H9000 Stereo Looper?

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    • #115667
      Thierry Gauthier


      Im interested in buying the H9000 and I want to know if the TF Looper Algorythm can be stereo with the H9000? I search and can’t find anything on this…


    • #153532
      Eventide Staff
      Thierry Gauthier wrote:

      Im interested in buying the H9000 and I want to know if the TF Looper Algorythm can be stereo with the H9000? I search and can't find anything on this…

      Yes, the looper algorithm (9110) is stereo.  The documentation incorrectly suggests that it's mono because it was generated from the information in H9 Control.  I'll make a note that we need to update the documentation.

    • #156725

      Hello, is there any documentation regarding the Looper capabilities in the H9000? for instance: Can I use several looper instances at the same time? Can I process the Looper audio while using the Looper(s)? – Thanks

    • #156739
      John Baylies

      > Of big interest for me is: what is the maximum capacity of the H9k?

      The H9K's maximum capacity is 16 algorithms. 4 algorithms for each of the 4 FX Chains.


      >4 simultaneous/parallel stereo loops?

      16 simultaneous stereo loops. 4 for each of the 4 FX Chains.


      – each of these 4 loops can be processed by how many effects?

      If you have one loop in each FX Chain, then each loop can be processed by 3 algorithms.

      – what would be the maximum length of each of the stereo loops at 48khz?

      The maximum loop length is 176s at 48kHz, or 88s at 96kHz.

      Keep in mind that it is not yet possible to natively route audio from one FX Chain to another. Currently, if you would like to route audio from one FX Chain to another, you must use the Dante expansion card, or an external audio interface. More info here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/community/forum/rackmount/emote-inter-connecting-fx-chains You could also plug a single ADAT cable into the H9K's ADAT input and output, and use that.

    • #156744
      John Baylies

      > Does that apply to each of the loops running? Or is that the total time of all the loops running?

      each 🙂

    • #156865
      Thierry Gauthier

      Hi! How the looper sync to tempo? Is it rock solid? I ask because sometime with MIDI Beat Clock, a sample loop can drift if its not retrig… Did H9000 use something to lock to protocol if I use the Pro tool expansion card? Thanks! 

    • #156881
      Thierry Gauthier

      OK, thanks!

    • #153534
      Thierry Gauthier
      jbamberg wrote:

      Thierry Gauthier wrote:

      Im interested in buying the H9000 and I want to know if the TF Looper Algorythm can be stereo with the H9000? I search and can’t find anything on this…

      Yes, the looper algorithm (9110) is stereo.  The documentation incorrectly suggests that it’s mono because it was generated from the information in H9 Control.  I’ll make a note that we need to update the documentation.

      OK, Thanks for the information, this is nice! Is the max duration of the loop longer than with H9?


    • #153536
      Eventide Staff
      Thierry Gauthier wrote:

      OK, Thanks for the information, this is nice! Is the max duration of the loop longer than with H9?

      Yes indeed!  I would have checked this earlier, but didn't have time.

      The maximum loop length is 176s at 48kHz, or 88s at 96kHz.

    • #153537
      Thierry Gauthier
      jbamberg wrote:

      Thierry Gauthier wrote:

      OK, Thanks for the information, this is nice! Is the max duration of the loop longer than with H9?

      Yes indeed!  I would have checked this earlier, but didn’t have time.

      The maximum loop length is 176s at 48kHz, or 88s at 96kHz.

      Great!!! Thanks again!

    • #156730
      Eventide Staff
      mistermartin wrote:

      Hello, is there any documentation regarding the Looper capabilities in the H9000? for instance: Can I use several looper instances at the same time? Can I process the Looper audio while using the Looper(s)? – Thanks

      You can certainly use multiple instances of a looper within an FX chain (or in separate FX chains) and then process the looped audio with other algorithms. 


      Is there something specific you are trying to achieve? There are many routing possibilities that you can accomplish with the H9k if you want to have multiple instances of loopers being processed by different FX chains etc. 


    • #156738
      tbskoglund wrote:

      mistermartin wrote:

      Hello, is there any documentation regarding the Looper capabilities in the H9000? for instance: Can I use several looper instances at the same time? Can I process the Looper audio while using the Looper(s)? – Thanks

      You can certainly use multiple instances of a looper within an FX chain (or in separate FX chains) and then process the looped audio with other algorithms. 


      Is there something specific you are trying to achieve? There are many routing possibilities that you can accomplish with the H9k if you want to have multiple instances of loopers being processed by different FX chains etc. 



      Thanks so much for the answer. I had hoped that the H9k would provide these possibilities. I have ordered it, but it hasn’t arrived yet. 


      Of big interest for me is: what is the maximum capacity of the H9k?


      – 4 simultaneous/parallel stereo loops?


      – each of these 4 loops can be processed by how many effects?


      – what would be the maximum length of each of the stereo loops at 48khz?



      I think an answer to these questions would give me a good picture of what is possible. Thanks!

    • #156741
      John Baylies wrote:

      > Of big interest for me is: what is the maximum capacity of the H9k?

      The H9K’s maximum capacity is 16 algorithms. 4 algorithms for each of the 4 FX Chains.


      >4 simultaneous/parallel stereo loops?

      16 simultaneous stereo loops. 4 for each of the 4 FX Chains.


      – each of these 4 loops can be processed by how many effects?

      If you have one loop in each FX Chain, then each loop can be processed by 3 algorithms.

      – what would be the maximum length of each of the stereo loops at 48khz?

      The maximum loop length is 176s at 48kHz, or 88s at 96kHz.

      Keep in mind that it is not yet possible to natively route audio from one FX Chain to another. Currently, if you would like to route audio from one FX Chain to another, you must use the Dante expansion card, or an external audio interface. More info here: https://www.eventideaudio.com/community/forum/rackmount/emote-inter-connecting-fx-chains You could also plug a single ADAT cable into the H9K’s ADAT input and output, and use that.


      Hi and thanks a lot for your reply! And wow! I am impressed.

      It is not my intention to route audio from one FX chain to another.

      “The maximum loop length is 176s at 48kHz, or 88s at 96kHz.”  Does that apply to each of the loops running? Or is that the total time of all the loops running?

      And then I will have to look into the possibilities how to control these loops, that is how to start and stop them, fade them out etc.

      Best regards and thanks again!





    • #156877
      Eventide Staff
      Thierry Gauthier wrote:

      Hi! How the looper sync to tempo? Is it rock solid? I ask because sometime with MIDI Beat Clock, a sample loop can drift if its not retrig… Did H9000 use something to lock to protocol if I use the Pro tool expansion card? Thanks! 

      Hi Thierry,

      The looper algorithm (or any time based effect) can be synced to either the H9000’s internal tempo, an external MIDI clock, or your DAW using “Tempo Mode”. I’m not sure if this answers your MIDI Beat Clock drifting concern, but when using Tempo Mode with the looper algorithm it will be locked it to your DAW’s tempo. A Pro Tools expansion card isn’t necessary for this, the expansion card allows you to connect the H9000 to a Pro Tools HD interface via DigiLink. 

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