Thrilled with the H9000 public beta thus far

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    • #173112

      Can we expect an official release soon, and if so can we expect more awesomeness???

    • #173151

      ^I’ve still been holding out for the ‘Official’ release!!! Wondering if around the corner.

      • #173185

        ^I’ve still been holding out for the ‘Official’ release!!! Wondering if around the corner.


        The beta is perfectly stable.

    • #173186

      I think there’s still a bit of work to do with it, though mainly on the VSIG side. Emote and the end user stuff is much improved, and there are some new goodies coming in the backend, and some things that are still getting fixed to make it better for algorithm development.  I’m happy to live with the Beta, while Eventide work on development.

    • #173188

      Another happy beta user here. I would love it if at least some parts of the new algorithms were to find their way into Vsig objects so that e.g. I could build the long tape delay emulation of my dreams. That aside, I have no complaints with the beta and I’ve noticed that eMote seems to be more stable. The fussiness with sample rates and the USB connection seems to have gone away, which is a very welcome improvement. Overall things just feel a little tighter and the new effects sound great.

      Big thanks to everyone who is working on these updates!


    • #173191

      Emote and the end user stuff is much improved, and there are some new goodies coming in the backend, and some things that are still getting fixed to make it better for algorithm development.

      Sounds good! Do you have any more info about the goodies? Any idea if running of 2 algorithms per core is currently being worked on? And routing between different DSPs perhaps?

    • #173205
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks for the positive feedback everyone!

      H9000 firmware 2.1.14 and Emote 2.1.2 are now productions releases:

      I cannot comment on a timeline or features for the next update, but there are many great things in the pipeline!

      Feel free to let us know what you’d like to see in future releases and we’ll do our best to fit these features in.


      • #173212

        Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! H9000 firmware 2.1.14 and Emote 2.1.2 are now productions releases: I cannot comment on a timeline or features for the next update, but there are many great things in the pipeline! Feel free to let us know what you’d like to see in future releases and we’ll do our best to fit these features in.


        Installed without a hitch, thank you!

        I couldn’t imagine any algo that doesn’t already exist.

        My minor asks are:

        Please release at least betas for any other H series developed algos in fair time.

        Still on my dream list is a mic pre-expansion card. That would be awesome.

        Reading upthread, if there is a way to double the algo count at 48k, by all means, do this.

        Quicker way to group connections, either quad/stereo/octo or otherwise. One by One gets tedious sometimes. Maybe at least a mirror input to output? So when I make an ADAT 1 input connection it auto makes an ADAT 1 output connection too? Would cut time in half for straight forward routing schemes.

        DAW mode of a fixed max latency number.

        Being able to favorite algos would be handy.

        Organizing them in the list in emote like it is in the algorithm library would REALLY be handy. I had to print it and laminate it so it’s handy at my desk. I’d like to see the numbers correspond to their groups.

    • #173207

      Sounds good! Do you have any more info about the goodies? Any idea if running of 2 algorithms per core is currently being worked on? And routing between different DSPs perhaps?

      You can already run 4 algorithms on each CPU, and you can use VSIG to multi-purpose any of those algorithms up to the CPU processing limit.


      No ability to send between chains yet though, but an internal send and receive block between CPU’S would be amazing.

      I’d love to see super blocks make a return.

    • #173208

      You can already run 4 algorithms on each CPU

      Yes I know, but there were talks about being able to run 2 algorithms per CORE (= 8 per CPU) in 44.1/48kHz mode, and that it’s totally possible with the current hardware. And also about the internal, level adjustable sends between CPUs.

      What are super blocks? Sounds cool. 😀

    • #173407

      Complete implementation of 96kHz option would be appreciated. I’m starting to give up hope, though.

      • #173408
        Eventide Staff

        We understand and this is a top priority for us. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    • #173411

      Thank you much.

      ‘Top priority’ almost seems like beans are being spilled 😉


    • #176064

      I definitely support the ability to combine FX chains in series or parallel. I have achieved that by using a Sound Sculpture Switchblade GL, which also has a nice GUI to combine the FX chains. Essentially, each FX chain is a stereo widget in the GL and fully MIDI controllable. Unfortunately, the GL is working with instrument level at -10dBV and not +4dBU line level. I have used the line/instrument settings on the H9K but without getting into details, it’s a bit limiting, although it’s the GL fault and not the H9K. In fact I am now selling my GL to upgrade it to a brand new Switchblade ET which works at line level. But my point is that if all this was doable in the 9K, then I could hopefully avoid the SB altogether. Although for a guitar player, a switchblade is pretty addictive…

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