Visual example of how to setup DSP4000 for recording & live use?

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    • #105318

      Just wondering if anyone can post a pic of how to use the DSP4000 with an old Mbox (v1) with digital or analog connections. Whats the safest way to hook up the DSP4000 to a marshall head and or use it in a live scenario (mostly recording). Any help would be appreciated. I've had this unit for like a year now and haven't hooked it up. Thanks.:)

    • #116896

       I've had this unit for like a year now and haven't hooked it up.


      check our technotes here:

    • #116898

      I've read the tech note but it just tells me how to hook up a footswitch, I need to know the following (specifically)… Only cause I can't solder to save my life, hehe.

      1. Do I have to make my own insert cables or is there a model of a brand of cable that I can buy off the shelf so to speak?

      2. For connecting the unit to a marshall head is there a model in a brand of cable I can buy off the shelf that will do the trick?

      Having a tough time figuring this out. Sorry to be a pain in the ass.:)

    • #127926

       Hi Anton

      what kind of cables do you exactly need?

      I don't have specific advice on brands for ready_cables as I make my own ones.

      Maybe you can refer to a technician and have him solder the cable for you.


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