problem updating

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    • #106067

      i updated to 3.51 via serial . The update said it completed. I power cycled the machine and it powered up and intialized fine . I said ok . and then it goes to program 100 mute. I press the program button and it says "press any key to continue" and the unit freezes. and it stays frozen.

      I have re upgraded a couple times now to no avail.

      please help.

    • #118284

      ok …. I fixed it by power cycling and holding down 8 .

    • #118290

       At the end of a system update, after rebooting, Eclipse prompts for a CLEAR SETUP. This should be executed to bring the settings to factory defaults and  help the new system to settle in. This doesn't erase users presets. You have completely reinitialized (booting + 8) your unit, erasing your stored presets, in case you had any.



    • #118294

      As i said in my previous post I did click "ok" to clear setup. It was after doing so and trying to change the 100 Mute program to any other program, that my eclipse froze everytime. The only way I could remedy and move forward was by doing the "Boot + 8 reinitialize"; which was successful.

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