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  • #180776

    In reply to: H90 Software Latest

    Eventide Staff

    H90 Release 1.8.5

    Introducing 2 new algorithms — Aggravate & Sticky Tape

    Aggravate is an octave fuzz inspired by famous classic analog octave fuzzes from the 70’s. This algorithm will satisfy all your fuzz needs with its versatile controls, rich feature set and most importantly, its chewy tone that makes playing through it addicting!

    Sticky Tape is a new tape algorithm based on the same emulation technology as Head Space. It opens up a world of tape tone possibilities – all the character, grit, and modulation, without the complexity of a real tape machine.

    Aggravate Features

    • Screaming fuzz tone with 3 voices – Thick: off, Thick: On and Thick: MoreOn which adds a rich low end to your signal
    • Octave is based on an ‘absolute value’ style octave meaning that it sounds much more organic than a pitch shifted octave up
    • Envelope follower to achieve some dirty Queens-like tone. The filter can go from positive to negative envelopes and has 2 shapes, linear and exponential
    • Pump controls allow you to duck your signal on rhythm via a rate or tempo knob OR you can manually pump your signal by assigning Pump to a performance switch or an external controller
    • Tone and mid controls for the fuzz
    • Bias control to make the fuzz more ‘spitty’, reminiscent of a dying battery on a classic fuzz pedal

    Sticky Tape Features

    • One-knob compressor based on the compression section of DBX companders found in many tape machines
    • Two tape machines with an adjustable offset to get a wide range of doubling or slap back echo effects
    • 4 different tape speeds for a variety of tone and character
    • Wow and Flutter controls which can be used to create lo-fi detuning, subtle flanging, gooey chorus, or the extreme sounds of a machine that’s in desperate need of a tune-up
    • Flange performance parameters to get that classic, dramatic, studio style tape flange
    • Separate tunings of the algorithm for Bass and Guitar depending on the Instrument Type for best possible tone no matter the instrument

    In addition, this release contains new software features and improvements:

    Force Mono

    • Override jack-detection and output mono even when wired for stereo
    • Useful for patchbay setups or switching between mono & stereo rigs
    • Preserves stereo information as long as possible through H90 effects and inserts for all routing configurations
    • Found under System > I/O > Output Mode

    Search by Favorites

    • ‘Favorites’ is now available as a filtering option in Programs and Presets modes
    • Use H90 Control to mark your Favorites, and then search by Favorites on the pedal

    Other Improvements

    • Fixed an issue where meter LEDs had inconsistent brightness
    • Improve timing of internal MIDI bpm clock (for Looper in tempo sync)
    • Fixed a benign warning in H90 Control about missing Programs
    • Head Space tape noise reduced at lower settings
    • Allow Vintage Delay & Tape Echo algorithms to load without warping effect
    • Fixes issue with preset B when restoring from a backup

    Filtering down the list of preset favorites on the H90 device’s user interface

    I’m the lucky owner of an H90 (Firmware v1.7.1) and after spending hours in tagging my favorites in the huge preset list with the H90 Control app (Mac), I found out that it seems that there’s no way on the device’s interface itself to filter down the list of presets by the favorites I tagged. Am I right here?

    If yes, I’ve got a feature request for exactly that: in the “Presets” screen right there in the first selection option where you’re able to select “User” & “Factory” content, there should be another option named “Favorites” that filters down the list of presets to these only. Is this possibly on your roadmap for the next firmware & H90 Control app version?


    Here’s a little info on Favorites:


    Trying to follow your discovery process … there are a few feature requests in there that I’ve seen logged here before.  It seems like you have a handle on the Lists, copy/paste, and drag ‘n’ drop.

    Did you catch the Preset A & B Swap feature (H90 Control or hardware)?  Also, the 3 vertical dots for each Preset in Edit?  Might help with the singular H9 preset management.


    …here is some h90 guidance from Joe Cozzi (Eventide Staff)


    Whenever you create a new user program, you can save it directly to your Playlist as well as any other User list on the Pedal. As already explained, on H90 Control, there is a tab called Programs up top, in the middle. On that window, there’s a “List” tab next to “favorites” that allows you to just see all factory and User lists; it’s best to select the User List you created for your Programs. Then what you can do is have the Playlist on the left window and this user list on the Program window. You are able to drag and drop Programs from the user list to the Playlist.

    Say, for example, you want to start from scratch. Select User 2 as your Playlist, which is filled with “INIT” Programs. Then, click Programs and select User 1 (or your custom list) from the drop down menu next to “favorites.” Now, you can drag an drop Programs to any order on the initialized playlist very easily. Just keep in mind the Programs are organized alphanumerically.”

    So you can drag&drop but you have to be in the Program tab, not the Edit tab.
    But in order to “Save to Library” you have to be in the Edit tab not in the Program tab.

    As to how to tag a preset/Program as a Favorite, I’m still baffled…



    Eventide Staff

    a.  Drag and drop to reorder in a playlist.  Right now if you drag a program onto another one, it overwrites the other program.  If this isn’t currently possible, perhaps there could be shift-drag or ctrl drag for “insert between” or “switch slots with.”  I almost never want to overwrite a program with another when editing a list.

    It’s a great suggestion. Presently, there isn’t the ability to swap presets in this manner. We can only copy a Program, paste it somewhere else as a placeholder, overwrite the new position, and re-paste the placeholder. The better way on H90 Control is clicking Programs up top and choosing the same User List as your Playlist. Then, you can drag and drop into place at will.

    b.  Create a part of custom “INIT” presest that I can begin from each time depending on what instrument I use (different output levels).

    If you right click (or Control click) a Program, you have the option to “Delete/Initialize” to start from scratch, where no algorithms are populated in the Program. Another option, you can change the Playlist to User 2 thru User 4 to have a complete list of INIT Programs.

    c.  OR at least change default settings–I pretty much always hot knobs on 0 to start, not 100, and I always want spillover on time-based effects.

    Spillover is on by default and set to 10 seconds. Very few factory Programs start with any hotknob or expression positions not at zero. Nonetheless, these settings are easily customizable in the Parameters edit menu.

    d.  Have a master list of user programs, the way you can quickly get a list of user presets.  Right now all I can see is manually copy-pasting into a self-made master list.

    Whenever you create a new user program, you can save it directly to your Playlist as well as any other User list on the Pedal. As already explained, on H90 Control, there is a tab called Programs up top, in the middle. On that window, there’s a “List” tab next to “favorites” that allows you to just see all factory and User lists; it’s best to select the User List you created for your Programs. Then what you can do is have the Playlist on the left window and this user list on the Program window. You are able to drag and drop Programs from the user list to the Playlist.

    Say, for example, you want to start from scratch. Select User 2 as your Playlist, which is filled with “INIT” Programs. Then, click Programs and select User 1 (or your custom list) from the drop down menu next to “favorites.” Now, you can drag an drop Programs to any order on the initialized playlist very easily. Just keep in mind the Programs are organized alphanumerically.

    2.  I’m trying to find a way to keep a frozen sound sustaining across 3 programs.  Let’s say I set up a drone on a delay algorithm set to “freeze” in slot A in Program 1  I know if I switch programs once, it’ll keep going in Program 2.  Let’s say the Program 2 has exactly the same delay preset in slot A.  If I go to a 3rd program, with the same exact preset in slot A with the same settings, will it still cut off the drone, or is there a way to keep it going?

    No, this is not possible. You would have to reset the freeze after every program change. The spillover feature will continue the drone for as long as you’ve set the spillover time but eventually it will ring out. Also, if you change Programs in too quick succession while the spillover is trailing out, it will cut the spillover of Program 1 if you’re already jumping from Program 2 to 3 and 1 has not stopped trailing out.

    What is possible is instead of changing Programs you manually change Presets in slot B while A is frozen.


    In reply to: H90 questions


    im very interested to hear more from your view, especially on how H90 would be an improvement over multiple H9. I bought into your previous thread of running multiple H9 (3 xH9 max out) and is struggling if I should go with the H90

    I’m going to try to be objective here; I’m not a salesperson.  You can do many of the same processes with 3 h9s that you can do with an H90.  For me, that involved a lot of cabling, mixing, MIDI planning.  That’s an integrated process in the H90; kind of a gestalt whole over configuration.  Program hierarchy over “H9” A & B, but that doesn’t do it justice.

    Quick examples:  You can swap the algorithm stacking order in two H9s; changing presets, sometimes re-cabling.  Press a Quick Knob in the H90 to swap presets or routing.  You have 3 separate HotKnobs in the H9s.  They’re all adjacent in the H90 (plus more).    Lots of quality-of-life enhancements over separate boxes.

    Nothing wrong with how the H9s sound (primary requirement).  So much more headroom & processing power in the H90.  I’ve read the specs, played the units side-by-side, … the H90 does sound subjectively ‘better, cleaner, clearer’.  That’s the primary concern for me.  Also on the H90 plus side, the original H9 algorithms sound ‘better’.  There are parameter adds on many, more control over them, and the algorithm tweaks & advanced processing are very audible.

    I have to mention that the new H90-exclusive algorithms are very good; among my favorites.  Now, is that because they’re new (to me), or are they that groundbreaking?  Again, trying to be objective, somewhere in between.   They’re currently my favorite part of the H90 release, and yet much of the time I’m combining enhanced H9 algos in newer ways.  Embarrassment of riches.

    It’s a chunk purchase.  I always research the death out of any major outlay before committing.  “Can I do this with what I already have?”  But if it tells you anything, I’m contemplating a 2nd H90 purchase, while rotating out a couple H9s.  Too soon to tell if that would be the best route for me to take.

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