Question about MIDI control

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    • #105248

      Hello !

      First of all, thanks for this new forum, it should be easier to communicate about Eventide product. I'd like to ask a question about MIDI control for the Eclipse. I use 2 switches on my pedalboard to control the Eclipse. The first one increments the program change each time is use the switch (control number : 16), and the second one decrements it (control number : 17). Each switch of the pedalborad (an All Access) is in "hold" position, which means that the switch is only active when I press it. My problem is : I'd like to use faster incrementation/decrementation when I continuously hold the switch inc or dec. Actually when I hold it, it only changes 1 time of program. Is there a specific control number for this ?? Could you please tell me more about it ?? Thanks for all !

      Julien, France

    • #116753


      you can't do what you are asking for with a MIDI pedalboard.

      I suggest you do not use progr. up/down functions and start creating your own MIDI Maps so that you can load any preset you need to use much faster.


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