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January 28, 2009 at 6:35 am #106040
I updated the OS of my H-8000FW to version 5.3 and everything worked correctly 🙂 Before, doing this however I have taken all my algorithms through VSig and saved them to my PC. These algorithms were also in the Flash Card that came with the H-8000FW and since I had no-other card, I had to delete them from it.
Now, when sending them back to the H-8000FW from within VSig I have noticed that the name of the patch in some cases is different from what I had originally named it. I *think* that it actually gets the name from the description of the file? For instance, one of these is based on a patch that Italo designed and it got the original name from the preset. :-s
So, I had to rename some of those and it took forever. Which leads me to thing that it would be a great thing to have something like a Patch Librarian for the H-8000FW? The ability to see, copy, move, rename and comment presets from such a librarian would be a BIG time saver. Plus, I know that such a Librarian is not difficult to make..
What do you guys think? Italo, Nick, is this possible?
Yannis -
January 28, 2009 at 9:36 am #118224
MemberHI Yannis
a card with presets stored to it can be used for OS updates, provided there's enough space to copy the update files on it. The presets are stored in a specific folder that shouldn't be touched. It only need to copy the update files to the card (no folders created for this!) and everything should work fine. You can then erase the update files….
The name of a preset is created in Vsigfile and should always show up as it is. Maybe the names weren't changed in Vsig?
Yes, a Patch Librarian would be a very useful and welcome utility……
January 31, 2009 at 4:22 am #118232
MemberYes Patch Librarian would be fantastic!!!
I have been using vSig a lot and I keep thinking even a patch search function would be handy…. I would use patch librarian every day 🙂 -
March 26, 2009 at 11:39 am #118424
ix studio
MemberYes, a Patch Librarian would be a very useful and welcome utility……
me to , its like the biggest oversight since time began not being able to remote edit banks of patches etc -on the h8000 , take a machine with 1000 s of patches and then provide no pc / mac librarian ? was that like a deliberate atttempt to annoy users or waste their time ? no offence but id dint understand your reply to this or how the raised eyes / face communicates how eventide feel ? annoyed that another user has stated the odvious ?
March 26, 2009 at 1:58 pm #129562
MemberMy reply was totally in favor of a patch librarian.
This emoticon
is used to express sadness for the lack of it. How difficult is to understand it?
March 28, 2009 at 5:29 am #129569
Doug Wellington
MemberFor myself, I have implemented a patch library in the new version of vSigX – it's basically a directory hierarchy of patches that has revision control so you can recall previous versions. At the moment, I have arranged things roughly like:
[other category]
[Other model...]
"Global" is where I store what set of patches is loaded into each device. (Since I have more than one Eventide, I wanted to be able to manage them all at the same time.) I have multiple configs stored under different project names. The thing I haven't really dealt with yet is different versions of the system software – should I make a completely different directory ("H8000-5.2", "H8000-5.3") or can I handle it in the database subdirectory? (I'll test it both ways myself, but if anyone has thought about this before, maybe you have a better way of handling it?)
Is it ok to fire up vSigX to get to this patch library or would it be better to have a standalone program? (Building a standalone program would also make it easier to build a linux version – does anyone care about that?)
March 28, 2009 at 5:10 pm #129575
ParticipantWhat programming language and framework would you use for a standalone app?
March 28, 2009 at 7:19 pm #129576
Doug Wellington
MemberNot to get too religious, but I suppose it would depend upon whether I was making an open source program or not. For open source, I would tend to lean towards Python, but for most of my development, I prefer Objective C. The work that I've already done has been in Objective C…
As for frameworks, were you talking about GUI building? For cross-platform GUI stuff, I've been using wxWidgets, but I'm thinking about trying FLTK. 'course, the guys I work with at the day job say I should just use QT…
In some of my wilder moments, I have actually considered creating a public web-based patch library with a locally-installed GUI/patch loader, using something like WebDAV. Honestly, the reason I haven't done that already is because I'm concerned about copyright. I would need to talk to a lawyer and write up some kind of license that users would agree to adhere to – some kind of Creative Commons thing…
March 29, 2009 at 12:23 am #129578
ParticipantYeah – just wondering if you did it standalone for both Mac and Linux what would preclude it from going to Windows too. I hadn't heard of FLTK – looks interesting. Qt worked well for me: http://www.creepingfog.com/mTroll/
March 29, 2009 at 3:38 am #129579
Doug Wellington
Member> Yeah – just wondering if you did it standalone
> for both Mac and Linux what would preclude
> it from going to Windows too.
Nothing precludes a Windows version. I just left it out since I haven't developed on the platform for years… (I *use* Windows at the day job every day – I just don't program it…)
> Qt worked well for me:
Cool, nice project. I've built a couple Monomes myself, and I have quite a few MIDIbox projects going…
March 29, 2009 at 9:59 am #129580
ParticipantHaven't heard about Objective C since the days of NeXTSTEP (what an amazing OS!). For myself, I just download the patches from within VSig and I make a notice a.) from which version I downloaded them. I don't know about separating 5.2 and 5.3 – but maybe you should it just to be on the safe side.
March 29, 2009 at 6:31 pm #129581
Doug Wellington
MemberObjective C and NeXtStep – available on any OS X computer near you! 🙂
I just modified my code to have different versions of the database available in my directory structure. Interesting how there is always a trickle-down effect to different parts of the code. To use a buzzword, I am now "refactoring"…
I'm starting to save money for another Harmonizer. I have an H8000 and a GTR4000 right now, but I want another 7000/8000/Orville series so that I can work with different firmware. In the meantime, I'll try to come up with a faster way to upgrade/downgrade my H8000…
March 30, 2009 at 10:06 am #129584
MemberHI Doug
good to hear from you!
Hard choice if integrate a librarian in vSigX or create a stand_alone version.
I would go for both!!!
The advantage of an integrated version is that the USB/COM port doesn't need to be disconnected from an app. to be used by the other, as it would happen w/2 separate applications. On the other hand a stand_alone version not only can be useful for different platforms, but could also be evolved to a higher level.
Here's something I have been dreaming of for 15 years (
)… imagine a librarian where one could be able to create a bank, import presets into it, in any given order..then transfer the command to the Eventide which will "assemble" the bank accordingly. How about that?
With so many presets to choose from, the ability to work "offline" then send a "single command to get it done" would be awesome.
March 30, 2009 at 1:09 pm #129586
imagine a librarian where one could be able to create a bank, import presets into it, in any given order..then transfer the command to the Eventide which will "assemble" the bank accordingly. How about that?
With so many presets to choose from, the ability to? work "offline" then send a "single command to get it done" would be awesome.
Sounds awesome! Who do we need to pester to make it happen?
March 30, 2009 at 4:44 pm #129587
Doug Wellington
good to hear from you!
thanks, it's good to be back…!
Quote:Here's something I have been dreaming of for 15 years ()… imagine a librarian where one could be able to create a bank, import presets into it, in any given order..then transfer the command to the Eventide which will "assemble" the bank accordingly. How about that?
Wowsers! That is such an obvious one that I had always assumed that it already existed! OK, I know what I'm going to do now…
January 17, 2010 at 4:35 pm #130947
February 10, 2010 at 9:46 pm #131172
February 10, 2010 at 11:36 pm #131174
Doug Wellington
MemberUpdate: don't know what I've posted where about what's been going on, but it has been a crazy year for me. I had some health issues last year, plus I donated bone marrow twice for a leukemia patient that I matched. My 18 year old daughter has been acting out, and finally moved into her own apartment a couple weeks ago, so my house is finally calm. The day job has kept me busy too – I've been on several business trips in the last few months, so I haven't had time to work on discretionary programming. Some day, I swear I'm gonna quit the grind and just work on music-related software! In the meantime, I'm finishing up the MB-808 kits as fast as I can, and then I'll be able to get back to vSigX and the librarian functions…
February 11, 2010 at 9:49 pm #131178
ParticipantHi Doug,
I am sorry my bump has arrived as an unnecessary wake up call in a difficult moment, during which things like these are not the priority for sure.
I hope your life and personal time will be better soon. My daughter is only three years old, so I am far from facing the kind of things you are with yours… but I think I can remember how it was when I was 18… so, good luck !
As you have noticed the project you have been showing your interest is a very important one for users who need a serious management of banks and algorithms. By my side I really have no idea how time consuming it will be to develop it but I just want to say you thank you for whenever you will have the chance to put your hands on it.
Take care,
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