Spare parts for 7000

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    • #107459

      Just recently purchased a used DSP7000, and I am need of a few spare parts that are no longer available through Eventide.

      If anyone here knows of a local retail outlet that might carry parts, let me know. Would be greatly appreciated.


    • #121161

      What kind of parts do you need?  If you're talking about standard electronics parts, you can probably get them at Mouser, Digikey, or other suppliers…

    • #121165

      Hey Doug,

      Im looking for the following parts:

      (1) Overlay plate for the DSP7000 (I can get the metalwork from Eventide, but they don't have the overlay anymore. My unit came with a pretty bent up left side rack corner. So I need both the metalwork and the overlay

      (1) Optional Ethernet Remote Card for Eve/NET. Per the Eve/NET manual, there are two variations of the 7000 motherboard, one with the Ethernet port built-in and one without. The one's without required an optional add-on card for the Ethernet port.

      Otherwise the unit is in perfect working condition. So this really just a search to get the unit back to factory cosmetic shape as well as the ability for me to use an Eve/NET with it.


    • #132327

      I don't know where you can get the optional card.  Do you have an Eve/NET already?

      As for the front panel, do you want to have your Harmonizer completely original or would you mind something custom?  There are several of us who specialize in synth repairs and upgrades.  I'm booked with software and pcb development for at least the next six months, but if you haven't found anything by then, I can paint and silkscreen the front panel of your 7000 however you want.  There's a really good guy over in the UK that you should check out too:

      Custom Synth

    • #132328

      I've also tried to get the Eve/Net expansion, but Eventide told me it was not possible to obtain (as this card was not ever produced?).
      best regards

    • #132332
      Eventide Staff

      This card was produced, but was discontinued some years ago, as was the 7000.

      The nearest current product, the H7600 has the Eve/Net interface as standard. Note also that Eve/Net is NOT Ethernet-based, and uses proprietary hardware.

    • #132333

      my bad, didn't mean to imply it was using Ethernet. I just have been more specific in saying RJ-45 port 🙂

      looks like my only luck might have to be finding a 7000 with the card already installed or just wait till I'm ready to upgrade to an Orville or 7600…

    • #132335

      wow, that site is great Doug! thanks for sharing the info. I will definitely be contacting these guys as I actually have another project I'd like them to work on for my Arturia Origin Synth.

      My only concern with the Eventide is that the overlay is one single piece, which includes the protective cover on the LCD display. The entire overlay appears to be made of some thick plastic type material, where it becomes completely translucent only in the area where the LCD display is.It is then attached to the front metal plate with some adhesive.

      This all could have been alot easier if Eventide would just sell me a 7500 or Orville replacement overlay. It's not like im looking to trick or fool anyone by selling this unit as something it's not. I just want it to look good (new) again in my studio.

      I'll contact those guys in the UK and see what they can do. If not, I'll definitely get with you on doing an original or custom overlay. Would actually be cool to do a completely different color scheme look for the 7000.


    • #132337
      Eventide Staff


      my bad

      Sorry – I wasn't trying to be critical – it's just that you can cause damage by connecting Ethernet to Eve/Net (due to the console power supply voltage) so we are very sensitive to any suggestion that they are the same ….

    • #132338

      no worries man, I didn't take it that way at all. I completely understand the need to keep that kind of info clear in the wild 🙂

    • #132339

      oh, btw…I don't have an Eve/NET controller yet. But am ready to buy a new one immediately if I can get the darn card. Gut feeling tells me it's gonna be impossible to find one.

      Only slight chance I could think of is the off chance of coming across a unit damaged beyond repair, but where the option card still survived whatever the damage was. And the chance of that on such a high-end piece of gear is going to be slim to none.

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