H90 Feature Request – Pentatonic Scale Harmoniser

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    • #177604

      Hiya –


      Would this be a possibility? It would be extremely useful and I would imagine fairly easy to implement. Ideally Major and Minor Pentatonic scale options for the harmonisers. Or a custom scale option would also do the trick..



    • #177648
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for your post. Custom scales would take a bit of work to implement but we are open to the idea if many users are requesting this feature.

      Adding Major/Minor Pentatonic scales would also be possible. I’ve logged your feature request.

      • #177689

        +1 for custom scales….  I would love to be able to import/drag&drop Scala files into a custom scale option.

      • #178432
        Borja Caro

        Scala +1 !

    • #177652

      …Custom scales would take a bit of work to implement but we are open to the idea if many users are requesting this feature …

      And yet …

      Let’s postulate cross-breeding Polyphony code with the Diatonic / QuadraVox genetic sequence.  Perhaps even SIFT-ing that concoction through the HarPeggiator.  Yes, Frankenstein’s laboratory would be working overtime to create this new lifeform.  But if successful, a scale-constrained monster sequencing algo that pushes the limits of Spectral Instantaneous Frequency Tracking.  Nobel Peace Prize nominee for audio physics.

      And no breaking with backward compatibility for any existing algorithms.  Just sayin’.  A fella’ can dream …

    • #177764

      Great thank you !


      I understand the custom scale option would be harder to implement, I think the priority would be pentatonic scale options, that would be very helpful!



    • #178400

      Any word on if this will be included? ALl the best

    • #178410
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, I cannot confirm if/when we will release an update with new scales. Users can comment on this thread if they are interested in this feature, and that can help us determine the priority of adding this request. Thanks for understanding.

    • #178435
      Herr Mosa

      + 1

      I would love Major and Minor Pentatonic

    • #178436

      Scala +1 !

      I’m going to quote myself from an ancient thread, focused on the O.G. PitchFactor:


      Even if you’re uninterested in alternative tunings, consider this: Per-note detuning effects. With the Mix set anywhere but 0% or 100%, each note played can have it’s own pitch deviation in cents. In other words, an adjustable MicroPitch effect that is controlled by the notes you play

      It’s a killer effect on the software synths that I use. Not to mention bringing a few more keyboardists into the fold with the ability to reflect an instrument’s emulated and actual tuning. I can see where it may be difficult to ‘quantize’ where any input pitchbending would snap to the next scale degree, though.

    • #178441

      This is a cut and paste from my reply in the main Eventide feature request thread:

      More harmony scales please The H90 “Harmonizer” needs to live up to its trademark name.


      Start with the scales that the old DigiTech harmony processors (IPS33B & DHP33) have, that the H90 does not have:


      (scales NOT included on the H90⬇️)

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Lydian Augmented</span>

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Half-Whole Diminished</span>

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Whole-Half Diminished</span>

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Major Pentatonic</span>

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Minor Pentatonic</span>

      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Blues</span>


      <span style=”font-size: inherit;”>Also, it would be great to have user defined scales too. Those older DigiTech models, and Fractal Axe FX 2 & 3 have that as well.</span>

    • #183590

      registering interest for this feature again!

    • #183593

      Come on Eventide!!!

      You need to live up to your registered trademark name: “Harmonizer”!

      The H90 should easily be able to surpass the harmonizing capabilities of the DigiTech IPS33b and DHP33 from the 90s.

      Currently, it does not cover the scale choices, OR the intelligent scalar arpeggiating abilities of either of those processors. It does have a few scales that the DigiTech does not, BUT the DigiTech allows custom user scales.

      Don’t get me wrong, I love the H90 and all the other stellar effects it offers, but I first and foremost look to the intelligent harmonizing capabilities. That IS the original reason I bought one.

      And yes, I have owned the IPS33b, and still currently on a DHP33.

    • #184573

      Another vote here for pentatonic and custom scales!

      To not overflow the options, I’d just ditch the modes with the same scale interval configuration as the major scale. I’d you’d want for ex D Dorian, you enter C major; I tried this out on the pitchfactor and the result is 100% the same. Saves 6 options, perfectly replaceable by the scales mentioned above and a few custom scale slots.

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