Not Seeing All Algorithm Presets in an H9000 FX Chain

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    • #116123
      Ed Driscoll

      Hi Eventide,

      I just loaded up the 1520 Lead Strings FX Chain, and clicked on the Hall Algorithm in the chain. When I go to the Algorithm view in Emote, which shows the three algorithms included in the chain, Hall is showing “Carnegie Hall” as its preset. That’s the sixth of 17 presets included in the Hall algorithm. However, once I click on the Hall Algorithm itself, as it’s used in the 1520 Lead Strings FX Chain, only presets 7 through 17 are visible. If I click on another preset and tab up, it stops at number 7. Is there something I need to type or click on to get the first six presets visible as well? Please see screen shot attached. 



    • #155930
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Ed,

      I just reproduced this – it looks like a bug on our end. I've put a ticket into our system and we'll try to get to it as soon as we can.

      Thanks for reporting this,


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