midiclock, lfo and modulation – oh my!

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    • #107272

        got a problem.  vst host (plogue bidule) sending out midiclock, which the 'tide is getting.  tempo indicator flashing in time.  multishift 2 will absolutely not modulate in correspondence to the system's tempo.  it's drifting all over the place and falling out of sync.  no matter where i set "retrig" is just drifts like a ***.  in fact, no matter where i set ANYTHING, it's still drifting. 

        any and all advice is greatly appreciated. 

        – jim

      • #120756

          nevermind.  appears that this was addressed in 4.01, which i'm now running.  i had previously updated the os but had to revert to 3.51 as the update did some weird *** to a lot of the programs i was using at the time. 

          – jim

        • #120757

            …and i spoke too soon.  back to square one with a t_rate with a mind of it's own.  sometimes it syncs, sometimes it plays back at 300 bpm, sometimes it just randomly modulates.  wtf?  does ANYBODY have any advice? i mean, right now this preset is completely useless.  it seems that syncing with system tempo would be a no brainer.  pardon my frustration, but this is just silly.

            – jim

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