Possible H9000 SP2016 bug?

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    • #169437

      In The 2016 reverb algo and maybe others, changing the position value to 100% or close to it results in what sounds like ghost hits. You hear the original hit, then a delayed hit. I dont think this is intended for a reverb algo.


      My testing with a snare sample on the 2016 algorithm emote mix 100%, IO at unity EQ at 0 all pre delay at 1ms

      Vintage stereo room decay 2.6s, pos 0 dif 0. THIS sounds like a good verb. Decay at .4 position at 100%, this results in audible double hits.

      Vintage room same

      Vintage plate sounded like flams no matter what I did. This is entirely unusable. Unless maybe I want to create flams.

      Modern stereo room and modern room like my first results, same.

      Modern plate was weird. Position on 0, no doubling audible. at 50 widely doubled, very audible but at 100 it was just all verb.


      Can someone else confirm these results?


      With my mix at 100 in eventide, why do I hear the original hit and the verb as well? This isnt an IO or routing problem here, I really think its this algo and a few others.



    • #169438

      I’ll have a look at this when I get a chance. I’ve found similar weirdness in an algorithm that I’m developing and am wondering if there is bug with one of the DSP blocks.

    • #169439

      I’ll have a look at this when I get a chance. I’ve found similar weirdness in an algorithm that I’m developing and am wondering if there is bug with one of the DSP blocks.


      Thanks for taking a look.

    • #169453
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, it’s not quite clear what the issue you are having is.

      Are you saying that with the SP2016 Reverb mix at 100% you are still hearing the dry signal? I cannot reproduce this, the mix parameter is working correctly for me. Can you please make sure that the FX Chain and Algorithm mix are both at 100%? With a mix at 100% if you turn up the pre-delay to a high value like 100ms, you should hear a noticeable delay before any audio is passed.

      How is your audio being routed to the FX Chain? Are you sure the dry signal isn’t being monitored somewhere else?

      Do you have the SP2016 plug-in to compare? I just did a quick A/B with a snare hit and the settings I was comparing sounded the same to me. You can download a free 30-day trial if you are interested in comparing the two.

      Also note that the position and diffusion parameters are not active when the Vintage Plate algorithm is selected. This is intentional since the original Plate algorithm didn’t have these parameters.

      It’d be useful if you could provide audio samples of the issues you are describing.


    • #169454

      I’ll provide samples but to simplify the issue, moving the position knob off of zero results in audible flam like hits, getting worse as you go from zero to 100. I was speculating maybe this is due to not compensating for RTL, but then this would occur no matter where that knob was.

    • #169455

      Audio gets routed out of my daw either ADAT or analog to the 9000, back in the same way. This occurs both using pipeline and direct IO track routing. There is no other direct monitoring happening. I have other outboard (although no other digital outboard) and do not experience any kind of doubling like this. With all tracks on mute, I hear nothing. This also occurs with pipeline either directly on a track or used as an fx send, with the issue becoming more apparent as send level increases obviously.
      I’ll work on audio examples as well as detailed routing. I’m on PC and have 3 Apollo X8 interfaces. All my eventide is going thru one x8 taking all its analog and digital IO.

    • #169456
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for the info.

      You may want to do a quick trial of the plug-in before anything else. This would give you a better idea of how the position knob is supposed to sound without recording any examples etc. The Position parameter is changing the mix between the early and late reflections, so you may be interpreting this as the flams you describe.


    • #169462

      That was a good idea. I have the plugin. In direct comparison this just seems to be what the 2016 is. Call off the hounds. Levels in position are just unusable in certain applications like on a snare without resulting in a flam like sound. The plugin and the 9000 produce exactly the same result.

      • #169464
        Eventide Staff

        Great, thanks for testing that! Yes, a high position value may not be the best application for a snare drum’s reverb, but it can produce some fantastic results for moving sources back in the mix. Give it a try on guitars or elements that you want in the background of your mix.

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