless of my probable user error here, it would be ideal to have the preset auto-activate in response to MIDI PC.

      2) Allow the tuner to be activated with a MIDI PC Message.

      This would allow me to put the DPC-8 into bypass (sending PC 0) and have the H9 respond by activating the tuner. Could this be added as an option under Programme Change receive map? This would be incredibly useful for me and make the tuner much easier to use.

    • #137358


      1) Include an option to have presets automatically activate in response to MIDI PC.

      I just received my H9 (loving it so far) so there could be some user error here, but using my Disaster Area DPC-8 controller, changing presets on the controller (which fires PC messages) causes the assigned preset name/number to show up on the H9's screen (all good), however the preset is not activated and does not become active when stepping on the Activate button.

      Could you make sure that you have the latest H9 software 4.8.0[1] installed? If you save a preset as activated, then it should load and activate when called up via a MIDI program change. 

    • #137359

      I have a Disaster Area DMC-6 controller and it controls the H9 just fine and when selecting presets via midi patch changes, the preset is activated.

      I'd check with Disaster Area for a software update — also, my DMC-6 was modded to have a selected footswitch position to send a single cc message sent to toggle the H9 tuner … works well …

    • #137362


      Could you make sure that you have the latest H9 software 4.8.0[1] installed? If you save a preset as activated, then it should load and activate when called up via a MIDI program change. 

      Thanks very much for the reply. I updated the H9 software to 4.8.0[1] tonight and there is no change. I am just using the pre-loaded presets at the moment and they all appear to be saved as activated. I saved one as not activated to see what happens: when selecting from the DPC-8 it loads as not activated (active LED off), and pressing the activate button toggles the active LED, but still no wet signal.

      I did notice that, when switching to a (saved as active) preset from the DPC-8 whilst sustaining a note, as the new preset is loaded I get wet signal from the new preset for a fraction of a second but then it quickly disappears, while the active remains LED on. It seems as though something is killing the wet signal immediately after loading a preset via MIDI PC, regardless of the preset's 'Active' status. Toggling the Activate button does not restore the wet signal, but changing preset from the H9 or from H9 Control does.

      Please let me know if I should move this to a new thread – I don't want to derail the wish list.

      Many thanks again!

    • #137363


      I have a Disaster Area DMC-6 controller and it controls the H9 just fine and when selecting presets via midi patch changes, the preset is activated.

      I'd check with Disaster Area for a software update — also, my DMC-6 was modded to have a selected footswitch position to send a single cc message sent to toggle the H9 tuner … works well …

      Thanks for the input merkaba22 – good to hear from another Disaster Area user. I will look into the firmware and maybe email them about the tuner thing.

      Thanks again!

    • #126690

      I find the H9 unsurpassed in sonic power in a pedal format and the Control app outstanding in a studio setting. Its limiting factor is its elegant but diminutive form. For live performance it is so svelte that it could greatly benefit from 1. Larger LED Billboard Display like the 12 characters of SPACE; 2. dedicated parameter buttons corresponding to all 9 knobs of the stompboxes, plus Hotknob, Mix, and Preset, to have a truly complete onboard control surface; and 3. additional aux switch and expression pedal facility, especially important because of the nature of the parameter controllability of most recent algorithms. Here is my thumbnail sketch for expanding this beauty into a full size stompbox form…

    • #137364

      I'm putting in another vote for Android support.

      Do you think this is going to happen in the future?


    • #137370



      Could you make sure that you have the latest H9 software 4.8.0[1] installed? If you save a preset as activated, then it should load and activate when called up via a MIDI program change. 

      Thanks very much for the reply. I updated the H9 software to 4.8.0[1] tonight and there is no change. I am just using the pre-loaded presets at the moment and they all appear to be saved as activated. I saved one as not activated to see what happens: when selecting from the DPC-8 it loads as not activated (active LED off), and pressing the activate button toggles the active LED, but still no wet signal.

      I did notice that, when switching to a (saved as active) preset from the DPC-8 whilst sustaining a note, as the new preset is loaded I get wet signal from the new preset for a fraction of a second but then it quickly disappears, while the active remains LED on. It seems as though something is killing the wet signal immediately after loading a preset via MIDI PC, regardless of the preset's 'Active' status. Toggling the Activate button does not restore the wet signal, but changing preset from the H9 or from H9 Control does.

      Please let me know if I should move this to a new thread – I don't want to derail the wish list.

      Many thanks again!

      Solved it! The DPC-8EZ sends a PC on channel 1 and various CCs on channel 16. I previously had the H9 midi channel set to Omni – setting the H9 to channel 1 solved the preset issue I was having.

    • #137388

      I have a couple of  suggestions for the H9 control app, mainly to do with the preset lists page. 

      1. Drag to reorder presets. This could work similarly to rearranging apps on an iPad home screen. Drag from one location to another. Drag a preset in between two other presets, and they shuffle along and make room for it. You could have it so that dragging directly onto a preset either replaces it, or a pop up lets you choose from replacing preset, swapping preset, or cancelling the action. I think this would be much simpler than having to select copy, paste, and swap options from drop down menus. This could also include the option to delete a preset with a small 'x' in the corner of the preset (activated by a long press), similar to deleting apps on an iPad.

      2. Tweaking how the 'edit list' function works, as I find it confusing how certain actions can only be completed in certain modes. For example, I can drag new presets into place when I am in edit list mode, but then if I want to re arrange the preset order, I need to save, go back out of edit list mode, select the preset I want to move, hit the more button and then select the required function (copy, insert etc). It is also confusing how it seems to auto save any preset tweaking when not in edit mode, but then you have to save every time you leave edit mode or lose your changes. 

      I think on the whole the H9 control app is great, particularly how solid the real time parameter change performance is. I just found the preset list section a bit confusing and maybe not as intuitive as it could be, and I think the drag to rearrange function would help to really change that. Keep up the good work

    • #126755

      I have a few suggestions for the H9 control app, mainly to do with the preset list page.

      1. Drag to rearrange presets. This could work similarly to rearranging apps on an iPad home screen. Drag from one location to another. Drag between two other presets and they could slide out of the way to make room. This could also include the option of deleting presets directly from lists using a long press and a small 'x' in the corner of the preset, once again in a similar fashion to deleting apps on an iPad.  I think this would be much easier than having to select these functions from drop down menus, and makes better use of the touch interface.

      2. Change how the 'edit list' mode works. I find it confusing that I can only perform certain tasks in certain modes. For example, if I am using edit list mode to drag in some new presets, but then want to rearrange the order, I have to save, exit edit list mode using the back button, select the preset I want to move, hit the more button and then select the function I want (copy, swap etc). I'm sure I might be missing the point of the edit list mode, but it seems strange that I have to exit the 'editing' mode in order to be able to copy, swap etc. I'm very sorry if I have totally missed the point here though.

      On the whole I really like the H9 control app, particularly the performance of realtime control, but I just find the preset list section a little less intuitive than it could be. I feel that adding dragging to preset list editing would really help in this regard. Keep up the good work!

      Also sorry if this posts twice, I think it deleted my whole post before but maybe not

    • #126756

      Totally agree with this ^ I also love the h9 control app but find things like reorganising of presets not very easy.  Dragging a dropping would be a fantastic addition.

      Landscape view for new 4.7" iPhone 6 would be great too??

    • #137390

      I'll keep beating the dead horse…

      Android support!

    • #126758

      I strongly agree, love H9 Control in general, great looking and excellent real-time parameter control, but a few small features are stilted and clumsy compared to standard Windows PC apps including most pro audio interfaces. 1)  ^^^^ Drag and drop of presets within preset lists etc. and streamline the editing menus as mentioned above. Noticeable absence of any right-click functions to rename or edit presets. 2) Expand the darn screen view! (the worst feature of the H9 itself is its small display!) The 3×3 grid of tiles may be cute on a little phone screen but it is seriously annoying on a 27" monitor not to be able to go full screen and have at least 4 tiles across – especially for the stompboxes which employ pairs of presets in banks – the odd number of 3 tiles across constantly disturbs the logical visibility of pairs of presets next to each other. 3) Nomenclature – the big black thing in the middle of the H9 should be called the "EKNOB(tm)!" (Encoder Knob, Eventide Knob, get it?) It is confusing, vague, and unimaginitive to just call it the Knob since it is much more than that.

      I second the sentiment for android support and I strongly urge ET to keep and bolster Windows PC support for H9 and all computer interfaced products. Apple is fine for high-end studios and iphone tweakers alike, but the vast majority of existing and potential customers are served best by Windows PC desktops, tablets, laptops, pads and android mini devices. Thanks to ET for being adaptable and responsive to these types of issues, on top of the job of outstanding sonic quality! …and don't forget the idea of Bigger Display and More Controls and Twin Engine for more multi-fx…

    • #137398


    • #126771

      More complex alogs, something like "overdrive+reverb+delay". I hope something coming from Gtr 4000, which I have in my studio. Drive, distortion overdrive in particular

    • #137405

      I strongly agree too. Reshuffle of presets, and general GUI oft he editor, and rename of certains knobs buttons and parameters. A serious overhaul.

    • #126774

      Digital Optical I/O

    • #126790

      A granular synthesis H9 Special algorithm.  It was mentioned once early on in this thread, but it's worth repeating (no pun intended).  I think that Eventide could raise the bar here with the extensive MIDI control and stereo configurations common to all their algorithms.  I can think of only one competing product in a stompbox-type format.

      The UltraTap algo comes SO close in many respects; especially with multiple parameters assigned to expression pedal / Hotswitch control.  Fold in some aspects of PitchFactor algorithms [Crystals; H910/H949; HarPeggiator].  I'm currently using an 8 Step Program to sequence expression input to a PitchFactor and H9, for very controllable glitch / stutter / grain-like effects.

      About all that's missing are the options for grain playback sequences, duration, more density control, …

    • #137428

      Apologies if this has already been wished:

      The ability to use MIDI notes for controlling parameters and patch changes. To use notes for controlling knobs > select note number > min / max sets the two states for a particular note control (ie. note on= value x, note off= value y) with the option of toggling between the two states (ie. note on #1 sets value x, second noteone sets value y, note offs ignored). or just enable MIDI note control for all switches and preset up/down if that's too complicated/esoteric 🙂 Or how about controlling pitchfactory pitch values with and external MIDI keyboard? 🙂

    • #137433

      Wish List:

      1. Global Volume Expression Control at Input or Output levels. This is a deal breaker!

       I use multiple H9's, they do different jobs.

      2. Global Expression Pedal, e.g. when you move the Expression you get instant WAH regardless of the Patch you are using.

      3. Improved Midi interfacing with other Midi Controllers, I have the Liquid Foot JR+ with two Exp Pedals. I am 'trying' to control two H9's, hopefully adding a third.

      4. When using USB Connection I get unwanted high pitched noise through Amp.

      5. Midi Signals are disabled while USB is Connected, my H9's are a part of a system. I do not want to disconnect them to test programming changes.

      6. Are Fuzz, Distortion, etc patches possible with H9? 

      7.Transmit the H9 Tuner info via Midi Out, again the Liquid Foot can receive this info and display it.

      Thanks! Love my H9's sound.

    • #137434
      Eventide Staff


      4. When using USB Connection I get unwanted high pitched noise through Amp.

      This is almost certainly a ground loop. You could try plugging the PC into the same socket as your audioi, or maybe a USB isolator if it is an issue.


      5. Midi Signals are disabled while USB is Connected, my H9's are a part of a system. I do not want to disconnect them to test programming changes.

      Sorry – this is a hardware limitation – nothing we can do.


      Liquid Foot

      We are talking to Mr. Liquid Foot at the moment – hopefully things will come of it.

    • #137459

      Seconded, especially for the TimeFactor and Space algos. Having the ability to use mix in pre, or as an input / send to the effect allow for much more musical swells via an expression pedal

    • #137460

      Apologies, my previous post was replying to an earlier request regarding an option to move the mix control to a pre position – it makes much less sense when it doesn't appear directly after that post.

    • #137462

      OK, I'm back to beat the dead horse:

      1)  Uni-Vibe, Uni-Vibe, Uni-Vibe, Uni-Vibe…

      2)  Dynamic Distortion 2 w/ Forced Feedback

      3)  sitar emulator

      I just plopped down good money (that could've gone towards an H9) for a used EH Ravish Sitar which is absolutely freakin' cool.  OK, not the most authentic sitar sounds but damn close and with a lot more trippy sounds yet to discover.  Definitely getting a Norwegian Woody!

      C'mon, Big E!  You can do these for the masses and we'll love you for them.

    • #137477

      When I'm editing a preset on the fly with XYZ buttons I would like to see the parameters number. The red circle doesn't help much. If I'm editing the Mix I would like to see the number (1-100) – if I editing the Decay I would like to see the seconds(like when editing ModEchoVerb presets) etc.


    • #137478


      When I'm editing a preset on the fly with XYZ buttons I would like to see the parameters number. The red circle doesn't help much. If I'm editing the Mix I would like to see the number (1-100) – if I editing the Decay I would like to see the seconds(like when editing ModEchoVerb presets) etc.

      You can do that now by switching into Expert mode. If you long press a switch, the parameter assigned to that switch will show its values…  Each switch must individually be put into Expert mode…

    • #137479

      Ah ok cool thanks.

      Would be even cooler if it showed the values in normal mode as well. 90% of the time when adjusting on the fly you're only changing the parameters already assigned to XYZ anyway.

    • #137486


      1. Global Volume Expression Control at Input or Output levels. This is a deal breaker!

      +10000000  Not only for reverb and delay tails, but Crystals in the PF as well.

    • #137518

      Recently started fiddling with the hotswitch.

      Would be nice if the screen would show when you kick it off too. It says HOT + when you kick it on. A simple HOT – would be great.

    • #137520

      I have my H9 for a few days now. My wishlist for now:

      -Possibility to combine more than one algorithm. This is my main wish. Hopefully some day this is possible. I think this is one of the big shortages of the H9

      -Longer delay times. I would like to have 16 seconds delay. Yes I am looper/delay freak!

      -Better pitch shifter tracking for chords. The tracking for one note is good. But playing two or more notes together results in bad tracking even with the 'modern' type of harmonizer. Tracking like the new EHX Pitchfork would be amazing.

      I really love the reverbs in the H9!!!

    • #126895


      I've been tweaking the user presets and rename (and renumber) the results, did it with success by just rewriting each individual .tide file located inside the Library/H9 Control/Presets… so far so good

      When trying to replicate the same settings for my iPad I can not find the way to do that. Particularly if I'd like to renumber the presets and preset lists. I imagine I could erase the complete thing and reenter every set-up by means of the H-9 connected, but what a fuss!

      Maybe there is a way I did not notice, please let me know if there is a way around!

      Thanks a lot

    • #126902

      Here are three:

      1. Distortion: I know other people have said this, but I wanted to reiterate that it would be really nice to have.  

      2. Two Presets at one time: Again, I know people want it, but wanted to add my support.

      3. Master/Slave presets for H9 and Core: This could be a pseudo work around for two presets at once.  So, I have an H9 and a Core.  I control them using a midi controller.  But it is hard to keep track of the combinations that sound good.  It would be cool if you could save a "preset" that would have two presets, so that when you could call up that preset, it would load the one preset on the H9 and load the other on the core.  Does that make sense?


    • #137544

      do you guys really want eventide, famous for crazy delays, harmonizers, reverbs, mod etc effect, to create a simple digital distortion? there are lot of different, great pedals, analog, tube, solidstate if then something like multi band distortion or something crazy with pitch shifting combination for different EQ bands.

      I think it was explained few times, that more presets at a time is impossible due HW limitations and complexity of effects. Rather keep going suggestions for more complex effects, that may have combination of effects that you want to use at once – lot of eventide effects are done in this way

      regarding master/slave presets – this can be easily done via Midi just program one (master) H9 to trigger preset on second H9 using PC message when you call presets on the master H9

    • #137545

      Total agree, I'm surprised about the wish of distorsion!!?? we all know that digital distorsion sucks. I would prefer that Eventide take time where this hardware could be great: spatial and harmoniser effects. I have the same opinion about compressor which can be really good on this kind of hardware. I might consider, a kind of crazy distortion (multi-band), idem with compressor. But making a classic distortion with the H9 is a waste. In my opinion.

      The H9 must be developed where this pedal can be good. And there is much to do in the combined effects (reverb + delay), in the modulation effects (good univibe, not happy with the phaser, flanger) or in low featureswet / dry linked to the R/L channel, gain control, scenes (for presets)

    • #137555

      Global output volume as an option would be REALLY useful Wink.

      A polyphonic pitch shifting algorithm would be nice.

      Or, a monophonic, formant corrected pitch shifting algorithm would be great.

      Obviosuly a combination of the previous two would be great as well Smile.

    • #137564

      + 1 for a polyphonic pitch shifting algorithm (or updated tracking on some existing algorithms if that was possible). The flexibility of the H9/pitchfactor algorithms with multiple voices, delays, feedback etc is unrivalled, but a number of companies (EHX, digitech, morpheus, earthquaker devices, Zcat) seem to be getting some pretty good results with polyphonic tracking and it would be awesome if the H9 could get on board with that too!

    • #137679

      Now since the H9 MAX has been released, I wonder the following:

      1. Is it possible that H9 MAX already is full of Algorithms, and can't be loaded with new ones as we go along, finding out new things?

      2. Is there's a advantage to old and early adaptor users of H9 to be able to make wishes for algorithms that in the long run, won't fit in in th H9 MAX at all? I mean, is the MAX locked and complete with a set algorithm library forever? It would be mitigating circumstance to old H9 users, that they can continue develop and load new algorithms but MAX can't. So there would be some advantage to keep their old H9s.

    • #137680

      No, Max is not locked at the current level of algorithms…. Eventide have said that Max users will receive future algorithms as well

    • #137681

      What about an Holophonic or Binaural algorithm? I know it will be only useful using headphones but think it could be a very interesting possibility.


    • #137713

      1) Univibe

      2) Pre/post routing like Mobius

      3) Polyphonic pitchshifty ala EHX POG/HOG/B9

      4) Formant

      5) Slow gear

      6) synths

    • #127098

      Not too sure about that. If you should expand the physical dimensions I'd rather have 4-5 Fooswtiches to press on/off and get rid of the back panel aux/switch input, and only use that for exp pedal. I think if one can get rid of the need to have extra footswitches and taking up real estate space, one has won pretty much. I know there has to be room for not knocking adjacent switches on and off, but I think generally speaking with all delay/multifx units 5 proper footswitches are minimum. 2 to go up down in banks/presets, 1 fx on/off switch, 1 tap tempo/or hold strum tempo which is my favorite, and 1 ASSIGNABLE footswitch, for tuner, mute, or whatever else you can assign it to. Looper start on/off and so on.

      However, I think in order for those to work you have to make the pedal graduated with "two tier" terrace, that two or three buttons at the top tier, and the rest at the low, so you don't bump into the adjacent ones. But looking at the distances at such footwitches as DigiTechs FSX-3 there are enough space between them.

    • #137723

      My last post got lost. I tried to do a proper reply to the one who wished change in physical dimension and a larger pedal with an "own" design that he displayed. However, the pic isn't involved in this reply regardless of that I included it. It can be very confusing as to which post I replied to. Sorry for this, but this forum seems to have som gnarls regarding answering posts that you thought that EVERYTHING would be included…

    • #137724

      Honch, I had posted a sketch of my concept for a next generation "H99". I would mostly like to see the ability to use both three button aux switches and expression pedal at the same time as with Factor series pedals, a larger display 12 character like the SPACE, internal processing capable of two or three Factor algos in series, and double the looper time memory. I'm sure these are all things ET would love to do if it makes economic sense. The biggest dilemma is whether to force all advanced controls to an external device like ipad or pc tablet and aux switches instead of complete, cogent control surface on the unit itself. One requires the factory to build a more expensive hardware unit. The other requires the customer to buy additional external devices – a portable computer of some sort (yes, that includes iphones), plus triple aux switches – to fully operate the unit. The pro argument being that the user will own those smart phones and tablets anyway. The question is not the quality of ET sound effects, but the feasibility of the vessel that contains them.

      Here is my sketch, unless they don't want it seen because it hits too close to home. Actually, I hope my concept is dead on and will materialize in the future…

    • #137726

      I would really really like to see the ability to connect two H9's together and have them talk to each other better. Especially when using kill dry. I'd be nice if they could take to each other so I could use use a delay and a reverb on kill dry at the same time. 

    • #137733

      I would love to see better preset list management in the Editors. Making preset lists is more tedious than it should be, I think. Dragging a dropping presets between lists would be great, for example. 

    • #137734


      I would love to see better preset list management in the Editors. Making preset lists is more tedious than it should be, I think. Dragging a dropping presets between lists would be great, for example. 

      Well, you are aware of all the changes we made to the preset list editing in the latest release? You can now use drag and drop to reorganize lists in the "Edit List" screen…

    • #127164

      Would it be possible to increase the preset range to 128? I am running a midi setup and that would make it life less messy for me.

    • #127165

      Are you using the xmit and rcv MIDI Program change maps.

      this pgm chg mapping is in SYSTEM mode under MIDI.

      This will allow you to

      support any preset loading to any program change message? up to 127 ie. 0 to 127.

      joe waltz


    • #137786

      I'm loving my H9 Max!

      I'd like to request the distortion preamp algorithm (or a version of it) from the Eclipse called 'distortion preamp'. The main reason is for the feedback feature, which does this:  'Controls the amount of “forced feedback,” similar to an amplifier feeding back at high volume levels.'

      It reminds me of the Boss Super Feedbacker or the Fender Runaway Feedback, but much better sounding and more tweakable.


    • #137787

      I'm trying to avoid maps on individual devices, I get confused easily 🙂 

      im controlling 2 h9s, a timeline, a korg micro-synth and foot controller, a chase bliss wombtone and warped vinyl, and sending out program changes and clock to a keyboard player and drummer all with a molten voltage master control unit.

      because of all these factors I'm trying to keep most prg changes to a 1 to 1 system, for me it makes more sense and I don't have to worry about tweaking in one songs preset accidentally effecting another song preset.

    • #137789

      Glad to see so many interesting topics, within this topic! Smile

      Since there was one a few posts back that wanted to change the overall physical design of the H9, here's one that had dumbfounded and eluded me for years, regarding ALL stompox manufacturers, and I really think that – while slightly OT – not only a H9 wish, it would be time for ET to incorporate the following design change on ALL their stompoxes, maybe even be the first to proceed like this:

      Most, if not all stompboxes has their bottom plate stuffed with rubber pads/feets and large labels of info with serial no, and so on.

      Now, if using the pedal alone, it needs these rubber pads/feets, but whenever stuck on ANY pedalboard, all of these rubber things and even design of the bottom plates becomes a problem, when you have to remove the rubber pads, in order to stick Velcro strips on it. Now here comes the thing:

      1. Make all pedals bottom plates, reversable! I e just turn them around and screw them back on!

      I e when you unscrew it, then the back of the plate is almost always a) untreated surface b) totally blank and clean slate.  If it was possible to make the bottom plate FIT IN with the rubber pads/feets facing inward/upward without touching any circuitry, you should be able to stick as much Velcro on it as you like, without ruining/removing the rubber pads, or labels which produce valid information. Also they would be hidden, and you know where these are for the future. It should be designed to it'll fit snugly, just as snug and tight as the right way. Nothing that protrudes at all. An even level with the rest of the pedal. Velcro strips doesn't have that ability to stick very firmly to rubber pads anyway, and you could even glue them togetther on that blank untreated surface.

      If you, in the future, would like to reverse it, for selling it (what!?!?) or use with ther rubber feet on, the ugly glue residue from the Velcro strips will be turned inwards and not visible. You can even leave the strips on, but it may be a 50/50 that the hook/loop will be the wrong way for the next user or pedalboard.

      The advantages are probably, that you save the rubber pad/feets from wearing out, and the stickers and labels will not be erased out from anything readable. I found this added design is of no nit picking relevance but actually a valid one that will appeal to many of the full pedalboard communities. When I look at most pedal manufacturers galleries of photos on their websites, they take high resolution photos of all sides of their pedals. Except the bottom of them! Would love to see if ET was the first one to make this happens.

      Just remember where you read it first.

      I've seen numerous YT clips of how to stick Velcro on Boss pedals, or whatever, but NOWHERE has anyone even tried to flip that bottom plate over and screw it back again, and glue Velcro strips on a surface that is devoid of any rubber. The method works on SOME Boss Pedals, but most ones, ends up with a gap, an glaps, and the bottom plates moves around, i e they can't be screwed back properly the other way around. If there's no YT clip on this as of yet, I think surely no one has thought of this before.

      Would be nice if ET was a first on this on all their pedals.

    • #137808

      Reversible bottom plate- great idea. 

    • #137809

      Now that I've Maxed out it would be nice to be able to arrange the algorithms list however you'd like(within the app).

      For example, in Space's algo list I would prefer to keep Blackhole, Hall, and Shimmer as the top three, that way I don't have to scroll down to enter my most used algo's.

      No big deal, but would be nice.

    • #137810

      absolutely a great idea ….

    • #137860

      Low pass filter for pitch shifted signals. When shifting up, they can sometime sound shrill.

    • #137869

      I read the whole thread. I about to receive an H9 to add to the holy triumvirate of my factor pedals. I just want to add my thoughts about the OD/dirt discussion. I dream of a OD/dirt factor pedal that would so good as to allow me to re[place the four OD/dirt pedals on my board (Lovepedal- Amp eleven: for light break up, Rockett Pedal- Allen Holdsworth Signature OD: for sweet mid range full out dirt,  Analogman- Sunface: I hit it soft to get a really bright light fizz and, a HBE UFO to do all my Jimi octave fuzz stuff). I also own a collection of OD/dirt pedals.

      I have yet to hear an digit OD/dirt algorithm be able to really sound great in the same way as analogue sources are able to achieve. The digital version are useable and have continued to become better but still lack something. I would say that they lack a sense of air and subtle variation of timber in relationship to the input. I do believe that one day this will be overcome.

      Trying to see Eventide for the strengths that they have historically demonstrated, I would assume that this overcoming is not Eventide focus. (In my dreams, I imagine that Eventide and Universal Audio combine forces to create the first digital and fully organic OD/dirt stompbox). However, I have not had a chance to try the Eclipse and I do believe that if Eventide is willing to put in the needs R+D they should be able to achieve impressive qualities.

      After having expressed my thoughts, I must include that a bit crusher and the feedback distortion algorithm would be cool to have for the H9.

    • #137870


      I have yet to hear an digit OD/dirt algorithm be able to really sound great in the same way as analogue sources are able to achieve.

      I would also love to see a OD/Dist Factor.  There has been so many try to achieve digital OD with other devices but IMO the only one thats really gets close at the moment is the Axefx 2.  For some reason digital OD's really seem to struggle to sound good especially with slightly overdriven or broken up tones.

      An OD/Distortion factor pedal sharing Algorithms for H9 done right would be just downright awesome!

      Ive been having fun mixing the EQ compressor with my analog OD's.

    • #137871

      (First, I made a few grammar mistakes in my above post. Please forgive my mistakes).

      Second, I also need to explain that I do use and appreciate the dirt that eventide offers in the factor pedals. For example, the saturation with the tape delay and the fuzz with the octave fuzz. These do work well in their contexts.


    • #138704

      Sorry if this has already been posted but I thought it would be cool if you connect several H9 units together via a "central brain" device via the midi in/out.  With a central brain and a new app where you could designate each button on each H9 to a certain function (bank up/down, tap tempo, tuner select, etc.) This could potentially eliminate extra foot switches, midi controllers, etc while having all the units communicate with one another, both ways. 

      I have 3 H9 and with 6 buttons that would easily take care of my preset up/down, selection, tap temp, tuner select and an instant "looper mode" button.  You could even make it a small box about the foot print of the H9 so that it sits underneath one of them and has recessed midi ports.  

    • #138710

       Pre/post preset oprions a la Strymon Mobius would be amazing. Adding the output gain to the expert mode would help.

    • #138711

      Pre post preset options and output vol adjust in expert mode ..

    • #138715

      there is a thread already open for pre-post option, and your vote there would help.

      Eventide have already stated that if enough people ask for it they may implement it


    • #138812

      INV (negative) ENVELOPE as a SHAPE or MOD SOURCE selection.

    • #138814

      I'd actually love to seema good,  responsive autowah/envelope,  that can get Mutron-like auto wah,.  The Q-wah settings are pretty useless,  I've yet to be able to get something that is responsive and similar to the classic bass envelope sound. 

    • #138815


      I'd actually love to seema good,  responsive autowah/envelope,  that can get Mutron-like auto wah,.  The Q-wah settings are pretty useless,  I've yet to be able to get something that is responsive and similar to the classic bass envelope sound. 

      "Responsive" might be the key here.  There's something unusual about the Envelope parameter sensitivity across the board.  I can hear the threshold transition points in pitch algorithms.  For a Mutron emulation, a pre-distortion helps (as would an inverted Envelope for the Drive Up & Down selections).

      With the Q-Wah, I usually start with:

      Q-INTENSITY  99

      TYPE  BassWAH

      DEPTH  50


      SHAPE  Envelope

      BOTTOM  0

      … and set the bottom row Modulation knobs to neutral settings.  But the Q-Wah is meant to be a wah simulator, with a voiced bandpass filter, and possibly inductor influences.  The BassWAH preserves the low end, for a sound that comes closer to a lowpass filter response.

      You should be able to get even closer to a Mutron with the ModFilter algorithm [lowpass, bandpass, and highpass filter selections].  That hasn't been the case for me to date; the filters come across as a little weak.  I'll often resort to the Octaver algo in the PitchFactor, and shift up the 100% wet signal an octave higher with an H9.  Sounds great, but alas … largely monophonic.

    • #138818

      I've gotten pretty good results starting with with these base settings for a classic wah and a more funky vocal wah, either foot swept or as auto wah (envelope controlled).

      For a bass wah sound I have worked up this two-H9 combo, starting with Stratocaster neck pickup, tone rolled all the way down.

    • #138909

      Thanks, Brock, I'll have to mess with it and see what I can come up with.

    • #138910


      do you guys really want eventide, famous for crazy delays, harmonizers, reverbs, mod etc effect, to create a simple digital distortion? there are lot of different, great pedals, analog, tube, solidstate if then something like multi band distortion or something crazy with pitch shifting combination for different EQ bands.

      My sentiments, exactly. Unless it's something I simply can't get out of the billions of other distortion pedals out there, I'm not really excited for something like this.

    • #138911

      My wish:

      Ability to run AT LEAST 2 algorithms simultaneously, user chooses if Series or Parallel and A->B or B->A order.

    • #138932

      Here's my take:

      I want an H9 to be my jack of all trades pedal. Need a phaser? Check. Need another, auxilary delay or reverb for some weird song? check. Need some pitch/whammy effect? Check.

      Why not allow the H9 to be the jack of all trades, fill in the gaps pedal that it is, by giving it more flexible routing, a la the mobius? A pre/post function would be unbelievably useful to a player who wants to use the H9 as the do-everything pedal that it is. I'd by one yesterday if the H9 could do pre/post. 

    • #138936
      Eventide Staff

      Two algorithms – unlikely, for reasons discussed in other posts.

      Pre/post – much more likely – a lot of people have been asking for it (see above).

    • #139022

      A tiny wish: reverse polarity of current so it goes with the standard plugs of anyone elses especially roland/boss barrel type socket. Center negative please. Still a nuisance to be able to reach for that reverse soldered cable. Or keep in mind that you have to bring that one with you, or the original adapter with you all of the time.

    • #139023

      I agree !

    • #139027

      Here's an easy one (I hope). When using more than one H9, I like to use this arrangement of windows shown below. However, when you switch between more than one Device, the position of the Algorithm column resets to the top of the Algorithms list. For this to be more useful when working with more than one H9, having the app remember the position Algorithm strip for the each Device helps choosing between Algorithms when switching between each Device. Especially when you've got a MAX and the list of Algorithms is very long, you have to scroll through all the Algorithms each time you switch Devices. The same argument also applies to the column for Presets, but you don't into trouble as quickly as you do with Algorithms. Thank you!

    • #139029

      I have an easy one:

      FX Loop.

      Selectable on the menu if routing stereo, pre/post, or FX loop.

    • #139034

      I would like to see a 10 second (or more!) delay. Great for old school , evolving layered looping/sound on sound.

    • #139036
      Eventide Staff

      So would we. But, it would make the pedals significantly more expensive. Not many people would want that.

    • #139037


    • #139039

      I know it's been stated before but I'll get a little more specific. I'd like to see and H9 "elite" or something. I'd be willing to pay quite a bit more to have spillover when changing algorithms.

      it really gives a huge knock down in what's going on when you hit the midi switch and all the sound drops out. 

    • #139040

      Nick, what about modular memory upgrades for those willing to invest in the additional cost?

    • #139043


      I would like to see a 10 second (or more!) delay. Great for old school , evolving layered looping/sound on sound.

      so would I! At least 16 seconds of delay. Made a topic about this a few months a ago. Eventide said it was not possible for the H9. Too bad! The Eclipse and the H8000 have very long delay times though.

    • #139072

      The ability to map the tap tempo button to the performance button when using midi clock, tap tempo is useless when you are using an external beat source.

    • #139122

      Regarding that the addition of 10 second “real” delay would render the unit way more expensive. I can not possibly think of that if you can do a/any 10-20-30 – or whatever – second looper, you should be able to provide just as much amount of “regular” delay without any sweat. What is any delay but a looper fading out quickly? What is any looper but a delay with HOLD function to it? Freeze…

      I for one, can’t think of that (in case of say DigiTech units and especially Strymon TimeLine series) anything like that would be more expensive at all. Those other units have maximum 2.500 millisecond delay (too little IMHO) and DigiTech TImebender had 5.000 millisecond delay (still too little), but had 30 second and 20 seconds looper capabilities. Don’t really understand this from a digital memory standpoint. It would – ONLY – if you required to loop with delays, then you have to split dividing times.

      When using DigiTech live, one could press the “tap strum” button and wait a long time between the tap, so when you released it, you could play long and exact canon lines and harmony scales on the guitar, in time with drummer, that lasted for quite a few bars. In such circumstancens longer delays than 5 seconds makes sense. Old Lexicon units had 9 seconds delay, perfect for loops, cobwebs of delays, like Robert Fripps “soundscapes” or “Frippertronics”, and you could put them in while playing with any band, as an atmospheric ambient and dry ice moment. I think going above 10-12 seconds would be overkill, but then even old Lexicon JamMan had 32 seconds (with expanded memory). That one had delay/looper maximum at the same time. They didn’t make any difference of it. It was in the 90s. Now it’s 30 years later on. C’mon people. Not rocket science anymore!

      – – – –

      If I would use such an algorithm, I would have added reverb to each successive repeat in the delay, so the ones that are the “oldest” repeats will sound even further away in a huge hall/space. And the “newest” ones would be dry in your face. Don’t even know any unit from any other manufacturer who does this today. On shorter delays it would make no sense, but on longer ones. Maybe that’s a possible wish?

    • #139123

      BTW, regarding the look and functions of the new site. Arhrem…cough, cough, one can’t do edits and one can’t press a “thumbsup” button attached to anyone elses posts. Then we still have provide separate posts like “+1” or “WORD” or “Amen to that”, instead of saving space by just having like buttons.

      The forum has gone from bad to superficially better, but in the real world, worse. Maybe that was a H9 Wish too? 😉


    • #139124

      And on top of this, you’ve removed the possibiity of paragraphs and making spaces through different section, making it all more





    • #139125

      You could do this spilloveralgorithm, just like Strymon does. Sorry to mention them all of the time, but they have a 5 second rule between switching patches. They sample (i e like recording into a looper, but… not actually looping it) the current patch trails of reverbs or delays, so it actually trails, and sounds, even if you switch to a completely different patch. So whenever you switch a patch, the spillover effect is actually a recording, or “copy print” or “screen print” of the latest notes and effects, that got into the signal chain processed, of the LAST 5 SECONDS. Now, whenever you start to play with the new patch, the old will still sound one cycle around (5 second) in the background, at a lower level. The rule you must keep in mind is that you can’t switch presets in two successions in a row (well you can…but*), because then the 5 second “recording” of the old one will not have had time to fulfill its complete cycle. I e not change more than ONE preset at a time WITHIN 5 seconds. So as long as your delay trails are of max 3 seconds, and the looper is, like, 30 seconds, what’s stopping you?

      *Well, you CAN switch presets to how many as you can within 5 seconds, but don’t expect spillover then.

    • #139127

      First,  you hit a home run with MAX, the carry over of the MAX to any other of the units we own – I can say I have about died and gone to Heaven with the H9’s I have.   That said – 


      + 1 on volume pedal.  

      + 1 on MIDI CC data stream reader being fixed so that the H9 can process closer to real time


      A sample app within the iPAD structure,  we sample something,  add it to the foot pedal and trigger it.  If we want a sample, we lose something like the looper. 

      A security feature – if the unit is stolen, we can log in and set the unit to taken.  If anyone loads an app and accesses the unit, it kills its functionality.

      A look in feature so that if a signal coming in is affected by another H9,  the new affect will prioirtize how it will affect the inbound effect.   This is to help remove unwanted artifacts. It might only be available for more than 1 H9 – I can see the architecture is set so the upstream H9 is sending data in the audio to the downstream unit.   The downstream unit could interpret the effect in process, and slightly modify its affect on the effect.  Or not..  :o)




    • #139128

      Hi everybody,


      For me, The best think you can add in the H9 is :


      – An OD/Disto/Fuzz algorythm. It’s could be incredible !

      – A Bluetooth connection with Mac or PC, i don’t like rope !

      – Why not 2 algorythm in the same time ? 🙂


      Thanks everybods, i’ll hope you hear me.

    • #139129
      Eventide Staff

      – An OD/Disto/Fuzz algorythm. It's could be incredible !

      There are rumors of such things to come.

      – A Bluetooth connection with Mac or PC, i don't like rope !

      It's already there – see earlier posts for details.

      – Why not 2 algorythm in the same time ? 🙂

      For good reason – see earlier posts for details.

    • #139130

      An OD/Disto/Fuzz algorythm. It's could be incredible !

      We’ve mentioned in a few other threads on the forum that we are working on something in this vein at the moment…

      A Bluetooth connection with Mac or PC, i don't like rope !

      This works now. Check out the H9 Control manual for more information:


    • #139131

      This is very good news, thank you for your answers and sorry to rehearse! 🙂

    • #139179

      I would love a vinyl simulator…where you could get all that crackle and pop from vintage records…choose which year 60’s-40’s….

    • #139182

      You can get some vinyl/lo-fi sounds out of the Reverse and Analog algorithms in the Timefactor.

      Space has something similar with the Dynaverb.

      Pitchfactor has the synthonizer.



      And I haven’t tried the Modfactor yet, but I know there are some ring mod sounds in it. Pretty sure it will work best than the others.



    • #139189

      It seems by now, since we’ve scrutinized the posts, that too many wishes is like wishing for a preset or a sound that they really can’t come up with – or alternately haven’t found yet – but still are very present in there already anyway. I e lack of editing the presets and maybe knowledge/understanding of how it’s done or what algorithm to use for a certain specialty effect.

      It is like the people who owns the H9 (max,core etc) hasn’t really have had the motivation to probe that deep into it, to test for themselves if it’s possible or not. I e like the H9 is to big (advanced) for their boots anyway. While some of it has a nomenclature issue, i e knowing what to call a certain effect or not, I think it’s mostly due to some lackadaisical mentality towards probing deep into editing and rtfm. Which means, to a certain extent, that people are relying too much on factory presets, and if the sound isn’t there readily available, they ask for it around here, moreso like of a “preset” wish, than any new algorithm wish.

      They make take they easy way out to ask for a wish, and then the replies back with that it’s already possible. Say, the compressor side of things, people forget. When you have the ducking delay or reverb, just remove all parameters of the reverb, then the Omnipressor is a sole compressor. Sure thing, it makes instant gratification to their wishes but it reveals a certain lack or interest in experimenting, programming, editing out yourself for sometime, before you’d make sure it really isn’t possible.

      Or more easily, reading all posts through first. As such, I think the Eventide H9, and the other ones (factor stompboxes) are a little over the top for some people, and they’d better should steer their budget and interests towards something simpler in user interface, and lesser options, possibilities.

      Is it possible to have the site consist of a user preset library, for people to upload their patches to? To give out free patches to everyone seeking this or that effect?



    • #139190

      I still think spillover would be such a impossible feature to incorporate since it only runs ONE algorithm at a time. I understand that if 2-3 algorithms should be used, it would make matters worse, but not with one algorithm. The feature may seem unrelated to each other (spillover, algorithm) but really, they are.

    • #139192

      They stated that spillover woud be more expensive as it would need more memory, or something. So it is possible, I for one would pay double the price for an H9 with spill over. Or atleast faster switching via midi commands, or smoother switching, right now it cuts the wet signal, and takes a second to bring it back in. 

    • #139193

      The problem is live use. In the studio I can record a different track all day. But live I want to be able to go from a dotted 8 delay, to a sublte tap, to swells, to full on ambient without having the cuts. I switch a lot of presets per song. 

    • #139195
      LA Keys

      I see many asking for spillover, I would too love to have this features for the H9 but I’m pretty sure that it’s not going to happen because of some hardware limitation.

      I’m then thinking that with 2 H9s running in parrallel with each their own distinct algorythm it could be possible to crossfade between the two, producing somewhat similar to spillover. I also think that this would be possible to implement as it is somehow similar to the volume control that Eventide is considering adding to the H9.

      I believe that a mixture of controls over wet/dry, intensity and crossfade would allow for a much smoother change between algorythms located on 2 different H9, connected in parallel. All this could then be controlled with a single expression pedal or possibly with a preset crossfade time…

      What do you think about this?



    • #139203

      Do the space or timefactor have spillover? I just found out the strymon big boxes do. And I don’t really think they compare to eventide’s…

    • #139204
      Eventide Staff

      Depends on the definition of the term. Timefactor will preserve delay tails when you load a new preset. The only Eventide with completely true spillover (meaning two effects running at once during the changeover) is Space.


      The limitations are that for complete spillover, you can only use half the power most of the time to allow double power during changeover. This can lead to weedy effects if you are not careful.




      • #139793
        nickrose wrote:

        Depends on the definition of the term. Timefactor will preserve delay tails when you load a new preset. The only Eventide with completely true spillover (meaning two effects running at once during the changeover) is Space.


        The limitations are that for complete spillover, you can only use half the power most of the time to allow double power during changeover. This can lead to weedy effects if you are not careful.

        Man, I would kill to have delay and reverb tails during changes. I’d even be thrilled to only have it spill until the input threshold hit a certain point (once I play a note into the new algorithm, kill the tails). Personally, I don’t use the modulation or pitch stuff very often so not having spillover on those wouldn’t bother me, although I know many others do. 

    • #139205

      Any chance of global output level being implemented at some point in the future?

      Could the feedback path of the diatonic algorithm be routable/switchable so that it could go back into the pitchshifter (like Crystals, but diatonic)?


    • #139207

      For me, the distortion/overdrive would be great, BUT ONLY if it were added to the other algorithms.  It could be as easy as two parameters, (Gain, Tone). 

      If it were added to other algorithms, I wouldn’t have to turn say my H9 phaser off, to turn the OD on.  I know it couldn’t be added to everything, but maybe create special versions of current algorithms with a dirt/distortion feature build in as well. 

    • #139208

      Just purchased a H9.

      Definitly need exp controllable Output Level and pre/post function.

    • #139239

      +4/-10 capabilities for input gain. A line level effects loop will upset this pedal. Being able to turn the pedal into mono and 4CM would be awesome, too. 

      • #139785
        joeydego wrote:

        +4/-10 capabilities for input gain. A line level effects loop will upset this pedal. Being able to turn the pedal into mono and 4CM would be awesome, too. 

        I installed metro amp instrument level loops on both my amps  check it out

    • #139243
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – changes to the input levels require hardware changes. Once the input is overloading, there is nothing the software can do about it.


    • #139472


      MIDI Controller (sends primarily CC and program change events) connected to in on H9 One.  H9 One out connected to H9 Two.  Tap Tempo switch plugged into EXP on H9 One.



      Use H9 One as a master midi time clock to H9 Two.  MIDI controller can send CC and program change to both H9’s. In effect, H9 one has somewhat of a merge feature..



      When H9 One is set as master midi time clock, and H9 Two is set to slave, tap tempo works to both devices, but the MIDI Controller changes are no longer recognized. When H9 One is set as a slave, it and H9 Two recieve midi data from the midi controller, and takes tap tempo – but does not send midi time clock to downstream H9 Two. 


      • #139779
        lmlyons wrote:


        MIDI Controller (sends primarily CC and program change events) connected to in on H9 One.  H9 One out connected to H9 Two.  Tap Tempo switch plugged into EXP on H9 One.



        Use H9 One as a master midi time clock to H9 Two.  MIDI controller can send CC and program change to both H9’s. In effect, H9 one has somewhat of a merge feature..



        When H9 One is set as master midi time clock, and H9 Two is set to slave, tap tempo works to both devices, but the MIDI Controller changes are no longer recognized. When H9 One is set as a slave, it and H9 Two recieve midi data from the midi controller, and takes tap tempo – but does not send midi time clock to downstream H9 Two. 



        It looks like this one is taken care of with the new crushstation midi merge for time clock….  

    • #139668

      it seems we can delete few features from wishlist

      pre/post routing

      in/out volume controlable via exp pedal


      randomzize parameters in H9 control app sounds like fun, even more fun could be if it loads up with random algo + random parameters. everytime you start h9 control app could be surprise – not practical on live gigs, though 😀

    • #139676

      I did a brief search and didn’t find this, but a global noise gate (like on the Line6 M5) would be killer…and finally let me get rid of my M5.  (It’s a stupid reason, I know.)

    • #139784

      a killer univibe and updated rotary would be very nice along with a panning algo much like the boss pn2 so when using 2 amps it pans from left to right, awesome in stereo!!

    • #139789

      I would love to see:

      • A bit crusher
      • A pattern tremolo (like Line6 M-series or Strymon)
      • More synth
      • More dirt
      • A global noise gate (which I mentioned a few posts ago, but I wanted to expand the list)

      • #139792
        Adamixoye wrote:

        I would love to see:

        • A pattern tremolo (like Line6 M-series or Strymon)

        Playing with “DEPTH MOD”, “SPEED MOD” and “MOD RATE” in the TremoloPan algorithm can give you some patterns. It also dependes on the “SPEED” knob.

        Also, the Harpeggiator algorithm has some interesting stuff, add an expression pedal and you can get even more interesting results.


        I second the “More synth”.


        @Web staff:

        THANKS FOR THE QUOTE FUNCTION, it is starting to feel like a modern forum now.

      • #139817
        spaceJam wrote:

        Adamixoye wrote:

        I would love to see:

        • A pattern tremolo (like Line6 M-series or Strymon)

        Playing with “DEPTH MOD”, “SPEED MOD” and “MOD RATE” in the TremoloPan algorithm can give you some patterns. It also dependes on the “SPEED” knob.

        Also, the Harpeggiator algorithm has some interesting stuff, add an expression pedal and you can get even more interesting results.


        I second the “More synth”.


        @Web staff:

        THANKS FOR THE QUOTE FUNCTION, it is starting to feel like a modern forum now.

        I’ve tried to make that work using TremoloPan, with limited results.  Using the S-Mod just doesn’t give the control and customization that you get with even the Line6 units (which I own) or which seem to be possible with the Strymons (which I have never owned).

        Agree about the quote function!

      • #140736
        Adamixoye wrote:

        I would love to see:

        • A bit crusher


        Would love to see a bitcrusher as well with variable sample and bit rates.

    • #139803

      Kill Dry on/off available as preset parameter also would be very useful especially combined with the new pre/post features.

      • #140008
        kk66 wrote:

        Kill Dry on/off available as preset parameter also would be very useful especially combined with the new pre/post features.




        That way you could for instance use a delay or reverb preset in a parallel effects loop (killdry on), and pitch shift or distortion in front of the amp in series (killdry off). This can’t be done if killdry is a global setting.

    • #139812

      Some of these algos are fairly complex. Would be really nice if the demo time was increased.. At least twice as long!

    • #139814

      maybe it would be possible to do a spill over using two H9’s in conjunction?

    • #139842

      I can compare H9 RingMod to Moog MF-102 and as for the sound it’s as good as this analog beast. But it’s quite fine and where it shines is in it’s digital possibilities. I mean different waveforms, remembering presets, changing multiple parameters at one time by expression etc. But there’s one un-used knob… What about to improve it in a way where Eventide is shining the most: Carrier Tracking (off, 1:1, Octave up, Octave down, 5th up etc…) It could turn the RingMod to be more musical and less noisy if wanted and it would be very unique. This also could not be achieved in analog world.

    • #139906

      The H9 would be complete with an auto volume swell effect like that on the Strymon Timeline and Line 6 DL4. Volume pedals can take up a large amount of pedal board real estate. Are there any plans for this type of effect in the future? 

      • #139913
        ryefield wrote:

        The H9 would be complete with an auto volume swell effect like that on the Strymon Timeline and Line 6 DL4. Volume pedals can take up a large amount of pedal board real estate. Are there any plans for this type of effect in the future? 

        A swell setting is now available by preset, allowing you to use your expression pedal as a volume swell or expression pedal. Hope this helps. 

      • #139915
        ryefield wrote:

        The H9 would be complete with an auto volume swell effect like that on the Strymon Timeline and Line 6 DL4. Volume pedals can take up a large amount of pedal board real estate. Are there any plans for this type of effect in the future? 

        UltraTap has a preset called UltraSwell that has an auto volume type of effect.  BadMelonFarmer posted an audio example of this preset on thegearpage in response to a similar query.  Here's what he posted:

      • #139916
        gkellum wrote:
        ryefield wrote:

        The H9 would be complete with an auto volume swell effect like that on the Strymon Timeline and Line 6 DL4. Volume pedals can take up a large amount of pedal board real estate. Are there any plans for this type of effect in the future? 

        UltraTap has a preset called UltraSwell that has an auto volume type of effect.  BadMelonFarmer posted an audio example of this preset on thegearpage in response to a similar query.  Here's what he posted:

        From memory that is the stock factory preset.

        You can tune the effect to taste quite easily by altering the “Swell” value on the “Chop” button.

    • #139921

      Is there any reason you couldn’t expand the concept of the Pre/Post routing with “Linked” and “Toggle” options?

      For example, for a given preset, “Linked” would mean that when the H9 effect is engaged, the effect passes through the H9 and FX loop but when you bypass the H9 it bypasses the loop as well (straight from Input 1 into Output 2)?  For “Toggle” it would be the opposite.  When the H9 is bypassed it is routed through the FX loop, but when the H9 is engaged the FX loop is bypassed.  Obviously you would also have a “Normal” option for how the H9 functions right now.  These three choices (Normal, Linked, Toggle) would only be a second layer of options that you have if the pre/post feature is enabled, and all three would each work with pre or post.

    • #139955

      It would be really cool to have a “compare” button that toggles between the changes you’ve just made to a preset and the original preset so we could A/B before saving changes. 


    • #139961

      A set of waveforms to oscilate peramiters per preset would be useful, maybe even a step sequencer. Also a complex set a filters would be cool. I like the eq and it is very nice but, I can not set up really extreme eq for fx.

    • #140036

      Just thinking out loud here, what I really want out of a ducked delay is a delay that ducks when I pick fast passages, so based on the duration between transient spikes. I think that would be infinitely more useful than a traditional duck

    • #140067

      Any chance of a good Vibe algo?

      • #140106
        robinbowes wrote:
        Any chance of a good Vibe algo?

        In case anyone was wondering, that was meant to be Univibe not University!

      • #140107
        robinbowes wrote:
        Any chance of a good Vibe algo?

        In case anyone was wondering, that was meant to be Univibe not University!

    • #140134

      Now that we’ve got the pre/post and wet/dry options up and running, a great additional option would be a mono effects loop: your signal comes into the L input, is effected by the H9/Factor, the 100% wet signal is sent through the L output and returned through the R input, and then immediately mixed with the dry signal using the Mix control for output at the R output.  This might only really make sense for Space and TimeFactor (and related H9 algorithms), but it would provide a great way to post-process your effected signal with outboard gear and then use the pedal as a mixer to recombine.  For looping (infinite delay, infinite reverb, or Looping algorithm), in particular, this would be a hugely useful feature.  You could fake it at present with the wet/dry feature and an outboard mixer, but it would be really handy to have it all work within the pedal.  For bonus points, give us an option to put the effects loop *inside* the feedback path of delay and reverb algorithms, for cascading effects.

      • #140135
        coirbidh_99 wrote:

        Now that we’ve got the pre/post and wet/dry options up and running, a great additional option would be a mono effects loop: your signal comes into the L input, is effected by the H9/Factor, the 100% wet signal is sent through the L output and returned through the R input, and then immediately mixed with the dry signal using the Mix control for output at the R output.  This might only really make sense for Space and TimeFactor (and related H9 algorithms), but it would provide a great way to post-process your effected signal with outboard gear and then use the pedal as a mixer to recombine.  For looping (infinite delay, infinite reverb, or Looping algorithm), in particular, this would be a hugely useful feature.  You could fake it at present with the wet/dry feature and an outboard mixer, but it would be really handy to have it all work within the pedal.  For bonus points, give us an option to put the effects loop *inside* the feedback path of delay and reverb algorithms, for cascading effects.




        I totally agree with that and actually I was hoping that being added in the last update. Same as the fake series delays “hack” with the Timefactor.


        It would be awesome if we could have that as a per-preset option for all of the time-based algorithms.

    • #140156

      Kill Dry on/off available as preset parameter Is must!
      There are so many algorithms in one pedal and many of them do and don’t work in a parallel loop.
      I have asked for this in the past but the response was it was not very likely to happen.
      Now with the wonderful addition of the pre/post feature it seems like a no brainier.
      Is this even possible?
      Thank you

    • #140163
      Eventide Staff

      It's certainly possible and not too difficult. We'll add it to the Wish List.


    • #140169

      I don’t know if this has already been suggested.. Can you guys add the feature to enable trails/or no trails per preset when dsp & dsp+fx is selected on BYPASS mode?

      • #140174
        khuko wrote:

        I don’t know if this has already been suggested.. Can you guys add the feature to enable trails/or no trails per preset when dsp & dsp+fx is selected on BYPASS mode?

        +1 for this one.

    • #140175

      I saw I had posted this in another thread a while back but I guess it should go here.  It was for a Pitchfactor and Modfactor but I’m now the owner of a pair of H9s.  Basically the idea is that some of the deep menu options would be nice to access by MIDI, but ESPECIALLY cycling the input source (guitar vs. bass).

      I have a Pitchfactor and Modfactor on my effects board that I use for both guitar and bass.  One feature I would really like to see in a Factor series/H9 update is the ability to change the “source input” via a MIDI CC rather than needing to do this by digging into the menus.  In particular, as I use MIDI Designer on an iPad (using adapters to get to the physical MIDI connection), I could set up one meta-command to give the command for both units.

      I would be interested in MIDI CC for other options (turn on/off MIDI clock?, etc.), but changing the input source is by far the thing I would really like to be able to control without doing a menu dive.

    • #140299

      I would love to see a killer bit crusher. Also I came across a envelope filter with a phaser (pigtronix). (As I have mentioned before, bi pole filters, running in either parallel or series with tempo synched LFOs, would become a very loved feature. Why should EDM musicians have all the fun)?

    • #140332

      Would a “recently used algorithms” option be possible on the iPad app, or a search function….I’ve got a max and whilst tinkering often forget where a particular algo is located.

    • #140346

      Algorithms to be updated or added to:
      BiPhase- ability for dual adjustable LFO using bottom control row
      TZF Flange- negative TZF mode so that u don’t need to plug into input 1 output 2
      Uni vibe- seems commonly asked favorite

      I agree about some form of spillover ability even if not “true” 100%

    • #140351

      I’d like to see a decent sitar algorithm.


      • #140355
        robinbowes wrote:

        I’d like to see a decent sitar algorithm.


        I asked for this last year

    • #140353

      First, I am still overwhelmed that the last update completed my performance needs. The midi clock change functionality, along with volume pedal additions i use many, many times in an evening.

      The sitar request made me think a bit. If one puts their mind to it, the current toolset plus a timbre mod tool could be tweaked just slightly to add a mandolin (pitch shift) or a banjo algo. One could imagine a string based country (meaning a country like England or Greece or the U.S.). heritage collection where a timber or pitch shift could do the trick to modify a guitars sample stream. Maybe anyway.

      As always, very best regards and thank you for such a solid product and vision Eventide Team.


    • #140422

      Sorry I forgot one that’s also been brought up & easily doable;
      to have Both Series & Parallel for dual delays be selectable via preset. Especially most current effects are giving these options for delay.

      • #140452
        Blooddeep wrote:
        Sorry I forgot one that’s also been brought up & easily doable; to have Both Series & Parallel for dual delays be selectable via preset. Especially most current effects are giving these options for delay.


        Yes. Series routing (internally) would be a nice addition.

    • #140472

      I posted this in the sticky thread for expression pedal requests, but thought I would post here as well since I am not sure which thread is the most appropriate.

      I would like to be able to…

      1. Select an active patch.

      2. Cue a second patch.

      3. Use the aux switch to toggle between the two patches.


    • #140495

      Ok, It would be a dream to find these two new algorithms on the H9 :

      – 7 VOICES Resonator ( instead of 4 voices ) with two modes : Chromatic ( take a look to the Lexicon PCM 80)  and Chordal. In this last one, the Resonator/filter frequencies will be set automatically based on a setting for a Chord type. A base frequency scales all seven voices to any pitch/key. 

      -7 VOICES Pitch shifter (insted of 4 voices), every single pitch voice will have a maximum delay time of 6 seconds

      Who know if it will become real one day

      • #143249
        Dario wrote:

        Ok, It would be a dream to find these two new algorithms on the H9 :

        – 7 VOICES Resonator ( instead of 4 voices ) with two modes : Chromatic ( take a look to the Lexicon PCM 80)  and Chordal. In this last one, the Resonator/filter frequencies will be set automatically based on a setting for a Chord type. A base frequency scales all seven voices to any pitch/key. 

        -7 VOICES Pitch shifter (insted of 4 voices), every single pitch voice will have a maximum delay time of 6 seconds

        Who know if it will become real one day


        I totally agree wth the Pitch Traking Comb Filters and I’d add Pitch Tracking Moog/Oberheim stlye flters as well… or both combined.

        Pitch Traking FX are Eventide’s, isnt it ?

    • #140496

      Is there a way to have the reverb tail or repeats of a delay remain on while accessing the tuner? It’d be great to have the output remain on, while the input is being used by the bypassed tuner.

    • #140497
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry – you would think that this should be possible, but in practise these are both algorithms (the Tuna is an algorithm like any other), and when a new one is loaded, the delay is cleared, which means no hangover.


      • #140499
        nickrose wrote:

        Sorry – you would think that this should be possible, but in practise these are both algorithms (the Tuna is an algorithm like any other), and when a new one is loaded, the delay is cleared, which means no hangover.



        Oh, bummer. Do you think it’s possible sometime down the line or is that simply a hardware limitation? Not enough memory or processing power to handle that as a parallel process?

    • #140506

      Would be great if the tape echo setting could have a 4 head configuration. each with it’s own delay time, level, feedback. (even if the max delay time stays the same.)

      Also if possible a filter knob that can both go darker (like it is now) and on the other half more bright, more low and mids filtered out and more grainy.

      (knob at centre = neutral, to the left = darker, to the right is brighter)

      Echorec anyone? 🙂

      • #143314
        jezzbro wrote:

        Would be great if the tape echo setting could have a 4 head configuration. each with it’s own delay time, level, feedback. (even if the max delay time stays the same.)

        Also if possible a filter knob that can both go darker (like it is now) and on the other half more bright, more low and mids filtered out and more grainy.

        (knob at centre = neutral, to the left = darker, to the right is brighter)

        Echorec anyone? 🙂

        That would be KING !!!
        I’ve been thinking about that forever.


        Click / metronome for the looper in BPM mode.

        The capability of freezing one or the two delays in TFactor algorythms. Wich would be specially awesome if serial routing is allowed for the delay algos.

    • #140528

      Some time before H9 was released someone asked if it’s possible to send receive digital in/out with factor series pedals. If I remember correctly reply was it’s just SW thing – does it still apply to H9, is it something what you consider to do in the future? It could be handy feature for studio use of H9

      • #140551
        styrioci wrote:
        Some time before H9 was released someone asked if it's possible to send receive digital in/out with factor series pedals. If I remember correctly reply was it's just SW thing – does it still apply to H9, is it something what you consider to do in the future? It could be handy feature for studio use of H9

        By "it's just SW thing", I assume you mean that it's just a software thing…  No, it's not really just a software thing.  We'd need to put in a chip to handle digital I/O that could generate a clock source among other functions.  We might do something like this in the future.  Who knows…  We've talked about it but it's not something we're working on now or have scheduled now.

    • #140544

      On Unit Algorithm changing please!! please!! Please!! I don’t want to always have to open my phone or laptop to access one of the many sounds of this pedal. It’d be great if I could change a tape echo to a digital delay on the unit without having to find a digital preset! 

      • #140550
        jaykokoro wrote:

        On Unit Algorithm changing please!! please!! Please!! I don't want to always have to open my phone or laptop to access one of the many sounds of this pedal. It'd be great if I could change a tape echo to a digital delay on the unit without having to find a digital preset! 

        You can do that now.  If you press the Preset switch on the H9 twice, it switches to algorithm selection mode.

    • #140572

      Owing Roland gear and Lexicon rack gear, that had digital ins and outs, I was surprised in the limited usefulness of those ins and outs. I did not notice much of a difference when I ran the stuff just into my analog rack stuff and mixer versus keeping it “pure and in the box”. However my gear, mixer, and A/D convertors were of strong quality. I ended up wanting to use my analog stuff to fatten up and eq things anyway. I am not saying that straight wire approach is not useful or for some setups very cool, I am just throwing in my limited experiences based on my approach to things.

    • #140738

      This has possibly been mentioned here or elsewhere already, but a Granular Synthesis algorithm on the H9 would be fantastic. Something similar to the Red Panda’s Particle pedal for example.

      It looks like some basic granular synthesis can already be achieved using the looper. See the following links:

      1. https://www.eventideaudio.com/community/forum/stompboxes/granular-capture-playback-h9-timefactor-looper

      2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdDMILlhnRw

      This sugests that the building-blocks for a Granular Synthesis algorithm may already be there.

      The algorithm would ideally have control over the density of the grains (I think this effectively inserts silence between the grains – less silence = more dense).

      The algorithm would ideally contain distortion, an LFO, pitch and/or delay for ultimate noise-making, splicing/glitching heaven.

    • #141135

      One big enhancement I would love in the tuner would be the possibility to define alternate tunings (for instance drop B, ie define appropriate tuning per string and not provide only the chromatic value) and even more important for me, the possibility to define sweetened tuning, i.e. my 6th string is a E minus xx cents, my 5th string a A minus yy cents, etc. as it is possible in Peterson and Sonic Research tuners for instance.
      Definitely, then I would remove my tuner from my pedal board !!!

    • #142069

      Sorry If these have already been mentioned, but I’ve got two ideas for the list. 

      1. Being able to select what input the tuner defaults to while in Pre/Post mode would be awesome. I generally put my H9 last in the chain, but it would be awesome if I could have the unit automatically switch to PRE while engaging the tuner, so it would be first in my chain while tuning, muting everything before the tuner. Sometimes I leave loops going with other pedals while I tune and this would be ideal. 

      2. It would be awesome if could you set an expression pedal to be a universal volume pedal even when there isn’t a preset engaged. It would be cool to have this ability to set it pre or post effect as well. 

      And, I saw some requests for a Gran Synthesis App… I think that would be a most welcome addition!



    • #142201

      I want a Convolution Reverb algorithm! 😀

    • #142202

      Yes! I think a convolution reverb and/or granular synthesis algorithm would get a whole load of new people buying the H9 who don’t currently have one (as these effects are very difficult to find in pedal-format and I get the impression they’re fairly sought-after among musicians too). I imagine they wouldn’t be easy to develop though.

    • #142204