PitchFactor Upgrade to Eclipse

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    • #108010

        I have the PitchFactor and am looking to upgrade my harmonic voices.  I would love to be able to get more than the five voices I can presently get on the PitchFactor's Quadravox algothrim.

        How do I get 8 voices on the Eclipse? 

        Also, can all the algorthims on the PitchFactor be performed on the Eclipse?  I see in the brochures that the TimeFactor and ModFactor algothrims have been added to it but no mention of any PitchFactor algothrims.

        Thanks in advance


      • #122438
        Eventide Staff


          How do I get 8 voices on the Eclipse? 

          You would create a preset using 2 4-voice shifters.


          can all the algorthims on the PitchFactor be performed on the Eclipse? 

          The Eclipse does not currently include the PitchFactor algorithms. It does include a wide range of pitch effects, they're just .. different.

        • #122439

            Thanks Nick,

            In doing my research on my wish list, the Eclipse is high on the list.  I think it would go well with the Factor Pedals I have as I could run some algorithims on the Eclipse and others on the factor pedals at the same time.  I believe I read on another post that the algorithims on the factor pedals are so big that it is difficult to run two factor algorthims at the same time on the Eclipse 

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